Incidence and mortality rates of keratinocyte carcinoma from 1998–2017: a population-based study of sex differences in Ontario, Canada
Evan Tang, Kinwah Fung and An-Wen Chan
CMAJ October 04, 2021 193 (39) E1516-E1524; DOI:
Optimizing care for critically ill older adults
Olivia Geen, Bram Rochwerg and Xuyi Mimi Wang
CMAJ October 04, 2021 193 (39) E1525-E1533; DOI:
Five things to know about …: Hyperferritinemia
Alexander Kumachev and David W. Frost
CMAJ October 04, 2021 193 (39) E1534; DOI:
Clinical Images: Axillary and inguinal erythrasma
Irene López Riquelme and Elisabeth Gómez Moyano
CMAJ October 04, 2021 193 (39) E1535; DOI:
Clinical Images: Metastatic zosteriform cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
Gabriel Crevier-Sorbo, Aura Cernii and Andrei Cepoi
CMAJ October 04, 2021 193 (39) E1536; DOI:
Utilisation et incidence des agents biologiques à base d'anticorps monoclonaux durant la grossesse
Anne Pham-Huy, Karina A. Top, Cora Constantinescu, Cynthia H. Seow and Darine El-Chaâr
CMAJ October 04, 2021 193 (39) E1537-E1544; DOI:
Carence en fer et anémie ferriprive durant la grossesse
A. Kinga Malinowski and Ally Murji
CMAJ October 04, 2021 193 (39) E1545-E1546; DOI:
Lymphadénopathie associée à la maladie des griffes du chat
Guifeng Chen, Zhongjie Li and Guodong Ding
CMAJ October 04, 2021 193 (39) E1547-E1548; DOI:
Thyroïdite subaiguë de De Quervain
George Mundy-Baird, Angelos Kyriacou and Akheel A. Syed
CMAJ October 04, 2021 193 (39) E1549-E1550; DOI: