Health Services: Active screening for tuberculosis in high-incidence Inuit communities in Canada: a cost-effectiveness analysis
Aashna Uppal, Ntwali Placide Nsengiyumva, Céline Signor, Frantz Jean-Louis, Marie Rochette, Hilda Snowball, Sandra Etok, David Annanack, Julie Ikey, Faiz Ahmad Khan and Kevin Schwartzman
CMAJ November 01, 2021 193 (43) E1652-E1659; DOI:
Cases: Artifactual hypoglycemia in a patient with sickle cell anemia
Linda R. Wang, Justin Morein, Christopher McCudden and Alexander Sorisky
CMAJ November 01, 2021 193 (43) E1660-E1662; DOI:
Five things to know about …: Ketamine for the treatment of acute pain
William K. Silverstein, David N. Juurlink and Jonathan S. Zipursky
CMAJ November 01, 2021 193 (43) E1663; DOI:
Clinical Images: Peritoneal tuberculosis
Imhokhai Ogah, Fiona Milne and Boris Zevin
CMAJ November 01, 2021 193 (43) E1664; DOI:
Medicine and society: Indigenous Peoples, tuberculosis research and changing ideas about race in the 1930s
Christian McMillen
CMAJ November 01, 2021 193 (43) E1666-E1668; DOI:
Will Canada have a rebound flu season this year?
Diana Duong
CMAJ November 01, 2021 193 (43) E1669-E1670; DOI:
Policy in focus: appeals for climate action, PHAC president steps down, FDA approves first e-cigarette
Greg Basky
CMAJ November 01, 2021 193 (43) E1671-E1672; DOI:
Advantages of the Socratic method for medical teaching
Paul R. Atkison
CMAJ November 01, 2021 193 (43) E1665; DOI:
Les patients canadiens devraient-ils fonder leurs espoirs sur l'aducanumab pour la maladie d'Alzheimer?
Jennifer A. Watt, Roger Marple, Brenda Hemmelgarn and Sharon E. Straus
CMAJ November 01, 2021 193 (43) E1680-E1682; DOI:
Syndrome de fuite capillaire systémique après l'administration du vaccin ChAdOx1 nCOV-19 (Oxford–AstraZeneca)
Julie Robichaud, Catherine Côté and Fanny Côté
CMAJ November 01, 2021 193 (43) E1673-E1677; DOI:
Prise en charge conservatrice d'un hydropneumothorax chez une enfant de 4 ans atteinte de pneumonie
Carsten Krueger, Theo J. Moraes and Stacey Bernstein
CMAJ November 01, 2021 193 (43) E1678-E1679; DOI: