Health Services: Changes in ischemic stroke presentations, management and outcomes during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta: a population study
Aravind Ganesh, Jillian M. Stang, Finlay A. McAlister, Oleksandr Shlakhter, Jessalyn K. Holodinsky, Balraj Mann, Michael D. Hill and Eric E. Smith
CMAJ March 28, 2022 194 (12) E444-E455; DOI:
Cases: A false-positive troponin assay leading to the misdiagnosis of myopericarditis
Marianne Laguë, Pierre Yves Turgeon, Sébastien Thériault and Christian Steinberg
CMAJ March 28, 2022 194 (12) E456-E459; DOI:
Five things to know about …: Pressurized metered-dose inhalers and their impact on climate change
Lee Fidler, Samantha Green and Kimberly Wintemute
CMAJ March 28, 2022 194 (12) E460; DOI:
Clinical Images: Sepsis: Ecthyma gangrenosum, a cutaneous manifestation of systemic infection
Joel R. Burnett, Janel DeSalvo and Stephanie Halvorson
CMAJ March 28, 2022 194 (12) E461; DOI:
Encounters: Vulnerable Populations: COVID-19 on the riverbank
Andrew Lodge
CMAJ March 28, 2022 194 (12) E462-E463; DOI:
Usage récent de cannabis et infarctus du myocarde chez de jeunes adultes: étude transversale
Karim S. Ladha, Nikhil Mistry, Duminda N. Wijeysundera, Hance Clarke, Subodh Verma, Gregory M.T. Hare and C. David Mazer
CMAJ March 28, 2022 194 (12) E464-E472; DOI:
Lien possible entre rhabdomyolyse et vaccin anti-SRAS-CoV-2 à ARNm chez une patiente porteuse d'une mutation du gène RYR1
Brittany Salter, Matthew Jessome, Mark Tarnopolsky and Haroon Yousuf
CMAJ March 28, 2022 194 (12) E473-E478; DOI:
Peter J. Gill, Neil Chanchlani and Sanjay Mahant
CMAJ March 28, 2022 194 (12) E479-E480; DOI:
Leishmaniose cutanée observée chez une jeune fille de 12 ans récemment immigrée de Syrie
Mohammad Alghounaim, Jeffrey Chivinski and Sapha Barkati
CMAJ March 28, 2022 194 (12) E481-E482; DOI:
Carpe diem
Sharon McCutcheon
CMAJ March 28, 2022 194 (12) E483-E484; DOI: