Severity of COVID-19 among solid organ transplant recipients in Canada, 2020–2021: a prospective, multicentre cohort study
Victoria G. Hall, Javier T. Solera, Ghadeer Al-Alahmadi, Tina Marinelli, Heloise Cardinal, Charles Poirier, Geneviève Huard, G.V. Ramesh Prasad, Sacha A. De Serres, Debra Isaac, Rahul Mainra, Caroline Lamarche, Ruth Sapir-Pichhadze, Susan Gilmour, Atul Humar and Deepali Kumar
CMAJ August 29, 2022 194 (33) E1155-E1163; DOI:
360 Cases: Vishma's story: a mystery solved
Vishma Sookdeo, Edward Etchells and Heather N. Reich
CMAJ August 29, 2022 194 (33) E1133-E1134; DOI:
Five things to know about …: International normalized ratio and activated partial thromboplastin time testing
Nicholas L. J. Chornenki, Michael Fralick and Michelle Sholzberg
CMAJ August 29, 2022 194 (33) E1135; DOI:
Clinical Images: Nickel allergic contact dermatitis
Mingang Zhu, Angela Vinturache and Guodong Ding
CMAJ August 29, 2022 194 (33) E1136; DOI:
In their own words: "I thought everybody bled like that": a patient's experience with von Willebrand disease
Andreas Laupacis
CMAJ August 29, 2022 194 (33) E1137; DOI:
Patient Portraits: Health Services: Marianne
Seema Marwaha
CMAJ August 29, 2022 194 (33) E1140; DOI:
Why are emergency departments closing?
Diana Duong
CMAJ August 29, 2022 194 (33) E1138-E1139; DOI:
Santé mentale: Poser des questions, mais sans dépistage formel : reconnaître la dépression périnatale en soins primaires
Kirsten Patrick
CMAJ August 29, 2022 194 (33) E1153-E1154; DOI:
Faciliter l'accès aux données administratives sur la vaccination anti-SRAS-CoV-2 aux fins de la recherche
Andrew D. McRae, Patrick Archambault, Patrick Fok, Hana Wiemer, Laurie J. Morrison, Matthew Herder and pour les investigateurs du Réseau canadien d'intervention rapide dans les services d'urgence pour la COVID-19
CMAJ August 29, 2022 194 (33) E1147-E1152; DOI:
Tularémie pharyngée acquise en milieu urbain au Canada
Fiona Vickers, Andrew Walkty and Yoav Keynan
CMAJ August 29, 2022 194 (33) E1141-E1144; DOI:
Ulcère cutané chronique lié à l'injection de drogues
Matthew W. McEwen and Allison Jones
CMAJ August 29, 2022 194 (33) E1145-E1146; DOI: