Vulnerable Populations: Clinical outcomes and health care costs among people entering a safer opioid supply program in Ontario
Tara Gomes, Gillian Kolla, Daniel McCormack, Andrea Sereda, Sophie Kitchen and Tony Antoniou
CMAJ September 19, 2022 194 (36) E1233-E1242; DOI:
Health Services: A better normal in Canada will need a better detection system for emerging and re-emerging respiratory pathogens
Isha Berry, Kevin A. Brown, Sarah A. Buchan, Karin Hohenadel, Jeffrey C. Kwong, Samir Patel, Laura C. Rosella, Sharmistha Mishra and Beate Sander
CMAJ September 19, 2022 194 (36) E1250-E1254; DOI:
Cases: Severe thrombotic complications secondary to antiphospholipid syndrome and undiagnosed systemic lupus erythematosus
Megan R.W. Barber, Ann E. Clarke, Corey D. Adams and Leslie Skeith
CMAJ September 19, 2022 194 (36) E1243-E1247; DOI:
Clinical Images: Renal artery stenosis presenting as hypertension with hypokalemia
Ranjith Rajgopal, Amber Khan and Akheel A. Syed
CMAJ September 19, 2022 194 (36) E1248-E1249; DOI:
Mass poisoning in Markham highlights wolfsbane risk
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ September 19, 2022 194 (36) E1255; DOI:
Concordance linguistique patient–médecin et paramètres de qualité et de sécurité des soins chez les bénéficiaires de soins à domicile fragiles admis à l'hôpital en Ontario, au Canada
Emily Seale, Michael Reaume, Ricardo Batista, Anan Bader Eddeen, Rhiannon Roberts, Emily Rhodes, Daniel I. McIsaac, Claire E. Kendall, Manish M. Sood, Denis Prud'homme and Peter Tanuseputro
CMAJ September 19, 2022 194 (36) E1256-E1266; DOI:
Qui est Noir? Il est urgent de préciser la définition de la population noire dans la réalisation de recherches sur la santé au Canada
Jude Mary Cénat
CMAJ September 19, 2022 194 (36) E1271-E1273; DOI:
Fibromes utérins pendant la grossesse
Mara Sobel, Sebastian Hobson and Crystal Chan
CMAJ September 19, 2022 194 (36) E1267-E1268; DOI:
Sclérose en plaques de forme fulminante chez un homme de 36 ans
Zoya Zaeem, Derek Emery and Gregg Blevins
CMAJ September 19, 2022 194 (36) E1269-E1270; DOI: