Sharing genomic data for health research: institutional trust and trustworthiness, and informed consent
Mackenzie Graham
CMAJ November 15, 2022 194 (44) E1511-E1512; DOI:
Guidance For Policy: Core elements of participant consent documents for Canadian human genomics research and the National Human Genome Library: guidance for policy
Holly Longstaff, Jaime Flamenbaum, Etienne Richer, Jeanne Egar, Christopher R. McMaster and Ma'n H. Zawati
CMAJ November 15, 2022 194 (44) E1500-E1508; DOI:
Five things to know about …: Polio
Aoife M.R. Pucchio, Anwar Alabdulraheem and Marina I. Salvadori
CMAJ November 15, 2022 194 (44) E1509; DOI:
Clinical Images: Mulch pneumonitis in a patient with chronic granulomatous disease
Juthaporn Cowan, Smita Pakhale and Jonathan B. Angel
CMAJ November 15, 2022 194 (44) E1510; DOI:
How can Canada reduce surgical backlogs without expanding privatization?
Diana Duong
CMAJ November 15, 2022 194 (44) E1514-E1515; DOI:
Correction to "Lymphocytic colitis associated with entacapone"
CMAJ November 15, 2022 194 (44) E1513; DOI:
Soins palliatifs à domicile au Canada: Il est temps que cette option soit offerte à toute la population
Andreas Laupacis
CMAJ November 15, 2022 194 (44) E1527-E1528; DOI:
Sécurité d'approvisionnement pharmaceutique au Canada
Shoo K. Lee, Sukhy K. Mahl, Brian H. Rowe and Joel Lexchin
CMAJ November 15, 2022 194 (44) E1522-E1526; DOI:
Infection aiguë au cytomégalovirus chez une femme de 61 ans
Mai Hongo, Yukinori Harada, Taro Shimizu and Yoshiaki Gu
CMAJ November 15, 2022 194 (44) E1516-E1519; DOI:
Érythème pigmenté fixe
Yu-Ju Chou and Hua-Ching Chang
CMAJ November 15, 2022 194 (44) E1520-E1521; DOI: