A focus on access to health care in Canada
Kirsten Patrick and Andreas Laupacis
CMAJ January 23, 2023 195 (3) E123-E124; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.230040
Health Services: Association between virtual primary care and emergency department use during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada
Nadine Chami, Hemant A. Shah, Steve Nastos, Shaun Shaikh, Paul K. Tenenbein, Taylor Lougheed, Nikolina Mizdrak, Patrick Conlon, James G. Wright, Sharada Weir and Jasmin Kantarevic
CMAJ January 23, 2023 195 (3) E108-E114; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.212051
Cases: Normal pressure hydrocephalus treated with ventriculoperitoneal shunt
Seyed-Mohammad Fereshtehnejad, Mitchell Nicholls, Shirley Huang and Ripa Akter
CMAJ January 23, 2023 195 (3) E115-E119; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.221027
Five Things To Know About ...: Sepsis: Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in cirrhosis
Chirag Bhat, Jason Reinglas and Nicholas Costain
CMAJ January 23, 2023 195 (3) E120; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.221090
Five Things To Know About ...: Sepsis: Parechovirus infections in infants
Maude Paquette, Christian Renaud and Jesse Papenburg
CMAJ January 23, 2023 195 (3) E121; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.221360
Clinical Images: Radiation dermatitis in a patient treated for hepatocarcinoma
Juan Pablo Velasco-Amador, Alvaro Prados-Carmona and Ricardo Ruiz-Villaverde
CMAJ January 23, 2023 195 (3) E122; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.221122
Encounters: What's missing from a note
Divya Santhanam
CMAJ January 23, 2023 195 (3) E125-E126; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.221262
What to know about Omicron XBB.1.5
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ January 23, 2023 195 (3) E127-E128; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.1096034
Le détournement cognitif en médecine universitaire ou la persistance du racisme anti-Noirs
Gaynor Watson-Creed
CMAJ January 23, 2023 195 (3) E138-E142; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.212145-f
Approches afrocentriques d'éradication du racisme anti-Noirs dans les soins de santé et de promotion de la santé des personnes noires au Canada
Liben Gebremikael, Suzanne Sicchia, Suleyman Demi and Justin Rhoden
CMAJ January 23, 2023 195 (3) E129-E131; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.220456-f
Colite lymphocytaire associée à l'entacapone
David M. Rodrigues, Eugene Hsieh, Michael Bernstein and David N. Juurlink
CMAJ January 23, 2023 195 (3) E132-E135; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.220680-f
Sténose artérielle rénale se manifestant par de l'hypertension et de l'hypokaliémie
Ranjith Rajgopal, Amber Khan and Akheel A. Syed
CMAJ January 23, 2023 195 (3) E136-E137; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.220091-f