The evolution of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in Canada: a time-series study, 2020–2023
Tanya J. Murphy, Hanna Swail, Jaspreet Jain, Maureen Anderson, Philip Awadalla, Lesley Behl, Patrick E. Brown, Carmen L. Charlton, Karen Colwill, Steven J. Drews, Anne-Claude Gingras, Deena Hinshaw, Prabhat Jha, Jamil N. Kanji, Victoria A. Kirsh, Amanda L.S. Lang, Marc-André Langlois, Stephen Lee, Antoine Lewin, Sheila F. O'Brien, Chantale Pambrun, Kimberly Skead, David A. Stephens, Derek R. Stein, Graham Tipples, Paul G. Van Caeseele, Timothy G. Evans, Olivia Oxlade, Bruce D. Mazer and David L. Buckeridge
CMAJ August 14, 2023 195 (31) E1030-E1037; DOI:
Access to health care: Minimally invasive procedures in gender-affirming care: the case for public funding across Canada
Katie Ross and Sarah Fraser
CMAJ August 14, 2023 195 (31) E1041-E1042; DOI:
Five things to know about …: Antipsychotic medications for older adults with delirium admitted to hospital
Christina Reppas-Rindlisbacher, Lesley Wiesenfeld and Nathan M. Stall
CMAJ August 14, 2023 195 (31) E1038-E1039; DOI:
Clinical Images: Bullous cutaneous larva migrans
Rebecca Green, Ranjani Somayaji and Justin C. Chia
CMAJ August 14, 2023 195 (31) E1040; DOI:
In their own words: Delirium: perspectives of a patient's wife and daughter
Andreas Laupacis
CMAJ August 14, 2023 195 (31) E1043; DOI:
August 2023 obituaries
CMAJ August 14, 2023 195 (31) E1044-E1049; DOI:
Enjeux relatifs à la collecte des données sur la race et l'identité autochtone lors du renouvellement de la carte santé au Canada
Andrew D. Pinto, Azza Eissa, Tara Kiran, Angela Mashford-Pringle, Allison Needham and Irfan Dhalla
CMAJ August 14, 2023 195 (31) E1062-E1064; DOI:
Diagnostic et traitement de la dépression à l'adolescence
Daphne J. Korczak, Clara Westwell-Roper and Roberto Sassi
CMAJ August 14, 2023 195 (31) E1050-E1058; DOI:
Anémie préopératoire dans le contexte d'une intervention chirurgicale importante non urgente
Clarissa P. Skorupski, Matthew C. Cheung and Yulia Lin
CMAJ August 14, 2023 195 (31) E1059-E1060; DOI:
Achalasie et mégaœsophage
Chew Fatt Yang and Chun Chua
CMAJ August 14, 2023 195 (31) E1061; DOI: