

"Less is better" is the best message when talking to patients about alcohol
Savita Rani and Andreas Laupacis
CMAJ September 18, 2023 195 (36) E1232-E1233; DOI:


Self-harm among youth during the first 28 months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada: a population-based study
Rachel H.B. Mitchell, Alene Toulany, Hannah Chung, Eyal Cohen, Longdi Fu, Rachel Strauss, Simone N. Vigod, Therese A. Stukel, Kimberly Moran, Astrid Guttmann, Paul Kurdyak, Azmina Artani, Monica Kopec and Natasha R. Saunders
CMAJ September 18, 2023 195 (36) E1210-E1220; DOI:

Emergency department visits and hospital admissions for suicidal ideation, self-poisoning and self-harm among adolescents in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic
Naveen Poonai, Stephen B. Freedman, Amanda S. Newton, Scott Sawyer, Nathalie Gaucher, Samina Ali, Bruce Wright, Michael R. Miller, Ahmed Mater, Eleanor Fitzpatrick, Mona Jabbour, Roger Zemek, Mohamed Eltorki and Quynh Doan; for the Pediatric Emergency Research Canada (PERC) Network
CMAJ September 18, 2023 195 (36) E1221-E1230; DOI:


Five things to know about …: Topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Chirag Bhat, Hans Rosenberg and Daniel James
CMAJ September 18, 2023 195 (36) E1231; DOI:



Il est temps que le Canada adopte les innovations mondiales en matière de traitement antituberculeux
Adam R. Houston and Elizabeth Rea
CMAJ September 18, 2023 195 (36) E1245-E1247; DOI:

Ligne directrice

Dons d'organes et de tissus après décès dans le cadre de l'aide médicale à mourir : mise à jour 2023 du document d'orientation pour l'élaboration de politiques
Kim Wiebe, Lindsay C. Wilson, Ken Lotherington, Caitlin Mills, Sam D. Shemie and James Downar; Forum d'orientation sur le don d'organes et de tissus après décès dans le cadre de l'aide médicale à mourir
CMAJ September 18, 2023 195 (36) E1234-E1243; DOI:


Administration d'adrénaline en cas d'anaphylaxie
Florence Morriello and Martin Chapman
CMAJ September 18, 2023 195 (36) E1244; DOI:

Sciences humaines

Un résultat si important
Elizabeth Clement
CMAJ September 18, 2023 195 (36) E1248-E1249; DOI: