The last decade has seen an increasing interest in prospective
and retrospective cognition by non-human animals. In
part, this interest has its origin in Tulving’s (1983) claim that
only humans have an episodic memory system, which allows
them to mentally travel through subjective time to reminisce
about specific past events. While animals can acquire
extensive general information about their environment, according
to Tulving (1983, p. 1) “they cannot travel back in
the past in their own minds”. The scope of this “temporal
myopia” was extended from the past to future by Suddendorf
and Corballis (1997) in the formulation of their ‘mental
time travel hypothesis’, which claims that animals live
in the present, being incapable of episodic recall of specific
past events and unable to contemplate possible states of affairs
beyond the immediate future. Suddendorf and Corballis
based their hypothesis on a review of primate cognition.
More recently, Roberts (2002) reached a similar conclusion
that animals are, to use his words, “stuck in time” by reviewing
the evidence from studies of a variety of species.
Moreover, in recent writings, Tulving has also endorsed the
prospective component of the mental time travel hypothesis
by stating that “mental time travel allows one, as an “owner”
of episodic memory (“self”), through the medium of autonoetic
awareness, to remember one’s own previous “thoughtabout”
experiences, as well as to “think about” one’s own
possible future experiences” (Tulving, 2005, pp. 9).
About 10 years ago, we started a research program on the
retrospective component of the mental time travel hypothesis
in which we investigated the mnemonic processes mediating
the recovery of food caches by western scrub-jays. Many
species scatter-hoard food throughout their territories when it is abundant, only to recover it at some later time of scarcity
(Vander Wall, 1990), and it has long been known that recovery
is based, at least in part, on memory for the location of
the caches. What was unknown at that time, however, was
whether cachers remember not only where their caches are
located but also what type of food was cached and when
the caches were made. There were good reasons to believe
that scrub-jays might well encode such what-where-when
memories. Unlike many specialist cachers, such as Clark’s
nutcrackers and pinion jays that are heavily dependent on
the harvesting of pinyon seeds, scrub-jays cache a variety of
food types, which include not only nuts and seeds but also
perishable food items, such as invertebrates (Curry, Peterson
& Langen, 2002). Moreover, as these jays inhabit the
central valley of California, in which the rate at which perishable
caches degrade varies with changes in temperature
from below 10°C to over 40°C, there were good a priori,
ecological reasons for believing that the jays might encode
what-where-when information in their memory of caching
episodes in order to be able to recover perishable caches before
they degrade. And, indeed, we found good evidence
for such encoding in a flexible, declarative form, which led
us to attribute the capacity for episodic-like memory to the
jays (see de Kort, Dickinson, & Clayton, 2005, for a recent
Although cache recovery depends upon retrospective cognition,
food-caching is a behavior that is oriented towards future
needs. Indeed, the act of hiding food is without obvious
immediate benefit, yielding its return when the bird comes
to recover its caches days, if not weeks, later. A Clark’s nutcracker,
for example, may cache food in October and recover
it up to nine months later. But like any other apparently prospective
behavior, food-caching would not be an example of
future planning if the animals were insensitive to the consequences
of their actions. It is therefore important to distinguish
mental time travel into the future from simple prospective
behavior, because species–specific behaviors that appear
to involve the anticipation of future states need not involve
any planning ability. Indeed, ever since Fabre’s (1916) classic
observation that even minor perturbations in the stimulus
configuration during nest provisioning by solitary wasps disrupted
the whole complex behavioral sequence, the dangers
of attributing intentionality to an animal on the basis of the
manifest goal-directedness of its behavior, however complex
and sophisticated, have been clear. It is now well established
that the wasp’s nest provisioning behavior is an innately determined
fixed action pattern (Baerends, 1941). Many other
prospectively-oriented behaviors may also be innate, such as
the migratory orientation of black-capped warblers. For example,
some German populations of black-capped warblers
migrate southwest towards Africa in the winter, whereas others
migrate west to Britain. When birds from these different
populations were housed in captivity, and allowed to breed,
the offspring showed the same migratory orientation as their
genetic parents, irrespective of the environment in which
they had been raised (Berthold, Heilbig, Mohr, & Querner,
1992). So although this migratory behavior might appear to
have some of the features of prospective behavior, it does
not involve future planning.
Other apparently prospective behaviors may be no more
than simple, reinforced habits. There are few of us who have
not experienced slips of action caused by well-practiced behavior
that are not appropriate to our current goals. These
behaviors, although acquired through learning, are simply
elicited by environmental stimuli. The famous example is
that related by William James (1890) who, when going up to
his bedroom to change for dinner, suddenly found he had put
on his night gown and got into bed.
We think that scrub jays certainly have an innate motivation
to cache. The fact that, in absence of a suitable food, they
cache inedible objects, such as stones (Clayton & Dickinson,
1999a), which are of no obvious future benefit, illustrates its
compulsive nature. Moreover, caching is under local motivational
control. Pre-feeding the jays a particular food, ether
peanuts or dog kibbles, in a powdered, non-cacheable form
not only produced a general reduction in subsequent caching,
but also a more specific reduction in caching the prefed
food type (Clayton & Dickinson, 1999a). In this respect,
caching exactly parallels feeding, suggesting that it is under
the control of the current incentive value of the food. At issue,
therefore, is whether this propensity is also modulated
by the consequences of caching.
In this review, we shall begin by describing our general
methods for studying caching and recovery by the jays before
discussing whether searching for caches is under the control
of short-term prospective cognition. We shall then consider
whether caching itself is sensitive to its more long-term consequences.
Two lines of evidence are brought to bear on this
issue. The first is whether the degradation and pilfering of
particular food caches before recovery selectively affect the
subsequent caching of this type of food, whereas the second
concerns the behavioral strategies that the jays employ
to prevent the pilfering of their caches by conspecifics that
might know where the food has been cached. Throughout
the review, we shall be particularly concerned with the extent
to which the effect of these variables is mediated by
basic non-cognitive, reinforcement processes rather than by
representations of the future consequences of caching and
General Methods
All the studies were conducted on a mixed-sex colony of
hand-raised, sexually mature western scrub-jays. Although
each bird has been studied in multiple experiments, we keep
a complete record of its experimental history to ensure that its past experience did not confound the interpretation of
subsequent results. Each bird was tested individually in its
home cage and each trial consisted of at least 2 phases, one
or more caching episodes followed by a recovery episode,
separated by a retention interval. Caching took place in the
morning and recovery in the afternoon. During the experiments
the birds were maintained on powder food to prevent
extra-experimental caches, which was removed just prior to
the dark phases of the diurnal cycle before caching and 4 hr
before a recovery. Consequently, the jays were hungry at the
time of both caching and recovery.
Figure 1. Western Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma californica)
caching food. |
At the start of the caching phase, one or two caching trays
were placed in the bird’s cage along with a bowl containing
the food items for caching. Each caching tray consisted
of an ice-cube tray, which was surrounded by a structure of
children’s Lego Duplo® building bricks that rendered the
tray trial-unique (see Figure 1). The individual moulds in
the trays were filled with a caching substrate, sand or corn
kibbles, to provide distinguishable sites in which the birds
could cache the food. The jays had to use the structure of a
particular tray to remember where in the tray different food
items were hidden on a given trial. In addition, we could
control the sites available for caching by placing a Perspex
strip over one row of the tray moulds.
video shows a typical caching episode in which there
are two trays in the cage and a bowl of wax moth larvae (wax
worms), the jay’s favorite food. At the start of the video, the
bird is out of view on a perch above the top of the screen. It
then flies down to the floor and proceeds to destroy the surrounding
structure of one of the trays by pecking off a brick
before collecting a beak full of worms and depositing them
on the floor. The first caching event takes place outside the
trays. The bird takes a worm and caches out of view in the
upper left-hand corner of the cage. Although we have designed
the cages and floors to minimize potential cache sites,
the jays often find places to cache within the cage itself. To
discourage the birds from caching in locations other than
those in the trays we provided (‘illegal sites’), we attempt to
remove all such caches following each caching episode. The
jay then collects the remaining wax worms and proceeds to
cache then in one of the moulds of the left-hand tray. Three
features of this caching behavior are noteworthy. First, the
jay deftly kills or stuns the worms before caching them so
that they will not escape from the cache site. Second, having
buried the worms in one of the moulds, the bird carefully
covers up the cache with substrate from an adjacent mould.
Finally, having completed the cache, the jay spends a few
moments inspecting the surrounding structure with all the
appearance of actively encoding the location of the cache.
This behavior illustrates one of the advantages of the cache-recovery
procedure – the jays do not have to be trained to
cache and recover nor, apparently, to encode the relevant information
for successful recovery. The video ends with the
bird collecting some more worms from the bowl, which it
proceeds to cache in the right-hand tray.
At the end of the caching episode, we remove the trays
from the home cage and note the location and types of food
items cached before returning the trays to the cages for the
recovery phase after the required retention interval. The conditions
at recovery depend upon the purpose of the experiment.
To study whether the birds use memory when searching
at recovery, we remove or pilfer all the caches from the
trays prior to returning them for the recovery phase. This pilfering
ensures that no cues emanate from the caches themselves
so that searching for the caches at recovery must be
based on the jay’s memory of the caching episode. We also
pilfer some of the caches prior to recovery in studies of the
state of the caches at recovery on caching itself. Alternatively,
in other conditions, we artificially degrade certain cached
food types by soaking them in detergent and green-colored
quinine to render them unpalatable before returning them to
the tray for recovery. Finally, as a control for these degrade
and pilfer conditions, in the replenish condition we simply
place fresh food items in the trays prior to recovery.
We should note the artificial nature of our generic cache-recovery
procedure. In the wild, the jays leave and return to
the caches sites at will, and thus the birds control the length
of the retention interval. In our procedure, by contrast, a human
experimenter removes the cache sites and returns them
to the bird. Importantly, however, the jays’ lack of control
over the retention does not seem to disrupt their propensity
to cache and recover.
Short-Term Prospection
There is good evidence to suggest that certain animals,
at least, anticipate the immediate consequences of their actions.
For example, Adams and Dickinson (1981) trained
rats to lever press for one type of food, either mixed composition
food pellets or sugar pellets, while presenting the other
food when the rats were not pressing. At issue was whether
the rats pressed the lever because they anticipated that this
action would yield a particular type of pellet or, in other
words, whether their behavior was controlled by short-term
prospection. To address this question, following this leverpress
training, Adams and Dickinson devalued one of the
pellet types, either the contingent one that was caused by the
lever press during training or the other, non-contingent type.
The devaluation involved conditioning a food aversion to
the respective pellet type in the absence of the opportunity to
press the lever. Finally, to investigate whether this devaluation
would impact on lever pressing, the rats once again had
the opportunity to perform this action. Importantly, this test
was conducted in the absence of either type of food pellet
so that any change in performance must have been mediated
by the rats’ knowledge of the relationship between the lever pressing and the contingent pellet type acquired during
initial training. As a consequence, lever pressing during the
test should have reflected anticipation that this action would
yield that pellet type during testing. Evidence that the rats
did in fact anticipate the consequences of their action came
from the fact they pressed least when the contingent pellets
were devalued.
We used this basic devaluation procedure to investigate
whether scrub-jays also anticipate the consequences of their
searches during recovery (Clayton & Dickinson, 1999b),
with searching for caches at recovery playing the role of
lever pressing and the cached foods the role of the reward
pellets. The birds were initially allowed to cache peanuts in
one tray and dog kibbles in another tray in separate caching
episodes. Both trays were then returned to the jays’ cages
for the recovery phase during which the birds were free to
search in either tray. This recovery phase took place in the
afternoon of either the same day as caching or a week later.
In fact, the birds could not recover any caches because we had pilfered them prior to the recovery for the same reason
that Adams and Dickinson (1981) did not present their rats
with the food pellets during the test – to ensure that searching
was based of the jay’s memory of the caches.
In order to devalue one of the cached food types, immediately
prior to the recovery phase we pre-fed the jays one
of the foods in a powdered form, either the peanuts or the
kibble in a counterbalanced design. We have already noted
that such pre-feeding selectively reduces eating and caching
of the pre-fed food (Clayton & Dickinson, 1999a), strongly suggesting that it reduces the incentive value of the food.
Therefore, if the jays anticipated the consequences of their
searches at recovery, they should have searched more in the
tray in which they had cached the non pre-fed food than in
the one in which they had cached the pre-fed food. This is
exactly the pattern observed during recovery.
We must be cautious, however, before accepting that this
devaluation effect demonstrates that the jays anticipate the
consequences of searching for their caches for reasons illustrated
by a study of (Russell & Thompson, 2003). They
allowed children to observe the experimenter placing 2 attractive
toys in separate boxes, before another experimenter
entered the room and removed the toy from one of the boxes.
The child was then asked to select one of the two boxes. Surprisingly,
children below 20 months of age predominantly
chose the box from which the toy had been recovered rather
than the box that still contained the toy, and it was not until
the children were about 2-yr old that they consistently selected
this latter box. One account of the paradoxical preference of the younger children notes that the empty box had
received two pairings with toy, one during the initial baiting
and the other during the recovery of the toy, whereas the box
still containing the toy received only the single pairing during
baiting of the boxes. Consequently, the greater number
of pairings of the empty box with the toy may have conditioned
a stronger preference for the younger children, who
did not reason about the consequences of the experimenter’s
actions for the anticipated outcome of their own choices.
At issue, therefore, is whether the choices of scrub jays similar
to those of younger children, reflecting a simple conditioned preference, or whether birds manifest a form of
prospective cognition that corresponds to the apparent reasoning
of older children. In fact, the Russell and Thompson
(2003) study employed a simplified version of a design that
we had used to address this issue with the jays (Clayton &
Dickinson, 1999b). Figure 2 illustrates this design. In the first
of 2 caching episodes in the morning, the jays were allowed
to cache 3 peanuts in one side of each of 2 trays; the same
and different trays. Let us assume that the caching of each
peanut produced an increment in the association between the
tray and peanuts of P so that by the end of these caching
episodes each tray should have an associative strength for
peanuts of 3P (see Figure 2). Then, in the third and fourth
caching episodes, the jays cached 3 dog kibbles in the other
side of each tray, thereby establishing an associative strength
of 3K with the kibbles for both trays. Each tray was then
returned to the birds 3 hr later in the afternoon for the recovery
episode during which they were allowed to recover
the 3 peanuts from the same tray and the 3 kibbles from the
different tray. According to the conditioning account, this
recovery should have enhanced the associative strength of
the same tray with peanuts to 6P and that of the different
tray with kibbles to 6K. Remember that, as in the case of the
younger children, Pavlovian conditioning is not sensitive to
the type of interaction with the caches but simply to the pairings
of the tray cues with the foods. Consequently, after the
caching and recovery episodes, the same tray should have
had associative strengths of 6P and 3K with the peanuts and
kibbles, respectively, whereas the corresponding associative
strengths of the different tray would have been 3P and 6K.
In terms of the remaining caches, however, the same tray
contained only kibbles and the different tray only peanuts.
Figure 2. The design of Experiment 2 from Clayton and Dickinson (1999b) in which jays cached peanuts (P) and kibbles
(K) in different sides of the same and different trays. The yellow hatched areas represent the sides of the trays covered to
prevent access. During the test the letters in parentheses indicate the foods that should have still been in the trays but were
in fact removed by us before the test. Also shown are the predicted search preferences of the jays during the test predicted
from accounts in terms of prospective cognition and Pavlovian conditioning (see text for details). The effective strength of
the associations between each tray and the peanuts and kibbles are shown in red on the assumption that each pairing of
a tray with a particular food items produces an increment of one in the corresponding associative strength. The color and
shade of the sides of the trays on test corresponds to the types of searches shown in Figure 3. |
Following the caching and recovery episodes, we once
again removed the trays from the home cages and then devalued
one of the foods by pre-feeding it to the jays in a
powdered form. Figure 2 shows the design in which the
kibbles were pre-fed but in fact the type of pre-fed food
was counterbalanced across the birds. It was the type of prefeeding
that defined the designation of the trays. The same
tray was the one that still contained caches of the same type,
kibbles in this example, as the pre-fed food, whereas the different
tray still contained the non-pre-fed food, in this case
peanuts. Our assumption was that pre-feeding a food would
render its associative strength with the tray cues ineffective
in controlling the jays’ tray preference in the subsequent test
when they were given a choice between searching in the two
trays. Consequently, in the current example, pre-feeding
kibbles should have reduced the influence of any association
between the trays and the kibbles on searching. Therefore,
as a result of pre-feeding, the same tray should have had
an effective associative value of 6P and the different tray a strength of only 3P so that the conditioning account predicts
that the birds should have searched preferentially in the
same tray during the test.
Figure 3. The mean numbers of searches directed by the jays
to the intact and recovered sides of the same and different
trays during the test of Experiment 2 of Clayton and Dickinson
(1999b). |
Figure 3 shows that in fact the jays’ search preference on
test was exactly the opposite of that predicted by the conditioning
account; they showed more searching in the different
tray than in the same one. Indeed, not only did they show a
tray preference at variance with a conditioning explanation,
they also searched selectively in the intact sides of the trays,
which should have still contained caches, rather than in the
sides from which they had previously recovery their caches.
In fact, the pattern of searching on test is exactly that predicted
by an account in terms of prospective cognition. As
a result of their caching and recovery experiences, the jays
should have anticipated that searching the intact sides of the
trays would have yielded kibbles in the case of the same tray
but peanuts in the case of the different one (see Figure 2),
which explains the observed preference for searching the intact
sides. The fact that this preference was much greater in
the different tray than in the same tray reflects the fact that
the caches that the birds expected to find in the different tray
should have had a higher incentive value than those anticipated
in the same tray following prefeeding.
In summary, jays anticipated the immediate consequences
of their searches at recovery, a form of prospective cognition
that cannot be easily explained in terms of the basic
associative processes of Pavlovian conditioning. Whether
or not other demonstrations of prospection in animals are
equally problematic for an associative analysis is less clear.
Many discriminative phenomena show behavioral control
by outcome expectancies: acquired equivalence and distinctiveness,
the differential outcomes effect, outcome-specific Pavlovian-instrumental transfer, to name but a few (Hall,
1996; Zentall, 1998). Although these forms of expectancymediated
discrimination have been characterized as involving
prospective processing (Honig & Thompson, 1982), they
are open to an analysis in terms of associations between the
discriminative stimuli and outcomes. Perhaps more problematic
for an associative account is demonstration that rats
appears to switch from remembering the visited arms to remembering
the yet-be-visited arms during the course of a
trial in the radial-arm maze (Cook, Brown, & Riley, 1985).
Whatever the involvement of non-associative prospective
cognition in these tasks, we very much doubt that Suddendorf
and Corballis, 1997, would accept these forms of short-term
prospection as examples of the mental time travel. In fact,
they formulate the prospective component of their hypothesis
so that it specifically precludes short-term prospection
by appealing to the writings of Wolfgang Köhler, Norbert Bischof, and Doris Bischof-Köhler, which they synthesize
into what they call the Bischof-Köhler hypothesis. This hypothesis
claims that “animals other than humans cannot anticipate
future needs or drive states, and are therefore bound
to a present that is defined by their current motivational state”
(Suddendorf & Corballis,1997). However, as we noted in the
introduction, caching appears to be a behavior at variance
with this claim - it is an action undertaken in the present with
the apparent purpose of fulfilling a future need. The question
is, however, what type of ‘purpose’ is it: Is it a psychological
purpose reflecting the cacher’s anticipation of a future need,
or is it an illusionary teleology conferred by those two great
selectors of behavior: natural selection on inclusive fitness and selection by reinforcement? In other words, if caching
is either an innate behavioral propensity that is unmodulated
by its consequences at recovery or a response that is directly
reinforced by these consequences, there would be no need to
appeal to any role for prospective cognition.
Long-Term Prospection
Our approach to this question has been two-fold. First, we
have asked whether caching is sensitive to whether or not it
fulfills a future need, presumably hunger, at recovery. If caching
is insensitive to this long-term goal, it would seem very
unlikely that it involves any form of prospective cognition,
and so our first step was to establish whether or not caching
is sensitive to its consequences at recovery. The second line
of research arose from the observation that scrub-jays steal
each others caches when given the opportunity to do so. As
human mental time travelers, we ourselves go to great length
to protect our valued possessions against future theft, which
raises the question of whether jays also attempt to protect
their caches against the potential thief.
The Consequences of Caching
It is has long been known that food-caching birds avoid
caching in sites that are consistently pilfered relative to those
that remain intact (Hampton & Sherry, 1992; Kamil, Balda,
Olson, & Good, 1993). However, this preference can simply
be explained in terms of a conditioned preference for the
intact sites reinforced by food at the time of recovery and
the absence of such reinforcement for the pilfered sites. Less
readily explained in terms of conditioning at the time of recovery
would be a reluctance to cache a particular food type that is consistently pilfered, and therefore, along with our
colleagues, we investigated whether the consistent pilfering
of a particular food would affect the caching of that food
(Clayton, Dally, Gilbert, & Dickinson, 2005).
On each trial, the jays were free to cache as many wax
worms and peanuts as they liked in the tray for 15 min before
it was removed. The tray was returned for recovery in
the afternoon of the same day on half of the trials but 4 days
later on the remaining trials. The peanut caches were always
intact at recovery. As the top panel of Figure 3 illustrates, if
the wax worm caches were replenished with fresh worms
prior to each recovery, the birds showed a sustain propensity
(except on the last trial) to cache more wax worms than peanuts,
presumably reflecting their preference for wax worms
over peanuts. By contrast, when we consistently pilfered the
wax worms caches prior to recovery, the jays progressively
cached fewer worms, but more peanuts until after 5 trials
they had almost ceased caching any worms. Clearly, the jays
were sensitive to the consequences of caching.
Although this pilferage condition produced relatively rapid
learning, the failure to find a cache at recovery provides
ambiguous information in the sense that the jay may fail to
find the cache either because it has been pilfered or because
the bird has forgotten the location of the cache. Consequently,
we also tested another group of jays in a third, degrade
condition in which we restocked the worm caches with artificially
degraded, unpalatable worms, which the jays spat out
when recovered. A comparison of the bottom panels of Figure
4 shows that the jays learned to decrease caching worms
and increase caching peanuts in this degrade condition even
more rapidly than in the pilfer condition. After just 2 trials,
the jays were caching less wax worms than peanuts and by
the fourth trial they had almost given up caching wax worms
at all. This reduction in caching was not due to a change
in the attractiveness of fresh wax worms because the birds
in the degrade group showed just as strong a consumption
preference for worms over peanuts as those in the replenish
group. That is, when given a choice between eating the
two types following the caching training, the degrade group
showed an almost exclusive preference for eating the fresh
Figure 4. The number of wax worms and peanuts cached by groups of scrub-jays when wax worms caches were replenished
with fresh worms prior to recovery, pilfered, or degraded in Experiment 2 of Clayton et al. (2005). |
At the very least, these results demonstrate that scrub-jays
are sensitive to the consequences of caching and, in this respect,
differ from some other food-storing animals. (McKenzie,
Bird, & Roberts, 2005) have recently reported that rats,
unlike the jays, continue to cache in locations in which the
food is degraded or from which it is pilfered even with a
retention interval of only 45 min. At most, the sensitivity
of the jays to the consequences of caching challenges the
prospective component of the mental time travel hypothesis
by demonstrating that the birds are sensitive to the relevance
of their caches to the state of hunger at the time of recovery. A decrement in the hunger-relevant incentive value of the
caches, either by pilferage or degradation, reduced caching.
Before endorsing this conclusion, however, we should
consider alternative explanations that do not invoke longterm
prospective cognition. It seems unlikely to us that caching
of the worms was maintained by the direct, delayed reinforcing
effect of recovering the worms on caching. Such
an account would assume that the decline in worm caching
reflects simple extinction in the pilfer condition and possible
even delayed punishment in the degrade condition. The reason
for our skepticism is that the reinforcement and punishment
would have to have operated across delays, 4 hr on
half of the trials and 100 hr on the remaining trials, which
are orders of magnitude longer than other demonstrations of
delayed positive reinforcement and punishment. However,
to check that caching is sensitive to its consequences across
a delay that renders the reinforcement account implausible,
we replicated the degrade condition with a consistent retention
interval of 2 days (Clayton et al., 2005). Again the jays
reduced their caching of worms to well below that of peanuts
after only 2 trials.
It remains possible, however, that caching is controlled
by some form of mnemonically mediated reinforcement and
punishment process. Our studies of retrospective cognition
in the cache-recovery paradigm have established that jays
remember the caching episode at recovery. Therefore, the
jays may recall the act of caching worms during recovery,
which then allows this behavior to be indirectly reinforced,
punished, or extinguished by the fresh, degraded and pilfered
worms, respectively. This possibility must be taken seriously
in view of the extensive evidence for mnemonic mediation
(Holland, 1990). An alternative explanation is that at the
time of caching, the jays remember the state of worm caches
during previous recovery episodes and use this information
to decide whether or not to cache the worms, a process that
represents a form of prospective cognition. At present, our
data cannot distinguish between these alternatives.
Cache Protection
As alluded to in the introduction to this section on longterm
prospection, other individuals, so-called pilferers, may
steal caches. Such theft is particularly problematic for scrubjays
and other members of the corvid family, where potentially
pilfering conspecifics use observational spatial memory to
accurately steal another’s caches that they saw being made.
Pilfering jays can wait until the cacher has left the scene and
then steal its caches at will, whenever they are hungry, and
without relying on successfully displacing a possibly more
dominant cacher. Bugnyar and Kotrschal (2002) suggested
that the capacity for observational spatial memory in corvids
provides the catalyst for an ‘evolutionary arms race’ between
cachers and pilferers, such that pilferers develop methods for observing the cachers as unobtrusively as possible, and
cachers develop strategies to counter the risk of cache pilferage.
Furthermore, Dally, Emery and Clayton (in press a)
have argued that, because each jay can act as both cacher and
pilferer, this dual role leads to a refinement of increasingly
more sophisticated, cognitively-based cache protection and
pilfering strategies. So, surely, if scrub-jays are capable of
prospective cognition, then a jay who has cached food when
other individuals were present should take protective action
to minimize the likelihood that those other individuals could
steal the caches at a later date.
So far our studies have focused on the behavior of the cachers,
notably their ability to anticipate pilferage and the strategies
they use to protect their caches from being stolen by
other birds. Field observations suggest that cachers engage
in a number of cache protection strategies, such as waiting
until would-be pilferers are distracted or cannot see before
caching (e.g., ravens, Corvus corax: Heinrich, 1999; Heinrich
& Pepper 1998), or by caching in areas of low conspecific
density (e.g., rooks, Corvus frugilegus: Kalländer 1978;
magpies, Pica pica: Clarkson, Eden, Sutherland, & Houston,
1986; ravens: Bugnyar & Kotrschal 2002). Some corvid species
are also known to return alone to caches hidden in the
presence of conspecifics, and move them to new locations
unbeknown to potential pilferers (e.g. ravens: Heinrich,
1999; Eurasian jays, Garrallus glandarius: Goodwin, 1955).
Indeed our current research on the cache protection strategies
of scrub-jays stemmed from NSC’s initial observations
that western scrub-jays living on the University of California
Davis campus readily took sandwiches and other food scraps
left by humans and cached them in the surrounding grounds.
Because several of the birds had color-rings, it was easy to
discriminate individual birds. A jay would often cache food
when other jays were nearby, and then fly off to a near by
perch to wait until the other jays had left the scene. Then the
cacher would return to recover these items and move them to
new cache sites, a behavior we refer to as ‘re-caching’.
Figure 5. A cartoon of the procedure used to test whether
the western scrub-jays could adjust their caching strategies
to minimise potential stealing by other birds. On some trials
the birds cached while observed by another jay (observed
caching condition), whereas on other trials the birds cached
in private (in-private caching condition). In all cases, the
birds recovered their caches in private. |
While field observations are essential for documenting
natural behavior, an experimental approach is crucial for establishing
whether these apparent cache protection strategies
really can be attributed to the presence of other individuals.
In a series of experiments in the laboratory, we therefore
tested whether our jays would adjust their caching strategies
to minimize potential stealing by other birds. To do so, the
birds cached either in private (when the other bird’s view
was obscured) or while a conspecific was watching, and then
recovered their caches in private 3 hours later. The procedure
is illustrated in Figure 5. The point is that the cachers should
only engage in cache protection strategies when another jay
can observe the caching event; they should do not so when
they cache in private. Furthermore, when it comes to recovery,
if the purpose of re-caching is for cache protection then the birds should only bother to re-cache if they had been
observed during the previous caching episode, but not if they
had cached in private. Finally, the beauty of this design is
that the conditions at recovery are identical and therefore
the cacher’s behavior at recovery cannot be attributed to any
cues provided by the observer. Instead it must depend upon
whether an observer was present during the previous caching
episode, and, therefore, any difference in the behavior of the
cacher at recovery must depend on its memory of the previous
caching event (absence or presence of an observer jay).
One final feature of the design is critical to the interpretation
of these experiments, and that is that the birds received no
more than 3 trials in each condition (observed and in-private)
in any experiment. This is important because the birds
were not given the opportunity to recover the caches that
they had re-cached during recovery. Consequently, the birds
had no opportunity to learn about the benefits of re-caching,
an issue we shall return to at the end of this section.
Anticipating pilferage when observers are present
Figure 6. The mean number of items cached in well-lit
(‘sunny’) and shaded cache sites during the observed and
the in-private caching conditions of the sun-shade experiment
of Dally et al (2004). |
We found that jays use a number of cache protection strategies
at the time of caching, all of which appear to reduce the
amount of visual information available to the observer. The
first experiment examined the effects of sun and shade on a
scrub-jay’s choice of where to cache. We hypothesized that
scrub-jays might prefer to cache in shady sites, especially
when another bird was watching them, because shady sites
would reduce the visual information available to the potential
pilferer and thus reduce the chance that the pilferer could
accurately relocate the caches. Figure 6 provides support for
this hypothesis: When another jay is present at the time of caching, the cachers do prefer to hide most of their items in
shady areas compared to well-lit areas, whereas they are not
selective about cache location when caching in private (Dally,
Emery, & Clayton, 2004). Note, however, that not all the
items were cached in the shady sites when an observer was
watching: about 20% of the items were placed in the well-lit
sites, a point we shall return to presently.
Subsequent experiments established that the jays also use
distance and barriers as cache protection strategies. In the ‘distance’ experiment, the birds were given the opportunity to
cache in two trays, one near and one far from the observer’s
cage. The birds showed a preference to hide most of their
caches in the tray located far from the observer, as opposed
to the other tray placed near to the observer. However, they
did not show a preference for distance when caching in private
and instead cached equal amounts in both trays (Dally,
Emery, & Clayton, in press). In the ‘barrier’ experiment, the
birds were given the opportunity to cache again in two trays,
but now one was of them was placed behind a barrier but the
other was in full view so that the observer could clearly see
the location of caches hidden in the full-view tray, whereas
those placed behind the barrier were out of its view. Perhaps
not surprisingly, in the observed caching condition the jays
cached preferentially in sites located behind barriers which
observers could not see, whereas there was no preference
to cache behind barriers when they cached in private. Note
again that in both cases, when an observer was present during
caching, the cacher placed about 25% of its caches in
high-risk cache sites, namely in the near tray in the distance
experiment, and in full-view tray in the barrier experiment.
Cache protection at recovery when observers
have left the scene
Figure 7. The number of items re-cached during caching
as a percentage of the total number of items cached in the
shaded and well-lit caching trays during recovery for both
the observed and in-private caching conditions of the sunshade
experiment of Dally et al, (2004). |
As predicted, when the jays have been observed by another
jay during caching then they also used another cache
protection strategy – in the form of re-caching - during the
recovery in private. By contrast, they engaged in much less
re-caching when they had cached in private. Figure 7 shows
the results for the sun-shade experiment. Note that it is the
items that had been placed in the well-lit tray during the observed
caching condition that were moved to new sites, even
though the cacher had placed only about 20% of its caches
in that tray. The same pattern of results was found for the
distance and barrier experiments: those caches that had been
placed in risky sites, namely those hidden in the near tray
and those hidden in full-view of the observer, were the ones
that were-re-cached but almost exclusively when they had
been cached in the observed caching condition. Dally, Emery,
and Clayton (in press) suggested that this behavior may
also be a productive cache protection strategy, as in all cases
at recovery, the jays re-cached only those items that were at
risk. Note that in all cases, the birds re-cached the items in
new locations that the observer did not know about, and they
did so only when they had been observed during caching,
but not when they had cached in private.
There is one particularly striking finding about the re-caching
behavior of these birds, and that is that not all western
scrub-jays engage in it. Emery and Clayton (2001) found that
re-caching behavior depends not only on whether or not the
cacher was observed by another jay during caching, but that
it also depends upon experience of being a pilferer. Whereas
experienced thieves engaged in high levels of re-caching at
recovery when they were observed during the previous caching
episode, control birds, who had not been thieves in the
past and therefore had no prior experience of stealing other
birds’ caches, showed hardly any re-caching at all, as shown
in Figure 8.
Figure 8. The mean number of items re-cached during the
recovery period for both the observed and in-private caching
conditions from Emery & Clayton (2001). Caches were
rarely moved to sites that were previously used during the
caching period (‘old sites’). Most of the caches are moved to
‘new sites’, which were the ones that were not used during
the previous caching period and about which the observer
bird has no information. |
That only experienced birds re-cache has a number of important
implications. For example, re-caching cannot be innate,
otherwise naïve and experienced scrub jays should both
re-cache. We can also rule out a simple conditioning explanation
because the birds in our experiments never received
any positive reinforcement for re-caching. They never had
the opportunity to recover the caches that they themselves
had re-cached during these experiments. Instead, the inference
is that the jays engaged in prospection. That is, they used information gained during previous caching events to
anticipate whether or not their caches were likely to be stolen,
and thus engaged in the appropriate cache protection
strategy at recovery (whether to re-cache and, if so, to re-cache
those caches that had previously been placed in high-risk
sites). The fact that experienced birds differ so dramatically
from control birds that lack the experience of being a
thief suggests that the experienced jays are not only capable
of prospection, but also capable of experience projection
(Emery & Clayton, 2004). Experience projection refers to
one form of Theory of Mind (Premack & Woodruff, 1978),
namely the ability to use one’s own experiences – in this
case of having been a thief - to predict how another individual
might think or behave – in this case what the potential
pilferer might do. Experience projection has yet to be demonstrated
in any of the great apes, other than in humans.
Our work has two, further important implications. The first is that elements of both prospective mental time travel
and mental attribution appear to have evolved in, at least,
two very disparate groups (apes and corvids), suggesting
convergent evolution of these cognitive abilities (Emery &
Clayton, 2004). Second, the fact that corivids lack the typical
six-layered cortex found in humans and some other mammals
suggests that prospective cognition is achieved through
different neurocognitive mechanisms in the avian and mammalian
brain (Emery & Clayton, in press).
Conclusions: The Mental Time Travel Hypothesis
In summary, our studies have shown that scrub-jays are
capable of short-term prospection in the control of searching
for caches at recovery in way that can not be readily
explained in terms of conditioning. More important for the
mental time travel hypothesis, however, is the fact that caching
itself appears to be cognitively prospective over a much
longer period in that jays anticipate the state of caches at
recovery and attempt to outwit the potential future behavior
of conspecifics. Taken at face value, these findings challenge
the exclusivity of human mental time travel, because the
findings suggest that, when it comes to caching and protecting
one’s caches, at least one species of birds, the western
scrub-jay, fulfils the criteria for long-term prospective cognition.
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