Despite the considerable success of contemporary associative models of learning in stimulating new behavioral research
and modest success in providing direction to both neuroscience and psychotherapy, these models are confronted with at
least three challenges. The first challenge is to the assumption that animals encode only one or a few summary statistics to
capture what has been experienced over many training trials. This assumption is contrary to overwhelming evidence that
the brain retains episodic information. The second challenge is that the learning-performance distinction has been largely
ignored. Most models erroneously assume that behavior is a nearly perfect reflection of what has been encoded. The third
challenge is to account for interactions between stimuli that have been presented separately (e.g., stimulus interference) as
well as between stimuli that have been presented together (e.g., stimulus competition). |
The purpose of this review is to assess the common denominators
of most contemporary associative models of
learning as a group (as opposed to specific models), with
an emphasis on the major challenges facing these models.
By associative, I am referring to models designed to account
for Pavlovian responding, although these models have often
been extended quite successfully to instrumental behavior
as well. The qualifier contemporary is necessary because
new associative models are likely to be proposed in the future
that do not subscribe to these common denominators.
Miller and Escobar (2001) discussed the dangers of contrasting
whole families of models rather than specific models.
Here I try to minimize this danger by limiting my remarks
to families of contemporary models rather than families of
models including past and future instances. There will also
be some discussion of the major alternatives to contemporary
associative models in order to appreciate how well they
address the problems confronting associative models. The
paper is organized around three basic problems: the assumption
that animals encode only summary statistics about prior
experiences, the assumption that behavior is a nearly veridical reflection of what is encoded, and the need to account
for interactions between stimuli presented separately during
training as well as between stimuli presented together during
Summary Statistics
Associations vs. modern associative theories
In my view, all models of learning explicitly or at least
implicitly assume the existence of associations of some sort
as the building blocks of memory even if they do not use the
term. Examples of models that circumvent the term association
include those in which timing is the central construct
(e.g., Gallistel & Gibbon, 2000; Gibbon & Balsam, 1981).
These models overtly deny the existence of associations; for
example, Gallistel and Gibbon speak not of associations but
of symbolic representations of event dyads (composed of a
cue and an outcome) including their temporal relationship.
However, at test, presentation of a cue activates (through inferential
processes) differential expectations of the outcome
based on each prior experience with that cue-outcome dyad.
The implied links that hold the cue-outcome symbolic representations
together are functionally very similar to what
is meant by an association between the cue and outcome.
Here I use cue and outcome to refer to the first and second
experienced event, respectively, in a dyadic sequence, cues
being equivalent to conditioned stimuli and outcomes being
equivalent to unconditioned stimuli except they need not be
biologically significant. Another group of models that superficially
circumvents the construct of associations is based on contingency, in which subjects encode only the frequency
of occurrence of different types of events (e.g., cue and outcome
present, cue alone present, outcome alone present, and
neither cue or outcome present; Rescorla, 1968). However,
the encoding of the cue and outcome as being simultaneously
present constitutes an association. Thus, at least primitive
associative constructs appear to be ubiquitous in models of
Importantly, modern associative theories not only assume
that prior experience is encoded in associations but that the
associations are strengthened by repeated trials (i.e., recurrences
of the same events). For each specific cue and outcome
dyad, the mental consequence of another [repeated]
pairing (i.e., a trial) takes the form of an up-dating of a
single summary statistic as in the Rescorla-Wagner (1972)
model (i.e., associative strength of the target cue [Vx]) or
a few summary statistics as in the Pearce and Hall (1980)
model (i.e., excitatory associative strength of the target cue
[Vx,exc], inhibitory associative strength of the target cue
[Vx,inh], and associability of the target cue [readiness to
learn something new about the cue, “x]). For example, the
Rescorla-Wagner model posits that subjects, after each trial
with a target cue, up-date the associative status of that cue
from its pretrial value according to a linear equation: associative
value of the cue after the trial is equal to what it was
before the trial plus a change due to what happened on that
trial. Moreover, the change in associative value of the cue
on that trial is a direct function of the salience of the target
cue, the salience of the outcome, and the difference between
experienced outcome and the outcome expected on that trial
based on all cues present during that trial. Importantly, the
model assumes that all a subject retains after exposure to a
cue (X), which has a history of sometimes being paired with
a specific outcome, is a cue X-outcome association (VX)
that can be represented by a single number; there are presumably
no memories of individual trials. This is analogous
to prototypes theories of categorization (e.g., Reed, 1972) in
which a single memory is repeatedly modified by successive
training trials, and can be contrasted with instance [snapshot]
theories of categorization (e.g., Logan, 1988) in which each
trial creates a separate memory, with repeated trials creating
very similar but still distinct memories. The assumption that
only summary statistics are encoded is rarely questioned, but
is contrary to considerable data. Perhaps the most compelling
argument in favor of the instance view is the evidence
for episodic-like memories, that is, associative memories of
specific instances of events that include not only what happened,
but where and when the events happened. More generally,
episodic-like memory is simply an extreme example
of what is sometimes referred to as source memory (memory
for where and when information was obtained).
Are humans unique, with nonhumans
relegated to summary statistics?
The existence of episodic memories in humans has long
been accepted by memory researchers (Tulving, 1972), but
has been questioned with respect to nonhuman animals (e.g.,
Tulving, 2002). However, in recent years, numerous researchers
have concluded that at least some nonhuman species
have episodic-like memory based on demonstrations
that these animals appear to encode not only procedural information1,
but what, when, and where events happen. For
example, Clayton and Dickinson (1998) have documented
episodic-like memory in the food stashing behavior of
scrub-jays (which type of food was cached where and how
long ago), and Babb and Crystal (2005) and Eacott, Easton,
and Zinkivskay (2005) have reported similar behavior in rats
(for a review, see Zentall, 2005). Tulving (2002) questioned
whether the demonstrations of episodic memory in nonhumans
involves autonoetic awareness, knowledge of self, and
recognition of subjective time, all of which he regards as
essential components of episodic memory. Although evidence
of these additional attributes of memory has yet to be
obtained for nonhumans (a difficult task due to the absence
of language), it seems implausible and homocentric to assume
that some form of them will not be demonstrated in
the future, as prior research has shown that evolution rarely
results in sharp lines in basic behavior capabilities between
similar species (as acknowledged by Tulving, 2002). More
important for present purposes, these additional attributes
are not necessary to make the point that nonhumans retain
memories of specific prior events rather than merely summary
statistics. Evidence strongly suggests that nonhuman
subjects often store the what, when, and where of each experienced
event (i.e., episodic-like memory) even if this occurs
without the full features of human episodic memory.
Moreover, through a process akin to second-order conditioning,
nonhuman animals appear able to integrate different
temporal memories (e.g., Matzel, Held, & Miller, 1988) and
different spatial memories (Blaisdell & Cook, 2004), provided
the memories to be integrated share a common stimulus,
thereby creating temporal and spatial relationships between
stimuli that were never actually paired. That is, subjects
taught separate A-B and B-C temporal or spatial relationships
behave as if they have knowledge of an A-C temporal
or spatial relationship. Although temporal learning surely
includes subjects encoding when events occur with respect to
other events within what is normally construed as a trial (i.e.,
temporally and spatially proximal events, see Healy, 1998;
Savastano & Miller, 1998, for reviews), subjects also encode
when an event occurs with respect to the arrow of time on
a larger scale than within individual trials (for a review, see
Crystal, in press). This temporal component of each discrete
memory makes the memories of each successive event different even if all other external and internal stimuli are unchanged
(which is unlikely). That is, even ostensibly identical
training trials occur at different moments in the river of
time. Thus, each trial is at least in some sense different, and
consequently even contemporary associative theories would
anticipate new memories being formed following each trial
rather than a single memory being repeatedly updated. This
is problematic for models that assume that training trials can
be repeated and that summary statistics are all that animals
encode. However, there are at least two ways that contemporary
models of associative learning might circumvent this
The first is to assume that subjects learn not about a single
complex stimulus with many attributes (i.e., elements) processed
as a single stimulus, but about each element independently
along with within-compound associations that link
these elemental representations. This elemental approach
minimizes the problem of attributes that change from trial
to trial making each trial different. That is, at least for some
elements, the successive trials should not vary. However,
this is not a fully adequate resolution of the problem posed
by stimulus variation between successive trials because evidence
of episodic memory could not be explained without
assuming that each element had a different time tag for each
successive trial on which it was presented. Thus, an elemental
approach does not really circumvent the existence of episodic
memory being inconsistent with repeated trials adding
strength to existing associations.
A better defense of the association-strengthening view of
contemporary associative models is provided by the position,
maintained by most researchers concerned with human
memory, that there are multiple memory systems (e.g.,
Squire, 2004). That is, although subjects have episodic
memories, they may have other types of memories as well.
This possibility is consistent with evidence suggesting that
different types of memory are dependent upon different neuroanatomical
sites and transmitter systems. Impressive double
dissociation experiments support this differentiation of
memory systems (for a review, see Squire & Kandel, 1999).
In the study of human cognition, the conventional opposite
of episodic memory (more generally, memory that includes
source knowledge) is semantic memory, which lacks source
knowledge (e.g., Anderson & Bower, 1973). But in simple
multi-trial Pavlovian and instrumental learning tasks,
the most notable of these other memory systems is procedural
memory (in the broad sense), which also lacks source
knowledge. Hence, procedural memory is compatible with
associative models that assume successive similar trials update
memories rather than create new memories.
Appealing to procedural memory as mediating associative
learning, however, encounters several problems. Perhaps
chief among them is the assumption that trials are repeated. Inherent to models that depend upon summary statistics is
the assumption that training trials can and sometimes do repeat
themselves. Obviously multiple distinct memories are
formed when the successive training trials are sufficiently
dissimilar. But no two trials are ever exactly the same.
Variables both external and internal to the subject are apt
to change from trial to trial, not to mention the previously
discussed unavoidable changes in temporal context due to
the irreversible flow of time. If successive training trials
differ, then even associative theories would expect distinct
memories to be formed. An absence of repeated trials would
make moot the central premise of contemporary associative
theories, that is, summary statistics based on repeated trials.
Contemporary associative theory might try to deal with this
through generalization between similar memories at the time
of test. But, if each trial were independently represented,
this would render meaningless the basic assumption that organisms
store summary statistics concerning identical trials,
rather than memories of each individual trial. All contemporary
associative models assume summary statistics, whereas
few explicitly address stimulus generalization. Pearce
(1987) is an example of a model that does formally account
for generalization, but it too centrally assumes that training
trials often repeat themselves with accompanying updating
of summary statistics. Thus, the failure of trials to repeat
themselves undermines models dependent on summary statistics.
Such problems for multiple memory systems that include
procedural memory notwithstanding, one is still faced with
the dissociation of behavioral tasks through lesioning of selective
anatomical sites and chemical manipulation different
neurotransmitter systems. However, these demonstrations
do not directly speak to the representational form of the information
that is encoded in these tasks. As a function of
the informational nature of a specific event, memories of
individual instances of prior experience, rather than mere
summary statistics, may well be encoded in different neuroanatomical
sites based on different neurotransmitters. The
data itself is compelling, but I believe that the interpretation
of the data as support for a unique procedural memory
system dependent on summary statistics is less convincing
than is often assumed. A direction for future research with
both humans and nonhumans would be to assess procedural
memory tasks to determine if there are memories of individual
trials (or trial types) underlying these behaviors.
Recency-to-primacy shifts
All contemporary associative models of learning predict
recency effects given conflicting phasic training. That is,
more recent events are expected to result in an updating
of memory that overrides previously acquired conflicting
memories (sometimes called catastrophic forgetting). The demonstrations of this are innumerable (e.g., Lopez, Shanks,
Almaraz, & Fernandez, 1998). Extinction and counterconditioning
provide two well known examples. Consider extinction:
Sufficient nonreinforced cue presentations (i.e.,
extinction treatment) following cue-outcome conditioning
trials will result in a loss of most of the conditioned responding
acquired during the reinforced trials. Similarly, if the
order of the two phases are reversed, that is, if reinforcement
follows nonreinforcement, ultimately conditioned responding
will be observed (although latent inhibition might delay
its emergence). Both of these phenomena are recency effects.
Prediction of recency effects is regarded as one of the
great successes of contemporary associative models. But,
for pragmatic reasons, most studies have used relatively
short retention intervals (minutes, hours, or a few days at
most) and the same context for training and testing. When
appreciable retention intervals are inserted between treatment
and testing, the effects of extinction treatment wane
and conditioned responding returns (i.e., spontaneous recovery,
Pavlov, 1927; Rescorla, 1997; Stout, Amundson, &
Miller, in press; Wheeler, Stout, & Miller, 2004). With reversal
of the order of the two phases of treatment, increases
in the posttreatment retention interval in a latent inhibition
paradigm (i.e., after the reinforced trials) often result in a
decrease in conditioned responding (provided the retention
interval is spent outside of the treatment context so there is
no extinction of associations to the context; De la Casa &
Lubow, 2000, 2002; Stout et al., in press; Wheeler et al.,
2004). These shifts from a recency effect to a primacy effect
are seen not only with increases in retention interval, but also
with changes in the physical context between treatment and
testing (i.e., AAB renewal, Bouton & Ricker, 1994). Similar
recency-to-primacy shifts have been observed in counterconditioning
situations (Bouton & Peck, 1992). There is
nothing surprising about these examples of recency-to-primacy
shifts. Such shifts are seen across a much wider range
of tasks with both human and nonhuman subjects (Bjork,
2001; Neath & Knoedler, 1994; Postman, Stark, & Fraser,
1968). Surely waxing primacy effects are less common than
waning recency effects, but increases in primacy effects are
not uncommon, and sometimes primacy effects are observed
even without a long retention interval (Dennis & Ahn, 2001).
Within my own laboratory, we have examined the consequences
for conditioned responding by rats of added presentations
of the outcome without a preceding signal either
before or after cue-outcome pairings (i.e., reinforced trials).
That is, we compared [a version of] the well known effects
of exposure to an outcome alone prior to Pavlovian conditioning
trials (the US-preexposure effect) with [a version of]
the little known effects of exposure to the outcome alone following
Pavlovian conditioning trials (Urushihara, Wheeler,
& Miller, 2004), and observed recency effects when testing
soon followed treatment and primacy effects when testing was appreciably delayed after the completion of treatment.
More concretely, we exposed rats to pairings of a click train
(as a cue) with a tone (as a outcome) and later paired the tone
with a footshock so the rats exhibited fear of the clicks. Additionally,
some rats experienced tone-alone presentations
prior to the click-tone pairings and other rats experienced
the tone-alone presentations following the click-tone pairings.
When the retention interval was short (a few days),
the tone-alone presentations following the click-tone pairings
decreased responding to the clicks more than did the
tone-alone presentations preceding the tone-click pairings.
But with a long retention interval (a few weeks), the tonealone
presentations preceding the tone-click pairings had
the more deleterious effect on conditioned responding. This
constitutes a clear demonstration of a shift with increasing
retention interval from stronger effects of the most recent
[relevant] training to stronger effects of the initial [relevant]
training, a recency-to-primacy effect.
Central to the present assessment of contemporary associative
models, recency-to-primacy shifts that occur with
changes in the spatial or temporal context between the last
phase of treatment and testing, such as those described
above, indicate that associative accounts of recency effects
that assume earlier acquired information is erased are fundamentally
in error. The reversion to behavior compatible with
initial training indicates that representations of initial training
were retained rather than obliterated as is assumed by
models that posit retention of only summary statistics which
are successively updated. That is, these models assume that
summary statistics are updated to reflect the last phase of
training, irrevocably replacing information concerning earlier
phases of training. Reversion to behavior indicative of
initial training without further training denies the irrevocable
loss of initial information. Seemingly, there is no simple fix
for this failure, which is inherent to any model that assumes
only summary statistics control behavior in simple learning
situations. Even if subjects are assumed to have both
procedural and episodic-like memories, seemingly it is the
episodic-like ones that influence conditioned responding because
procedural memory lacks information about the order
of acquisition of conflicting information that appears to be
necessary to account for recency-to-primacy shifts. Acceptance
of the existence of episodic memories does not itself
provide a full account of recency-to-primacy shifts. But the
assumption of episodic memories does at least provide a reservoir
for the information that is revealed by such a shift in
Although the present focus is on assessing associative
models, it is interesting to digress momentarily to consider
the functional significance of recency-to-primacy shifts. Recency
effects have obvious survival value in that contingencies
change and recency effects would keep an animal in tune with the immediately prevailing contingencies. Moreover,
it is reasonable to assume that, with an increasing passage
of time since the last training trial, it is less likely that
the next trial will be consistent with the last trial as opposed
to an average of all of the preceding trials. An animal designed
to process information based on this assumption, assuming
that it retains information concerning all prior trials,
should switch from behavior indicative of recent events to
behavior characterized by the mean value of all prior trials,
but not revert to behavior reflecting initial training. Hence,
the functional value of initial training being privileged (i.e.,
primacy effects) is unclear. Perhaps primacy effects have
no functional role; that is, primacy effects may be an epiphenomenal
consequence of processes that are functional in
their other consequences.
The traditional process used to provide a mechanistic account
of primacy effects is that initial information can be
given more rehearsal time due to limited competition for
rehearsal capacity by related information (e.g., Atkinson &
Shiffrin, 1968). This view received support from the finding
that instructed overt rehearsal enhanced primacy effects
(Rundus, 1971). However, there is compelling evidence that
better rehearsal is not a fully adequate explanation of primacy
effects. For example, stimuli such as kaleidoscope images
that seemingly defy rehearsal still yield primacy effects
(e.g., Wright, Cook, Rivera, Shyan, Neiworth, & Jitsumori,
1990). Other mechanisms proposed to account for primacy
effects, such as distinctiveness (e.g., Murdock, 1960), likely
do contribute, but there is compelling evidence that no one
of them is all encompassing (for reviews, see Hogarth & Einhorn,
1992; Wright, 1998). More contemporary accounts
simply speak of a reduction in retroactive interference with
increasing retention intervals (due to waning recency) allowing
proactive interference to be evidenced (Wright, 1998).
When there are multiple conflicting associations to the same
cue, the spatiotemporal context or discrete cues present at
testing, by virtue of their similarity to one or another training
circumstance, likely act as occasion setters favoring the
retrieval of one association as opposed to another (Bouton,
1993, Miller & Oberling, 1998). However credible this view
is, it does not explain the emergence of primacy effects as
opposed to equal weighting of all prior associations given
long retention intervals. Perhaps we will have to accept initially
received information being privileged as a primitive.
Notably, all of these accounts presuppose the retention of the
initially learned material, which is contradictory to the summary
statistics assumption of current associative theories in
the animal learning tradition.
Information capacity as an argument for summary statistics
Contemporary associative theories are conservative with respect to assumed long-term memory capacity. That is, retention
of summary statistics clearly would place far fewer
demands on memory capacity than would a model in which
individual episodic memories are retained. But one might
ask if there is really a need to be conservative. Long ago,
Wooldridge (1963) performed rough calculations concerning
the information capacity of the brain based on a single
synapse for each bit of information, and concluded that
mammals retain far more information than this assumption
allows. This simply underlines how little we knew then (and
know now) about how information is encoded in the brain.
The one thing that is obvious is that actual storage capacity
is enormous (although not without limit; see Cook, Levison,
Gillett, & Blaisdell, 2005), and the capacity of vertebrate
memory appears to be so high that for most purposes
it is not a meaningful constraint on the different ways that
acquired information might be stored. However, some models
are challenged by even a very high memory capacity.
For example, Gallistel and Gibbon (2000) propose that all
stimulus dyads, along with each dyad’s interstimulus interval,
are encoded, with no limit based on the cue-outcome
temporal separation. This leads to an incredible multitude
of stimulus-stimulus intervals (effectively, associations with
interstimulus intervals attached) which increases factorially
with events encountered (roughly, time lived). This implicit
assumption of almost limitless memory capacity contrasts
sharply with the minimalist implications of contemporary
associative models. In terms of demand on memory capacity,
between these two extremes are models of learning that
assume close contiguity is necessary to form an association
but that organisms retain memories about different types of
previously experienced events rather than merely memories
of summary statistics (e.g., contingency models). In summary,
it appears that the argument that the summary statistic
viewpoint is supported by its being frugal with memory is
not compelling. More generally, the existence of episodic
memories and their clear role in conditioning tasks present
a challenge to contemporary associative theories that rely
exclusively on summary statistics.
Contingency theories as an alternative
to associative theories
One might ask about models of learning that avoid the
use of summary statistics. Contingency theories provide an
approach that was popular in animal learning many years
ago (Rescorla, 1968), and is still frequently used in analyzing
human thought and behavior such in causal attribution
(e.g., Cheng, 1997). At their heart, contingency theories
assume that subjects retain memories of the different types
of trials that have occurred and the frequency of each type.
For example, consider a simple situation in which a tone is
sometimes paired with a footshock. In contingency theories, fear expressed to the tone is assumed to be positively correlated
with the number of tone-shock pairings and also the
number of trials on which no tone and no shock occur. Additionally,
fear is assumed to be negatively correlated with
the number of times the tone is presented without the shock
and the number of times the shock is presented without the
tone. Contingency theory was initially proposed to account
for the response degrading consequences of unsignaled outcomes
(e.g., shocks) interspersed among cue-outcome pairings
(i.e., degraded contingency treatment), and also proved
able to explain the response attenuating effects of outcomes
presented alone prior to cue-outcome pairings (i.e., the USpreexposure
effect) as well as of cues presented alone prior
to cue-outcome pairings (i.e., latent inhibition) and interspersed
amidst the cue-outcome pairings (i.e., partial reinforcement
acquisition effects). However, associative theories
soon provided an account of the degraded contingency
and US-preexposure effects (e.g., Rescorla & Wagner, 1972)
along with latent inhibition (e.g., Miller & Matzel, 1988;
Pearce & Hall, 1980; Wagner, 1981). Contingency theory
can be thought of as depending on retention of the frequency
of different trial types, or, with a little elaboration, of individual
trials that on each test trial are effectively counted as a
function of trial type. The former, more common, version of
contingency theory is seen to also use summary statistics (a
number to represent the frequency of each trial type), albeit
more statistics than are assumed by most contemporary associative
models. Moreover, what is stored according to such
contingency models does not include the temporal information
that is inherent in episodic-like memories. The latter
version, with each specific trial encoded, is more compatible
with the observation of episodic memories. However, both
versions encounter a number of problems, among them being
unable to address trial order effects because frequencies
of trial types are encoded without any information about the
order of the different trials. Not only do these contingency
models, like traditional associative models, fail to account
for waning recency effects and waxing primacy, but they do
not even anticipate the recency effects that are ordinarily observed
with short retention intervals and no change in context
prior to testing, something that traditional associative
models such as Rescorla-Wagner (1972) correctly anticipate.
The richer version of contingency theory with its retention
of memories of individual trials, complemented with added
information concerning the time at which trials occurred, is
a direction that future researchers might profitably pursue
(see Lopez et al., 1998, for a detailed discussion of potential
The Learning-Performance Distinction
Ever since Tolman (e.g., 1932), researchers have had
some awareness of the learning-performance distinction. The primary variable upon which Tolman focused concerning
the transformation of stored knowledge into behavior
was motivation. Today we all acknowledge that motivation
is essential for the expression of what has been learned. But
associative theories in the animal learning tradition rarely
go beyond motivation in differentiating encoded knowledge
from behavior. Indeed, they usually only acknowledge rather
than formalize the role of motivation, but that is still more
attention than they give to other so-called performance variables.
Unlike associative theories framed to explain human
performance, there is ordinarily little concern for retrieval
processes or response generation rules. Learning is an intervening
variable; all we ever see is a change in behavior
as a consequence of prior experience. Consistent with the
misguided name learning theory and inconsistent with the
actual goal of explaining acquired behavior, most modern
associative theories in the animal tradition emphasize the
learning (i.e., acquisition) process per se and are virtually
silent concerning the transformation of acquired information
into behavior. For example, Rescorla and Wagner (1972)
simply say that responding is monotonically related to associative
strength. This undermines the assertion that the
Rescorla-Wagner model is quantitative in more than anticipating
rank order of behaviors resulting from different treatments.
That is, the model is quantitative only up to the point
of computing associative strength, which is an intervening
variable that cannot be directly measured. Some other associative
models such as Wagner (1981) go a bit further in
discussing the expression of behavior, but in explaining differences
in behavior even these models clearly place a far
greater emphasis on acquisition processes than on expression
processes that are uniquely active at test. They assume
that what is observed in behavior is a reliable reflection of
what the subject has encoded. The failure to do more than
predict rank-order differences in behavior is a major weakness
of most contemporary association models in the animal
In contrast, in the study of human information processing,
ever since the so-called cognitive revolution, retrieval,
decision making, and response production have been given
as much or more attention than acquisition. Landmark examples
include Tulving and Pearlstone’s (1966) distinction
between available and accessible memories, with available
memories being encoded but inaccessible given the immediately
prevailing retrieval cues, and Tulving and Thomson’s
(1973) discussion of the importance for effective retrieval
of common cues being similarly represented during training
and testing. Spear (1973) differentiated between reversible
and permanent performance failures on memory tests with
nonhuman subjects; he termed the distinction lapse vs. loss.
Tulving and Spear do not provide quantitative accounts of
retrieval and response, but they at least discuss the variables that seemingly influence retrieval.
A few associative models from the animal tradition, however,
have given more weight to retrieval processes than acquisition.
Bouton’s (1993) retrieval model and Miller and
Matzel’s (1988) comparator hypothesis are models of this
sort; and Gallistel and Gibbon’s (2000) model gives greater
emphasis to decision rules for responding than acquisition
(although these last authors would argue that their model is
not associative). Bouton, focusing on phasic reinforcement
and nonreinforcement trials with a single stimulus, assumed
that when there were different phases of training in which
contradictory information was provided, the informational
content of each phase was separately stored. Then, the presence
on a test trial of occasion setting stimuli that were also
present during one or another phase of training disambiguates
the different meanings of the retrieval cues and determines
which information set will be expressed on that test
trial. This approach works particularly well for spontaneous
recovery from extinction treatment (recovery as a function
of the retention interval, which is a recency-to-primacy phenomenon),
renewal (recovery from extinction effected by a
change in context between extinction treatment and testing),
and recovery from counterconditioning (i.e., recovery from
retroactive outcome interference [e.g., Tone-Food, Tone-
Shock, test on Tone for responding anticipatory of food] as
a function of retention interval or context change). In these
phenomena we see differences in responding to the target
cue on a test trial that do not depend on differences in what
was encoded at the time of training.
In contrast to Bouton (1993), Miller and Matzel’s (1988)
comparator hypothesis (for an update of this model, see
Denniston, Savastano, & Miller, 2001) speaks most directly
to cue interactions arising from training trials on which
multiple cues are present, including cue competition (e.g.,
overshadowing and blocking) and conditioned inhibition.
This model posits that acquisition is based on simple contiguity
and that these phenomena arise from memory interactions
that occur at the time of testing. In the framework
of the comparator hypothesis, conditioned responding to a
test cue is the result of a comparison made at the time of
testing between two independently activated representations
of the outcome. Responding is positively correlated with
the degree to which a representation of the outcome is directly
activated by the test cue (which reflects the strength of
the test cue-outcome association), and negatively correlated
with the degree to which a representation of the outcome is
indirectly activated by the test cue conjointly through the
association between the target cue and other stimuli present
during training and the association between the other cues
and the outcome (i.e., target cue --> other cue --> outcome).
For example, according to the comparator hypothesis overshadowing
is due to the association between the overshadowed and overshadowing cues in conjunction with the association
between the overshadowing cue and the outcome
serving to indirectly activate a representation of the outcome
(i.e., test cue --> overshadowing cue --> outcome, where the
test cue is the overshadowed stimulus). This indirectly activated
representation attenuates conditioned responding to
the overshadowed cue which is otherwise promoted by the
representation of the outcome that is activated directly by the
association between the overshadowed cue and the outcome.
Importantly, the association between the overshadowed cue
and the outcome is assumed to be acquired unimpaired during
overshadowing treatment. Additionally, within the comparator
model, behavior indicative of conditioned inhibition
(responding as if there is an expectation of no outcome) is
due neither to a negatively valued association nor a cue-no
outcome association, but to a comparison of multiple simple
excitatory associations. Presumably, the target cue (i.e., the
conditioned inhibitor) does not directly activate a representation
of the outcome because this cue has never been paired
with the outcome. But the conditioned inhibitor is able to
indirectly activate a representation of the outcome as a result
of the inhibitor’s association to other cues that were present
when it was trained and the association of these other cues to
the outcome.
Notably, Bouton’s (1993) retrieval model as well as Miller
and Matzel’s (1988) comparator hypothesis still assume the
existence of summary statistics at least for simple dyadic
relationships, which makes these models open to the same
criticism previously leveled at more traditional associative
models within the animal tradition. Obviously, any complete
model must speak to what happens both at the time
of training and at the time of testing. Gallistel and Gibbon
(2000, as well as other proponents of timing models, see
Church, 1989, for a review) go a step further than Bouton
or Miller and Matzel in that they posit the encoding of individual
events, along with the intervals between them and
the order in which the trials occurred. However, a central
weakness of Gallistel and Gibbon’s model is seemingly the
assumption that all dyads enter into association independent
of their contiguity. To record a lifetime of memories, this
assumption requires a memory store much larger than any
other model. Moreover, this model appears to reject the well
established principle of contiguity in that the temporal relationship
of all stimulus dyads are encoded regardless of the
interval between them.
The point to be made here is that, with the few exceptions
mentioned above, most contemporary learning theories in
the animal tradition erroneously focus on acquisition processes
and fail to give adequate weight to latent information,
that is, information that is stored but not immediately
expressed. This point is related to the preceding argument
concerning the inadequacy of summary statistics, in that the episodic memories that animals apparently encode are often
latent in the situations ordinarily examined in the laboratory
owing to the procedures used. For example, in a situation
in which contradictory information about a cue is provided
in successive phases of training, information concerning the
initial phase is latent when testing occurs soon after a later
phase of training in the context used for later training.
When discussing the mechanism responsible for the absence
of acquired behavior that might be expected based on
prior experience, it is sometimes useful to differentiate between
two forms of behavioral deficits. The first of these is
behavior arising from information that was previously expressed
(or was at least expressible if a test occurred, e.g.,
memories of initial training prior to extinction, prior to counterconditioning,
and prior to backward blocking). The second
of these is behavior arising from information that was
never expressed as conditioned responding (e.g., memories
concerning overshadowed cues, forward blocked cues, and
cues subjected to latent inhibition treatment). Performance
deficits based on information previously expressed that is
now not being expressed arise from either a permanent loss
of previously stored information or a reversible expression
deficit. In contrast, performance deficits with respect to information
that the subject never previously expressed presumably
arises from an acquisition failure or a reversible
expression deficit.
Absences of behaviors that were previously evident
Among the clearer successes of most contemporary associative
theories are correct predictions concerning basic extinction,
enhancement of extinction as a result of extinction
treatment occurring in the presence of a second excitatory
cue (e.g., Rescorla, 2000), and protection from extinction as
a result of extinction treatment occurring in the presence of
an inhibitory cue (e.g., Soltysik, Wolfe, Nicolas, Wilson, &
Garcia-Sanchez, 1983). These phenomena can be explained
equally well by either acquisition-focused (e.g., Rescorla &
Wagner, 1972) or performance-focused associative models
(e.g., Denniston et al., 2001). However, other phenomena
related to extinction such as spontaneous recovery (a recency-
to-primacy shift, Pavlov, 1927), renewal (recovery
induced by a change in context from that of extinction, Bouton
& Bolles, 1979), reinstatement (recovery induced by exposure
to the outcome alone, Rescorla & Heth, 1975), and
concurrent recovery (recovery induced by conditioning of a
highly dissimilar cue to the original outcome, Weidemann &
Kehoe, 2004) indicate that extinction is not erasure of stored
information as is assumed by some associative models (e.g.,
Rescorla & Wagner, 1972). Associative models that assume
extinction treatment establishes an inhibitory association
(e.g., Pearce & Hall, 1980; Wagner, 1981) fare better with
all of the above mentioned extinction phenomena except concurrent recovery, provided a few assumptions are made
about conditioned inhibition being more labile than conditioned
excitation. Notably, models that treat extinction as the
erasure of associations assume that extinguished memories
are irrevocably lost, whereas models which appeal to inhibition
to account for experimental extinction assume that the
memory of initial reinforcement is present but silent owing
to interference by the inhibitory association that is formed
during extinction. Bouton (e.g., 1993) has gone furthest in
developing the view that behavioral extinction and counterconditioning
result from interference by inhibitory associations.
In his framework, counterconditioning (e.g., Tone-
Food in Phase 1 followed by Tone-Shock in Phase 2) not
only results during Phase 2 in the formation of an excitatory
Tone-Shock association, but also in the establishment of an
Tone-Food inhibitory association. Unfortunately Bouton’s
retrieval model has not yet been presented as a formalized
general model of learning. That is, it currently stands as
a narrowly focused model used to account for interference
seen when a cue is paired with different outcomes (extinction,
latent inhibition, counterconditioning, and interference
between outcomes), and is otherwise not invoked. Empirically,
we see that the preponderance of data indicates that
much if not all of these deficits reflect memories being rendered
silent rather than erased, a point missed by contemporary
acquisition-focused models of learning.
Other instances of behavioral differences that seemingly
vanish, but are not due to an irreversible loss of information,
are seen in what are called path dependent phenomena.
Path independence refers to situations in which different
subjects, despite prior differences in treatments and
performance (i.e., different behavioral paths), exhibit common
behavior and then alter their behavior in identical ways
given the same new treatment. This contrasts with path dependence
in which prior differential treatments and behavior
cause subjects to alter their behaviors in different ways
despite identical behavioral starting points and identical new
treatment. Most acquisition-focused associative models of
learning that rely on summary statistics assume that, if two
subjects behave in the same fashion, they have stored the
same summary statistics and consequently will alter their
behavior in an identical manner given the same additional
training, that is, path independence is anticipated. However,
there are many examples of path dependence in the literature.
For example, reacquisition after acquisition followed
by extinction, or reacquisition after acquisition followed by
counterconditioning, are examples of path dependence if
extinction and counterconditioning successfully eliminated
the originally acquired behavior and then the originally acquired
behavior can be restored more rapidly than it took in
original training, which is often the case. There are a large
number of additional instances of path dependence. For example, Brown-Su, Matzel, Gordon, and Miller (1986) found
that rats asymptotically trained with a small reinforcer (toneweak
shock) and rats sub-asymptotically trained with a large
reinforcer (tone-strong shock) were differentially sensitive
to further training (tone-medium shock) despite starting
from a common behavioral baseline (see Miller & Matzel,
1987, for a review). Path dependent phenomena in general
provide numerous examples of behavior that does not accurately
reflect stored information.
Absences of behaviors that might be expected but were
never evident
All contemporary associative theories (acquisition- and
performance-focused) can account for the commonly observed
basic interactions between cues presented together
(e.g., cue competition [including overshadowing and blocking],
and conditioned inhibition). The ability to explain
basic cue competition and anticipation-related phenomena
like superconditioning (enhanced conditioned responding as
a result of training a cue in the presence of a conditioned
inhibitor, e.g., Wagner, 1971) and the overexpectation effect
(reduced conditioned responding as a result of reinforcing
a previously trained cue in the presence of a second previously
trained cue, e.g., Rescorla, 1970) were impressive successes
of these models. In contrast, few cognitive theories
that depend on higher-order cognitive processes address cue
competition beyond paraphasing the phenomena. Cheng
and Novick’s (1992) and Spellman’s (1996) contingency
theories do provide accounts of these phenomena by positing
that subjects employ conditional probabilities of outcomes
based on different combinations of cues present on
each trial. Inference theory (DeHouwer & Beckers, 2002;
Lovibond, 2003) also claims to explain these phenomena.
But the predictions of inference models depend on subjects’
assuming that outcomes (i.e., effects) have only one cause.
Thus, these models speak to causal relationships, but not
relations that are merely predictive (all causal relations are
predictive as well as causal). It seems clear that blocking is
stronger when the cues are causes rather than mere predictors;
(DeHouwer, Beckers, & Glautier, 2002; Pineno, Denniston,
Beckers, Matute, & Miller, 2005), but in these same
reports there was evidence of blocking between mere predictors.
That is, stimulus interactions do seem to occur between
cues that are not causes.
The prediction of cue competition between predictive cues
was a great initial success of contemporary associative theories.
In these accounts, the target cue-outcome association
was not formed and hence should not be recoverable by any
treatment short of further training with the target stimulus.
But since then recovery from cue competition has been effected
through at least three manipulations.
The first of these manipulations is posttraining extinction of the competing stimulus (e.g., Kaufman & Bolles, 1981;
Matzel, Schachtman, & Miller, 1985). If a target cue is
trained in the presence of another cue, subsequent extinction
(associative deflation) or reinforcement (associative inflation)
of the companion cue often increases or decreases,
respectively, behavioral control by the target cue. Such
phenomena are collectively called retrospective revaluation.
Increases in responding to the target cue as a result
of posttraining deflation of a companion stimulus are relatively
easy to obtain (e.g., Denniston, Savastano, Blaisdell,
& Miller, 2003), but a few failures to obtain the effect have
been reported (e.g., Holland, 1999) suggesting that this effect
like most effects is parameter dependent (Shevill & Hall,
2004). In contrast, decreases in responding to a target cue
as a result of posttraining inflation of a companion stimulus
is rarely observed when the target cue signals a biologically
significant outcome such as food or footshock (e.g., Grahame,
Barnet, & Miller, 1992; Miller, Hallam, & Grahame,
1990), but can be observed if the procedure is embedded in
a sensory preconditioning procedure so that the target cue
does not have the opportunity to control behavior until after
the inflation treatment is complete. An example of this is
backward blocking as reported in rats by Denniston, Miller,
and Matute (1996; also see Miller & Matute, 1996). They
found backward blocking when a target stimulus X (e.g., a
click train) in compound with a companion stimulus A (e.g.,
a white noise) was initially paired with an innocuous outcome
B (e.g., a flashing light, that is, AX-B trials), followed
by the associative inflation of A (i.e., A-B pairings in the
absence of X). Finally, B was paired with a footshock. Then
subjects were tested for fear of X. When the rats were tested
for fear of X, the A-B pairings were seen to have reduced
fear of X relative to a control group lacking the A-B pairings.
Apparently organisms behave conservatively and do
not readily surrender acquired behavior relevant to biologically
significant outcomes. This qualifier notwithstanding,
retrospective revaluation phenomena stand as evidence that
blocked or overshadowed conditioned responding can be recovered
without further training with the target cue. Miller
and Matzel’s (1988) comparator hypothesis was initially
unique is explaining retrospective revaluation, claiming that
the target memory was present all along but latent. That is,
cue competition was viewed as a performance deficit rather
than a failure to acquire the target association. However,
subsequently Dickinson and Burke (1996) and Van Hamme
and Wasserman (1994) proposed accounts of retrospective
revaluation in which new learning about the target cue occurred
on the revaluation trials despite the absence of the
target cue on these trials. Accounts such as these last two
view cue competition as an acquisition failure. Thus, basic
retrospective revaluation phenomena fail to differentiate
between acquisition-focused and performance-focused accounts
of cue competition. Most recently, there have been several reports that are problematic for each view point (e.g.,
Arcediano, Escobar, & Miller, 2004; Melchers, Lachnit, &
Shanks, 2004; Urushihara, Stout, & Miller, 2004). Thus, it
appears that neither view as they currently stand can adequately
address all of the retrospective revaluation data.
In addition to retrospective revaluation, two other means
of recovering responding to overshadowed and blocked cues
have been identified. One of these is reminder treatments
in which, prior to testing, a so-called reminder stimulus is
presented (e.g., Balaz, Gutsin, Cacheiro, & Miller, 1982;
Kasprow, Cacheiro, Balaz, & Miller, 1982). Reminder-induced
recovery of responding is most readily accomplished
by presenting the outcome (usually an unconditioned stimulus)
to the subject a few times following training. Moreover,
presentation of the training context alone or even the target
cue itself a few times has also been found to be effective in
some instances. In highly cognitive terms, one might say
that the reminder stimulus acts as a potent retrieval cue, and
once the target association is reactivated by this cue, the association
is then re-stored in a more accessible location that
allows easier retrieval on a subsequent test trial. However,
such processes are not part of any contemporary formal associative
model of learning. Another recovery technique
is spontaneous recovery, that is, the insertion of a long retention
interval before testing has been found to reduce the
response deficit of cue competition (e.g., Kraemer, Lariviere,
& Spear, 1988; Pineno, Urushihara, & Miller, 2005).
Neither the acquisition-focused or performance-focused accounts
of cue competition provide adequate explanations of
why these two treatments produce recovery from cue competition.
However, the observation that the absent behavior
can reappear without further training appears to be more
consistent with a performance-failure account of cue competition.
Traditional associative models are challenged to
provide complete explanations of these last two procedures
for recovering responding after cue competition treatment.
Stimulus Interaction
Stimulus competition
Stimulus competition is often taken to mean cue competition.
But beyond cue competition (i.e., competition between
cues presented together), there is also published evidence
of competition between outcomes presented together. For
example, Esmoris-Arranz, Miller, and Matute (1997) and
Miller and Matute (1998; also see Rescorla, 1980, for a
variation on the same effect) reported that pairing a cue X
(e.g., a tone) with a nontarget outcome (O1, e.g., a flashing
light) followed by the tone being paired with a compound of
the nontarget outcome and target outcome (O2, e.g., a white
noise, that is X-[O1+O2] trials) attenuated responding to
the tone after noise (O2) had been paired with a footshock, relative to subjects that had not the X-O1 pairings. Control
groups in these studies determined that simultaneous presentation
of innocuous stimuli O1 and O2 did not result in one
outcome distracting the subjects from the other. The O2-
footshock pairings essentially rendered this preparation a
form of sensory preconditioning, which served to avoid presenting
two biologically significant outcomes (i.e., unconditioned
stimuli) at the same time which likely would have resulted
in one unconditioned stimulus distracting the subjects
from the other. Contemporary acquisition-focused associative
models provide no account of this effect, although it is
not hard to imagine how models that posit limited attention
(e.g., Sutherland & Mackintosh, 1971) might be modified
to address the phenomenon in ways similar to how they account
for cue competition. In contrast, Miller and Matzel’s
(1988) performance-focused comparator hypothesis provides
a ready account of outcome competition (Miller & Escobar,
2002). Here the competing outcome (O1) is treated
the same as a competing stimulus; that is, at the time of testing,
the O1-O2 association (in conjunction with the X-O1
association) indirectly activates a representation of the target
outcome (O2) upon the test trial presentation of X through
an X_O1_O2 pathway. Then this indirectly activated representation
of O2 competes with behavioral expression of the
representation of O2 that is directly activated by X (i.e., the
X-O2 association). Thus, this model accounts equally well
for cue competition and outcome competition.
Stimulus interference
In addition to outcome competition between stimuli presented
together during training, associative learning theories
are challenged by an old literature, largely from the verbal
learning tradition, concerning retroactive and proactive interference
(see Slamecka, & Ceraso, 1960, for a review).
Associative interference is commonly observed between
items within a serial list (presumably represented by dyadic
associations between elements) and between lists of items,
when items are presented serially (as opposed to simultaneously,
as in so-called competitive situations). For example,
a simple instance is to train on a list of dyads including AB
(e.g., apple-chair) followed by training on another list of
dyads including A-C (e.g., apple-shoe) and then test by presenting
A (apple) to see if it is impaired in eliciting retrieval
of B (chair), which were it to occur would be a form of retroactive
outcome interference. Although the modern study
of interference in Pavlovian situations began with humans
(see Matute & Pineno, 1998), there are now many studies
demonstrating interference effects with nonhuman subjects
(e.g., Amundson, Escobar, & Miller, 2003, for proactive interference;
Escobar, Matute, & Miller, 2001, for retroactive
interference). Hence, interference does not require verbal
abilities. Numerous studies have found that an important requirement for associative interference is that the two associations
must share a common element (e.g., Escobar et al.,
2001). Let us use the notation of paired associate learning
with X as the target cue, A as an alternative cue, O1 as the
target outcome, and O2 as an alternative outcome (all four
being tone, flashing light, white noise, click train, counterbalanced).
Then retroactive cue interference is represented
as X-O1 followed by A-O1 which impairs X in eliciting retrieval
of O1 (and hence behavior appropriate for O1); retroactive
outcome interference is represented as X-O1 followed
by X-O2 which impairs X in eliciting retrieval of O1 (e.g.,
counterconditioning); proactive cue interference is represented
A-O1 followed by X-O1 which impairs X in eliciting
retrieval of O1; and proactive outcome interference is represented
as X-O2 followed by X-O1 which impairs X in eliciting
retrieval of O1. Schematically, interactions between
stimuli can be represented in a 2 x 2 matrix (see Table 1) in
which the interacting elements are either cues or outcomes
and the interaction is either competition (interacting stimuli
presented together) or interference (interacting stimuli presented
apart). One should note that retroactive interference
(based on either common cues or common outcomes) is an
example of a behavioral deficit in which the target behavior
was originally observed (or was at least observable). In contrast,
proactive interference is an example of a behavioral
deficit in which the target behavior was never evident unless
there is some manipulation to counter the interference. Traditional
acquisition-focused models of stimulus interaction
have focused only on cell 1 of the matrix in Table 1. Miller
and Escobar (2002) have shown how Miller and Matzel’s
(1988) comparator hypothesis address both cells 1 and 2, but
not cells 3 and 4.
Table 1: Stimulus Interactions
I previously spoke about interference effects when I was
discussing shifts from recency to primacy. The point there
was that these shifts were problematic for contemporary
associative models. The point that I wish to make here is
that the occurrence of interference between stimuli trained
apart (provided that they have a common associate) is itself
problematic for almost all contemporary associative models.
Bouton (1993) has provided a viable model of associative
outcome interference (cell 4 of Table 1). Importantly, his
model is limited to outcome interference effects such as extinction,
latent inhibition, and counterconditioning. It does
not speak to associative cue interference. Nor does it speak
to competition between stimuli (cues or outcomes) trained
together any more than do the associative models that address
cue competition (e.g., Pearce & Hall, 1980; Miller &
Matzel, 1988; Rescorla & Wagner, 1972; Wagner, 1981)
speak to interference.
Miller and Escobar (2002) suggested a generalization of
Bouton’s (1993) model that encompasses interference between
cues (cell 3 of Table 1) as well as interference between outcomes (cell 4). Whereas Bouton spoke of interference
arising when two associations to the same cue compete for
retrieval when the cue is presented at test, Miller and Escobar
proposed that two associations sharing one common associate
compete for retrieval regardless of whether the common
element is a cue (as is required by Bouton’s model) or an
outcome. The Miller and Escobar account of stimulus interference
in conjunction with Miller and Matzel’s (1988) comparator
hypothesis provide a full account of both stimulus
interference and stimulus competition. Moreover, this dual
process approach does not posit that one process is engaged
and the other disabled based on the procedure used. Rather,
the interference mechanism depends on differential retrieval
based on potentially interfering memories that have been acquired
in different physical and/or temporal contexts. Thus,
this mechanism, although always engaged, is effective primarily
when the two associations have been acquired independently
of one another and hence there is no within-compound
association between the competing elements which
would make the competition (i.e., comparator) mechanism
effective. In contrast, the competition mechanism depends
on the existence of a within-compound association between
the two competing elements which would exist only if the
two elements were trained in compound. Notably, training
in compound would minimize differential retrieval of the
two associations, thereby precluding interference. Thus,
both processes are potentially active at the same time, but
the conditions that maximize one effect are exactly those
that minimize the other effect and vice versa. Thus, with
any one experimental procedure, this hybrid model does not
anticipate the simultaneous occurrence of both competition
and interference.
Having one mechanism for interference and another mechanism
for competition, however, appears unparsimonious,
particularly when the two types of phenomena addressed
(stimulus competition and interference) have so much in
common. For example, both interference and competition
appear to be reversible without further training with the target
stimulus; this can be effected through massive extinction
of the interfering or competing association (e.g., Amundson,
et al., 2003; Kaufman & Bolles, 1981). Such similarities
suggest that a single mechanism might be responsible for
both interference and competition. Thus, Miller and Escobar’s
(2002) hybrid model is not entirely satisfying. But the
central point here is not the adequacy of Miller and Escobar’s
model, but the failure of traditional acquisition-focused associative
models of learning (e.g., Pearce & Hall, 1980,
Pearce, 1987, Rescorla & Wagner, 1972, Wagner, 1981) to
account for cells 2, 3, and 4 of the matrix in Table 1.
Applying Associative Theory to Complex Behavior
Although the focus of this paper has been on the challenges posed to contemporary associative theories as a result
of their use of summary statistics and their overlooking
both the learning-performance distinction and several types
of stimulus interaction, I feel that I should briefly speak to
how well do these theories account for more complex behavior.
An early and continuing goal of associative models has
been to provide the building blocks for models of complex
behaviors such as categorization and language (e.g., Rumelhart,
Hinton, & McClelland, 1986). In recent years, some
of the most successful attempts to account for such complex
behavior through associative principles have taken the form
of connectionist models. These models, true to associative
conventions, restrict themselves to variably weighted links
between pairs of event representations, but deviate from
traditional associative theories by assuming the existence
of large numbers of interacting associations, a feature that
presumably models the complexity of the brain. The successes
of connectionistic models are impressive indeed (e.g.,
Kruschke, 1992; Love, Medin, & Gureckis, 2004), but they
have their failings. One unusual failing is that the approach
explains too much (Massaro, 1988). That is, these models
are very flexible and can model almost any phenomena they
confront, but they rarely make testable a priori predictions.
This characteristic makes these models difficult to falsify
(a feature also seen in some seemingly simple associative
models). This weakness implies contemporary connectionist
models tend to be under-constrained, something that may
well lend itself to being corrected in the future. Researchers
working with traditional (i.e., simple) associative models
have generally shied away from connectionist modeling (but
see Pearce, 1994). This likely reflects both some concern
about these models not making testable predictions and their
mathematics being a challenge to the researcher. Notably,
connectionist theories, by the shear number of micro-associations
that each event generates, effectively circumvent the
assumption that only summary statistics are retained. Importantly, connectionist models clearly demonstrate that the
associative approach can in principle account for complex
behavior, but the relative inability of present versions to predict
new phenomena has been disappointing.
How well have contemporary associative theories fulfilled
the purposes of models? To answer this question, we must
first agree on the goals of a model of learning. Conventionally,
these seem to be three-fold: 1) to direct research that
leads to the discovery of new behavioral phenomena, 2) to
theoretically organize behavioral phenomena including connecting
with more molecular neural analysis and more molar
cognitive analysis, and 3) to serve applied needs. Contemporary
associative theories have been highly successful with
respect to the first two goals and only modestly successful
with respect to the third goal. Many new phenomena have
been discovered in the course of testing different associative
theories (e.g., superconditioning and overexpectation
effects). Moreover, experiments focused on assessment of
learning theories have provided the behavioral basis for a
vast amount of illuminating neurophysiological research
in recent years (for reviews, see e.g., Holland & Gallagher,
1999; Squire & Kandel, 1999; Thompson, Bao, Chen, Cipriano,
Grethe, Kim, Thompson, Tracy, Weninger, & Krupa,
1997). However, this synergy here has been more between
the behavioral phenomena and the neurological studies than
between the associative theories per se and the neurological
studies. With respect to the impact of modern associative
theories on clinical psychology, the contributions have been
modest. However, the more cognitive approach of newer
associative theories, with their frequent references to expectations
and event representations (e.g., Holland, 1990; Rescorla,
1988), has helped reconcile cognitive therapy with
behavioral therapy. And at the more applied clinical level,
the largest impact in recent years has seemingly come from Bouton’s (1993) model as implemented in exposure therapies
(Collins & Brandon, 2002). However, although Bouton’s
model presumes binary associations, it does not say
much about their nature or the necessary conditions for the
formation or alteration of associations, thereby making it an
associative theory only in the broadest sense.
What are the alternatives to associative models? Associative
models have survived as long as they have, despite their
several and continuing shortcomings, largely due to the lack
of simple alternatives (which do not surrender degrees of
freedom to a homunculus) and because their simplicity has
stimulated much illuminating research. Contingency theories
are often looked upon as possible alternatives to purely
associative models (e.g., Cheng, 1997; White, 2003). But,
as I have previously stated, contingency models implicitly
use associations themselves and need revision to account
for trial-order effects among other things. Other families of
alternatives include inference theories (e.g., DeHouwer &
Beckers, 2002; Lovibond, 2003); however, at this time these
models are glaringly under specified. Another approach worthy
of mention is the rate expectancy theory of Gallistel and
Gibbon (2000). Even this model implicitly uses the basic
associative principle of mental representations of events that
are linked, but it adds a number of important novel features
including episodic memories. Moreover, it is well specified.
But it fails to deal with a number of phenomena such
as stimulus intensity effects, and as previously mentioned
makes truly heroic demands upon memory capacity and disavows
the seeming importance of contiguity in acquisition.
In the broad sense of associations, there has been no plausible
alternative offered to the construct of associations.
Thus, the issue is not the acceptance of the construct of associations,
but whether to accept some form of contemporary
associative theory. Before we will be ready to do this, there
are three central weaknesses of contemporary associative
modeling that need to be addressed. First is the assumption
that only summary statistics are retained. The fundamental
assumption of all contemporary associative theories, that all
that organisms encode are summary statistics, is contrary to
overwhelming data. It is this assumption that makes associative
models simple, and hence tractable. But it is at the
cost of capturing the reality of mental life. The brain retains
more than summary statistics. One viable alternative is a
version of contingency theory that retains memories of instances
including spatial locations as well as temporal intervals
and trial-order information, and that uses higher-order
decision making processes. The second weakness of contemporary
associative theories is their failure to bridge the
learning-performance distinction. And the third weakness
is the need to account for the full family of stimulus interactions
(i.e., the 2 x 2 matrix of Table 1). Future associative
theories should address these phenomena.
1Here I am categorizing Pavlovian learning as a type of procedural
learning, although some investigators have chosen
to more narrowly differentiate between them.
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