Generally speaking, the study of concepts in cognitive psychology is anthropocentric with respect to both content and
theory. A broader comparative perspective on the various forms of concept learning not only provides a more inclusive view
of conceptual behavior, but it also provides a more objective perspective from which to identify underlying processes. We
suggest that several of the major varieties of conceptual classes claimed to be uniquely human are also exhibited by nonhuman
animals. We present evidence for the formation of several sorts of conceptual stimulus classes by nonhuman animals:
perceptual classes involving classification according to the shared attributes of objects, associative
classes or functional
equivalences in which stimuli form a class based on common associations, relational
classes, in which the conceptual relationship
between or among stimuli defines the class, and relations
between relations, in which the conceptual (analogical)
relationship is defined by the relation between classes of stimuli. We conclude that not only are nonhuman animals capable
of acquiring a wide variety of concepts, but that the underlying processes that determine concept learning are also likely to
be quite similar. |
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Published by the Comparative Cognition Society
How to reference this article:
Zentall, T. R.,
Wasserman, E. A., Lazareva, O. F., Thompson, R. R. K., Ratterman, M. J.
(2008). Concept Learning in Animals.
Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews, 3 , 13-45. Retrieved from