Although there is abundant evidence for social learning and other forms of social influence on behavior, relatively little
experimental analysis of the mechanisms involved is available. The present paper reviews a line of research examining social
influences on spatial choice in the context of spatial working memory paradigms using pairs of laboratory rats foraging
together for food. There is a social affiliation effect – rats are attracted to spatial locations if a familiar conspecific is there.
However, there is a countervailing tendency to avoid visits to spatial locations that were previously depleted of food by the
other rat. The latter effect is based on working memory for the choices made previously by the other rat. The memories for
the previous choices of another rat can affect subsequent choices flexibly, either increasing or decreasing choice tendencies
depending on working memory for the contents of spatial locations resulting from the rat's own visits to the location.
Video Subject rat in observation chamber while model
rat makes choices in the first phase of trials in Brown, Farley
and Lorek (Experiments 2 and 3). |