Here we review around 20 years of experimental data that we have collected during tests of cognitive abilities of free-living,
wild rufous hummingbirds Selasphorus rufus at their breeding grounds in southwestern Alberta. Because these birds are
readily trained to feed from artificial flowers they have proved a useful system for testing cognitive abilities of an animal
outside the box wherein animal cognitive abilities are so often tested in the laboratory. And, although these data all come
from a single species in a single location, the long-term aim of this work is to make a contribution to our understanding of
the evolution of cognitive abilities, by examining the relationship between the ecological demands these birds face and their
cognitive abilities. Testing predictions based on our knowledge of their ecology we have found that, while these birds aggressively
defend a territory and display to females during the time we train and test them, they can learn and remember the
locations of rewarded flowers, what those flowers look like, and when they are likely to contain food. Small-brained though
they may be, these 3g hummingbirds appear to have cognitive capabilities that are not only well matched to their ecological
demands, they are in at least some instances better (more capacious) than those of animals tested in the laboratory.
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