Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews: the first six years
by Robert Cook,
Tufts University
Ron Weisman,
Queen’s University
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We reflect on beginning the electronic journal, Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews (CCBR) and discuss its current status. We conclude that CCBR meets the continuing need for reviews of established bodies of knowledge about comparative cognition. It now attracts a over ten thousand viewers per year and several thousand downloads of its full articles. Also, CCBR is steadily increasing in citations. We are pleased to hand over stewardship of CCBR to the new editors: Chris Sturdy and Tom Zentall.
Keywords: e-journals, web-based publishing, comparative cognition, impact
Cook, R., & Weisman, R. G. (2011). Comparative Cognition & Reviews: The first six years. Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews, 6, 1-3. Retrieved from doi:10.3819/ccbr.2011.60002