Volume 1, Number 1 (April 1995)

Early Modern Literary Studies: Submission Information

EMLS invites contributions of critical essays on literary topics and of interdisciplinary studies which centre on literature and literary culture in English during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Contributions, including critical essays and studies, bibliographies, notices, letters to the Editor, and other materials, may be submitted to the Editor by electronic mail at EMLS@arts.ubc.ca or by regular mail at Early Modern Literary Studies, Department of English, University of British Columbia, #397 - 1873 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6T 1Z1; reviews and materials for review may be sent to the Review Editor at Review_Editor_EMLS@arts.ubc.ca or by regular mail at the same address. Brief hard-copy correspondence may be sent by fax to (604) 822-6906.

Electronic mail submissions are accepted in ASCII format. Regular mail submissions of material on-disk are accepted in ASCII, Wordperfect, or Microsoft Word format; hard-copy submissions must be accompanied by electronic copies, either on-disk or via electronic mail, and will not be returned. All submissions must follow the current Modern Language Association Handbook, in addition to the following conventions used by Early Modern Literary Studies for ASCII text: <b>bold text</b> is indicated by tags which surround the text that is to appear in bold, likewise with <i>italicized text</i>, <u>underlined text</u>, and <sup>superscript</sup>; superscript is used for note numbers in the text, and notes themselves appear at the end of the document. A document outlining the representation of non-ASCII characters is available on-site or by request.

For more information regarding submission of materials, send a message to Ed_Asst_EMLS@arts.ubc.ca.

Return to EMLS 1.1 Table of Contents.

[RGS; April 28, 1995].