Volume 1, Number 1 (April 1995)

Reviewing Information and Books Received for Review

EMLS invites reviews of recent scholarly works--critical editions, commentaries, and theoretical, historical, literary, or interdisciplinary criticism which centres on sixteenth- or seventeenth-century English or related literary culture. We also encourage reports of all resources which are relevant to literary studies of the period, including those available exclusively in the electronic medium.

Our aim is to publish reviews of a consistently high standard, which are both engaging and critically fair, written by a broad range of people at different stages of their academic careers with varied disciplinary backgrounds.

Requests to review books listed below, or proposals for reviews of other new titles, together with a brief description of reviewers' academic qualifications, publications or research interests should be sent to the Review Editor at Review_Editor_EMLS@arts.ubc.ca.

Books Received as of April 28, 1995:

Return to EMLS 1.1 Table of Contents.

[JW, RGS; April 28, 1995].