Volume 1, Number 1 (April 1995)
World Wide Web Resources for Early Modern Studies, 1500-1700:
A Survey of Select Textual Resources
Perry Willett
Indiana University
Willett, Perry. "World Wide Web Resources
for Early Modern Studies, 1500-1700: A Survey of Select Textual
Resources." Early Modern Literary Studies 1.1
(1995): 11.1-30 <URL:
Copyright (c) 1995 by the author, all rights
reserved. Volume 1.1 as a whole is copyright (c) 1995 by Early
Modern Literary Studies, all rights reserved, and may be
used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of
U.S. copyright law. Archiving and redistribution for profit, or
republication of this text in any medium, requires the consent of
the author and the Editor of EMLS.
- There are a great many resources available for both
research and instruction in early modern studies through
the World Wide Web (WWW), some of them quite extensive
and dazzling. The most impressive of them have thorough
introductions, outlines, overviews, and help aids both to
the materials they contain and to the internet in
general. These resources can be thought of as scholarly
editions, museum exhibits, reference books, course
materials, demonstrations, library collections, or, of
course, scholarly journals, and they all make use of the
WWW's power to make texts, images or sound available
around the world at the touch of a button. Among these
resources, there is a wide range, covering early modern
literature, art, architecture, music, science, medicine,
and other areas, some of which will be reviewed in future
issues of EMLS; this review will focus in
particular on electronic textual resources, and those
under review here can be grouped into three categories:
textual editions and lexicographical resources, home
pages with a textual focus, and services which catalogue
and archive electronic texts.
Textual Scholarly
Resources and the Nature of Electronic Publishing on the
- The WWW is organized not according to a hierarchy but by
series of virtual pages which contain hypertextual
links out to other pages (from which one can then return home).
A home page is a page which acts as a central
gathering area for a particular user, project, group, or
organization, which contains links to all materials
related to its owner and to related materials elsewhere.
The home page is typically used as a starting point for
movement on the WWW.
- The term home page, however, has also become
synonymous with the idea of the personal home page.
Although home pages of this nature are self-publications
and can be in some hands quite amateurish from a
scholarly perspective, the author/editors of home pages
in this review have created or provided access to
materials every bit as valid for scholarly research as
those from the most reputable publisher or institution
distributing in the electronic medium or otherwise.
Moreover, the contributions of independent scholars--some
even without institutional affiliations in the area of
their contribution--can be most striking, for this medium
allows their work to be increasingly integrated into the
mainstream of scholarly activity. Within this small
sample of resources under review are the works of several
individuals who have created editions or research tools,
with no other motivation, it seems, than a desire to
contribute to scholarship. Like these individuals, in
general the professors, librarians, students, and other
scholars who have worked to make the resources under
review available are to be commended for their hard work,
for they have shown how materials for serious study can
be created and published independent (for the time being)
of commercial publishers.
- This said, it must be pointed out that there are also a
great many WWW resources available which have very little
scholarly value. One must, thus, constantly question the
provenance and editorial principles of electronic textual
materials received through the WWW because almost anyone
can be author, editor and publisher in the electronic
medium. There are, for example, many electronic texts
available in the public domain for which the
editor/transcriber does not even provide a citation for
the source edition used. This is seen most prominently in
the case of electronic texts of Shakespeare's works; Ian
Lancashire, for one, has argued quite persuasively why
not to trust electronic editions of Shakespeare
in the public domain. In such cases the unreliability,
thus, of the text itself (not to mention the absence of
such essentials as critical apparatuses) make such texts
unsuitable for scholarly use.
- Electronic publishing, suffice it to say, is quite
different than print publishing for a number of reasons,
none perhaps more influential than the dynamic nature of
the new electronic medium. Resources available through
the WWW may be fairly stable, with routine changes
announced and executed. However, some publications are
launched with most of the planned resources still
"under construction," which may or may not ever
be completed. Other resources may suddenly appear and
expand, contract, move location, and disappear in an
unexpected and unexplained fashion. Even something as
simple and basic as a bibliographic citation becomes
somewhat complicated when one is not sure exactly where a
resource is located, or when it was published or last
revised--and none of this will be obvious unless the
author/publisher has given some indication within the
resource itself. This uncertainty and instability,
however, does not mean that there are no electronic
textual resources of value for literary research on the
Internet. On the contrary, though caution must be
exercised, scholars have begun to create reputable
resources for literary research, including reliable
electronic editions of literary works; pointers to some
of these are listed with the discussion below.
Texts and Textual Markup
- When viewing a scholarly electronic text obtained from
the internet or otherwise, often its most noticeable
feature (to the new user and the expert alike) is the
textual markup codes that are interspersed within the
text itself. While not all scholarly texts will
have some type of markup, most will. Most texts which
have been edited in a less-than-scholarly fashion and
then made available on the internet will lack markup of
any sort. Typically, those texts that have reliable and
consistent markup are the most useful.
- One issue, then, which is central to the creation of
electronic texts is that of text markup. Even with the
earliest electronic text projects, scholars recognized
the need to include information in the electronic edition
which is not strictly speaking part of the text, such as
bibliographic information, editorial principles, or
indications of structural, syntactic or semantic
elements. While there are a number of formats for markup
available--COCOA, used with the Oxford Concordance
Package (OCP) and the Textual Analysis
Computing Tools (TACT) package being a prominent
format--an international standard for encoding this kind
of information is the Standard Generalized Markup
Language (SGML), a set of rules and codes used by
government agencies, businesses and, increasingly,
scholars in the creation of electronic documents of all
- A sentence from an SGML-encoded text, such as this one
from The Elizabethan Homilies (reviewed
below) looks like this:
<ttdv4 n="I.1.1-43"><bkdv3
n="200"> We may learne also
<ttdv4 n="I.1.1-44"><bkdv3
n="201">in these Bookes to know
will and pleasure, as much as (for
<ttdv4 n="I.1.1-45"><bkdv3
n="202">this present time) is
conuenient for vs to know.
This kind of encoding, which uses angle brackets
to embed information, seems to distract from a reading of
the text, but it allows for inclusion of certain
information about the text vital to its automated
processing, display and analysis. To use these texts as
encoded, one would need software that recognizes SGML, of
which there is an increasing variety. (For a brief
overview of SGML, see A
Gentle Introduction to SGML or The SGML
Web Page. For a list of tools for use with
SGML, see the Whirlwind
Guide to SGML Tools).
- Standard SGML, however, does not entirely meet the needs
of scholars in the humanities and, in response, several
humanities organizations, including the Association
for Computers and the Humanities, the Association
for Literary and Linguistic Computing, and the Association
for Computational Linguistics, have sponsored the Text
Encoding Initiative (TEI). The TEI has published a
set of guidelines, co-edited by Michael Sperberg-McQueen
and Lou Burnard, for the encoding of electronic texts in
the humanities; the Electronic Text Center at the
University of Virginia has made an electronic version of
the TEI
Guidelines for Text Encoding and Interchange (TEI P3)
available over the WWW.
Other Resources
- The number of WWW pages available for research and
instruction in early modern studies has increased
rapidly, even in the short period in which this review
was prepared. As well, there are many other types of
electronic resources available through the WWW besides
those mentioned in this review. For instance, there are a
number of electronic
discussion groups of interest to those
studying the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Specific research interests are discussed, as well as
broad issues important to the humanities, including the
uses for, importance of, and problems with, new
technologies. There are also search
tools to aid in exploring the rapidly
expanding number of resources available over the
- Future issues of EMLS will continue to
review electronic resources, and will maintain a list of other WWW resources for
early modern studies as well.
Return to top of
Electronic Texts. Ian Lancashire, general
editor. Toronto: Centre for Computing in the Humanities,
- The Renaissance Electronic Texts (RET)
series is a demonstration of the current importance of
the WWW for literary scholarship; here the reader will
find "a series of old-spelling SGML encoded editions
of Renaissance books and manuscripts (with critical
introductions), transcriptions of basic texts, and
supplementary studies . . ." (from the
introduction). Works in the RET series will
follow clearly defined standards and principles to create
and make available high quality electronic editions of
literary texts. As of the writing of this review, there
is only one RET edition available, The
Elizabethan Homilies (1623). An electronic version
of Robert Cawdrey's A Table Alphabetical of Hard
Usual English Words (1604) is also available, and
a forthcoming edition of Shakespeare's sonnets has been
- In looking at The Elizabeth Homilies as an
example of the texts that RET will produce,
there is, in addition to the text itself, an
introduction, a brief history of the text, discussions of
authorship and of the editorial practices followed in
preparing the electronic version, and a bibliography of
editions of the Homilies, related works, and
scholarly work on them. While such apparatus is expected
in printed scholarly editions, it is still all too rare
to see such work accompanying electronic texts, and
should be commended.
- Lancashire has chosen not to follow the TEI guidelines in
his RET editions, for (as stated in the
introductory matter to the series) he feels that the TEI
does not adequately allow for encoding of the
bibliographic elements of the book. The TEI emphasizes
the textual hierarchy of paragraph, chapter, and volume,
over the bibliographic hierarchy of page, forme and
gathering. Lancashire has encoded the two structural
hierarchies concurrently, which has required that he
devise his own encoding guidelines, described in some
detail in a separate document (
Renaissance Electronic Texts: Encoding Guidelines.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, University of
Toronto, 1994).
- The RET series is quite ambitious in its
goals, and shows by its first publication that it is
possible to produce high-quality electronic editions and
make them freely available. This project should serve as
a model for all scholars who are thinking of creating
electronic texts.
to top of review
Early Modern English Materials. Compiled by
Richard W. Bailey, Jay L. Robinson, James W. Downer, with
Patricia V. Lehman. Charlottesville: University of
Virginia Library, 1994. Printed guide: Richard Bailey, et
al. Michigan Early Modern English Materials.
Ann Arbor: Xerox University Microfilms, 1975.
- The Michigan Early Modern English Materials
(MEMEM), comprising some 50,000 records, were collected
for a dictionary of early modern English based on
historical principles. The records are citations that
illustrate English language usage from 1475 to 1700, and
as such are meant as a more comprehensive historical
dictionary for this period than the Oxford English
Dictionary, with some 16,000 entries antedating
the OED. The project was begun in the 1930s
by Charles C. Fries at the University of Michigan, with
an electronic version created from 1968-73 under the
leadership of Richard Bailey. This electronic file was
encoded in SGML in 1992 by John Price-Wilkin of the
University of Michigan (then at the University of
- Price-Wilkin has devised a simple yet powerful WWW
interface for searching the database, in which one may
search for single words or phrases, or combine words into
more complex search strategies using proximity searching.
In addition to using the database online, one may obtain
the entire file of citations in the database (which, even
when compressed, is 5 megabytes in size).
- The citations themselves are meant to illustrate modal
verbs in early modern English, but any word in the
citation may be searched. A typical citation, such as
this one found when searching the word "Adam",
looks like this:
Occurring forms: were; ben;
In to so moche that and Adam were alyue he myght
haue no wyfe
in this worlde[,] for all men and women in the
worlde be[n] lynally
and dyrectely descendynge from hym.
harrington, matrymony, b.ii.r
This sentence, taken from William Harrington's Matrimony
(1528), was selected by the editors to illustrate the use
of the verb "to be." The full citation of the
source can, unfortunately, only be found using the
printed guide (Bailey, 1975), which also includes an
in-depth introduction to MEMEM and an
explanation of the citation form. It would be helpful to
have more introductory information available about the
origins and scope of the project as part of this WWW
resource, for its long history makes for fascinating
reading. Nevertheless, MEMEM is a valuable
source for linguistic and philologic research in early
modern English.
Return to top of
- O'Donnell, a professor of Classics at the University of
Pennsylvania, co-edits the online journals The Bryn
Mawr Classical Review and The Bryn Mawr
Medieval Review and has taught courses on
Augustine and Boethius over the Internet. He combines the
personal with the scholarly into a series of interwoven
biographical and bibliographical essays and reports. He
has made the greatest use of any of the resources in this
review of the hypertextual power of the WWW to link texts
on various subjects, and link texts with graphical
- O'Donnell has included texts that concern both his
research and instructional interests. He has provided
access to the Latin texts of Augustine and Boethius,
accompanied by English translations, versions of the
Bible, and excerpts of texts and commentary by and about
Erasmus, Gregory the Great, Jerome and others. Not all
these works have the extensive introductions and lengthy
discussions of editorial decisions common to the other
works under review; Augustine's De dialectica
is presented without much markup or commentary, while
Boethius's Consolatio philosophiae has been
edited according to the TEI Guidelines, and
is given more careful consideration. In all fairness,
however, he notes that work on the Augustine is "in
progress," and he has provided a number of his own
research papers on Augustine, and those from his graduate
seminar, to form a small critical library.
- He has also provided access to a number of
"postprints," electronic versions of journal
articles already published. He also includes the
postprint of his book Cassiodorus
(Berkeley: U of California P, 1979), noting that the
rights had reverted to him after the press run had sold
out in 1993. In addition, he has written at length about
the integration of electronic texts and communication
into instruction, and provides examples on the use of
electronic mail, discussion groups, library catalogues
and other electronic resources in courses to foster
better student communication and research. He has also
posted introductions and syllabi to the courses he has
taught both in the classroom and over the Internet. This
concept of a personal library gives one a glimpse of the
power of the new medium for storage of and access to
primary and secondary research materials and hints at the
changes in research that the new technologies promise.
Return to top of
- Bear, an independent Renaissance scholar and manager of
the Scriptorum, the Humanities Text Archive at the
University of Oregon, has created a collection of
electronic editions of texts from the sixteenth,
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as well as an
Edmund Spenser Home Page, which will contain pointers to
materials pertaining to Spenser's life and work. His text
collection includes Spenser's The Shephearde's
Calendar (1579), Sidney's The Defence of
Poesie (1595) and The Lady of May
(1605). As with the other sources reviewed here, he has
included extensive introductions, notes and
bibliographies to accompany his texts. In a departure
from the other items reviewed, however, SGML has not been
used for text encoding. While this makes reading them on
the screen a little easier (at least for those not used
to SGML), he has employed a type of encoding scheme to
handle certain elements of the text. For instance, in The
Shephearde's Calendar he has enclosed italicized
words in slash-marks, and Greek words and printer's
errors are indicated within brackets. He notes these uses
in his introduction and, should anyone wish to encode
these texts in SGML (which he quite graciously indicates
that he would allow), it would not be too difficult to
convert his encoding scheme to the SGML or TEI standard.
Bear's home page is a laudatory example of how an
independent scholar can contribute to the field through
the electronic medium.
Return to top of review
A Catalogue of Electronic Texts on the Internet.
Hunter Monroe, general editor. Oxford University
Computing Services and North Carolina State University
Text Archive. Lou Burnard, general director.
Oxford University Computing Services.
- One of the most frequent and vexing questions on any
electronic discussion group concerned with literary
studies is where to find electronic versions of certain
texts. In response to the need for locating resources of
this nature, the Alex project is an attempt
to catalog the many different electronic texts available
on the Internet. It points not only to the location of
the text, but to the full electronic text itself, and
includes many different types of texts, from literary
texts to government documents, and from plain ASCII texts
to SGML-encoded texts. Given the rapid and chaotic growth
of the availability of electronic texts, Alex
is by no means definitive in its listings, but is often
seen as an invaluable resource by those who use it.
- As Alex is not responsible for the creation
of any of these texts, so the texts available through
this service will vary greatly in quality. This means
that scholars must evaluate the quality of the particular
electronic text for themselves. Fortunately, there are
sources of criteria for judging quality. The Center for
Electronic Texts in the Humanities (CETH), jointly
sponsored by Princeton and Rutgers Universities, has
published criteria
for quality electronic editions, and Peter
Shillingsburg, in the ETEXTCTR discussion group, has
listed several general
scholarly principles for electronic texts.
- Alex is also an example of the virtual
collaborations possible through the WWW and internet.
Hunter Monroe, an independent scholar living in
Washington, DC, created Alex and posts
updates through a computer at Oxford. This information is
mirrored, or copied, to the WWW server at the
North Carolina State University Library, where Eric Lease
Morgan has created the WWW interface and search engine.
Sadly, as announced at the top of the Alex
WWW Page, Monroe is looking for outside sources of
funding to continue to maintain it, an event which also
exemplifies how local decisions on funding and computer
storage have an impact on scholars worldwide in this new
medium, for this valuable service may suddenly disappear
due to lack of institutional sponsorship. One hopes that Alex
is able to continue to offer its service, because of its
ability to help users sort through at least some of the
chaos of the WWW to find electronic texts.
- Unlike Alex, which lists and points to texts
on the WWW, the Oxford Text Archive (OTA)
acts chiefly as a repository for such resources, and is
one of the oldest and largest electronic text archives in
existence, containing holdings in Old, Middle and Modern
English as well as many other languages. Lou Burnard,
co-editor of the TEI Guidelines discussed
above, is director of the OTA. The OTA
does not itself create texts, but acts instead as an
archive that relies on scholars to deposit electronic
texts. There are varying degrees of access to specific
texts, with some freely available in the public domain
while others require explicit permission from the
depositor for use.
- Several OTA electronic texts are in the
public domain and available over the Internet and through
Alex. (The file server at OTA,
however, can be a little slow, so some patience is
required for connecting and acquiring texts.) A measure
of quality control has been taken with these public
domain texts, for they have been encoded in SGML with
sources well documented. Typically, they are split into
two files. One file contains the encoded text, while
another file contains the "header," where the
information about sources and editorial principles is
stored. For instance, the electronic version of Paradise
Lost is in two files, one named plost.1827,
which contains the text, and the other, d_plost.1827,
which contains the header information for the electronic
- Only a small fraction of the texts deposited at the OTA,
however, are available over the Internet; the full
collection is available directly from the OTA
itself, and a catalogue is available which lists the
entire holdings and provides information on accessing
them. The work of Burnard and the OTA staff
to archive electronic texts and make them freely
available should be appreciated by anyone interested in
electronic editions of literary works.
Return to top of
- For the most part, the resources under review are purely
textual and focused on providing editions of literary
works through the WWW. They should be considered
important resources for scholars in early modern studies.
Impressive as these resources are, however, there is a
wide range of media that fall outside of the temporal
focus of this review. Projects outside of Renaissance
studies, such as the Dante
Gabriel Rossetti Hypermedia Research Archive
(Jerome McGann, general editor) for example, provide
examples of how to integrate graphical images with text
in innovative and informative ways.
- Future reviews will consider resources for early modern
studies in the arts, music, architecture and science that
use hypertext to link together various media into a
seamless web.
Return to top of review
Selected Articles on Electronic Texts in the Humanities
- Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities. Methods
and Tools for Computing in the Humanities. General
Bibliography. New Brunswick: CETH. (link expired)
- Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities. Frequently
Asked Questions About Electronic Texts. New
Brunswick: CETH.
- Cover, Robin. The
SGML Web Page. Dallas: The Summer Institute of
Linguistics, 1994.
- Duggan, Hoyt. Some
Un-Revolutionary Aspects of Computer Editing. Charlottesville:
Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities,
University of Virginia, 1994.
- Lancashire, Ian. The
Public-Domain Shakespeare. Toronto: Centre for
Computing in the Humanities, University of Toronto, 1994.
- McGann, Jerome. The
Rationale of Hypertext. Charlottesville:
Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities,
University of Virginia, 1995.
- O'Donnell, James. "The
Virtual Library: an Idea Whose Time Has Passed."
Gateways, Gatekeepers, and Roles in the Information
Omniverse. Ann Okerson and Dru Mogge, eds.
Washington: Association of Research Libraries, 1994.
- O'Donnell, James. Teach
with Technology. Philadelphia: University of
Pennsylvania, 1995.
- Pepper, Steve. Whirlwind
Guide to SGML Tools. Oslo: Falch Group.
- Seaman, David. "Gate-Keeping
a Garden of Etext Delights: Electronic Texts and the
Humanities." Gateways, Gatekeepers,
and Roles in the Information Omniverse. Ann
Okerson and Dru Mogge, eds. Washington: Association of
Research Libraries, 1994. 63-67.
- Shillingsburg, Peter. E-Text
Principles. ETEXTCTR Discussion Group,
etextctr@lists.princeton.edu, February 20, 1995,
- Sperberg-McQueen, Michael and Lou Burnard. "A
Gentle Introduction to SGML." Guidelines
for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange (TEI P3).
Chicago, Oxford: ACH, ACL, ALLC, 1994. 13-36.
- Sperberg-McQueen, Michael and Lou Burnard, eds. TEI
Guidelines for Text Encoding and Interchange (TEI P3).
Chicago, Oxford: ACH, ACL, ALLC, 1994.
- Tolva, John. The
Heresy of Hypertext: Fear and Anxiety in the Late Age of
Print. St Louis: Washington University, 1995.
- Unsworth, John. Electronic
Scholarship, or, Scholarly Publishing and the Public. Charlottesville:
Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities,
University of Virginia, 1994.
Return to top of review
Responses to this piece intended for the Readers' Forum may be
sent to the Editor at EMLS@arts.ubc.ca.
Return to EMLS 1.1 Table of Contents.
[JM; May 1, 1995; corr. RGS May 13, 1995.]