A Bibliography of Thomas More's Utopia

Romuald Ian Lakowski

Main Document: Lakowski, R. I. "A Bibliography of Thomas More's Utopia." Early Modern Literary Studies 1.2 (1995): 6.1-10 < URL: http://www.library.ubc.ca/emls/01-2/lakomore.html>.

Copyright (c) 1995 by the author, all rights reserved. Volume 1.2 as a whole is copyright (c) 1995 by Early Modern Literary Studies, all rights reserved, and may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law. Archiving and redistribution for profit, or republication of this text in any medium, requires the consent of the author and the Editor of EMLS.

Table of Contents


Table of Abbreviations


I. Editions and Translations

I.a. Editions, Concordances and Bibliographies:

I.b. Translations of Utopia

II. Studies of Utopia

II.a. General Studies:

II.b. Genre, Composition, Parerga, Book I and Conclusion:

II.c. Literary Studies

II.d. Geography in Utopia

II.e. Humanism, Ethics, Philosophy and Religion

II.f. Classical and Medieval Sources and Analogues

II.g. Utopia Through the Ages

II.h. Marxism and Literary Theory

Unclassified articles and Dissertations

Index of Names


I. Editions and Translations

I.a. Editions, Concordances and Bibliographies:

Modern Editions of Utopia

Reviews of the Yale Edition of Utopia

Concordances, and Supplements to the Yale Edition, etc.

Locations of Early Editions

Some Bibliographies of Secondary Scholarship

I.b. Translations of Utopia

Editions of Robynson's English Translation (1551)

Excerpts From Robynson's Translation

Modern English Translations

Studies of the English Translations

French Translations

Studies of the French Translations

Spanish Translations

Other Translations

II. Studies of Utopia

II.a. General Studies:

General Studies of Utopia

II.b. Genre, Composition, Parerga, Book I and Conclusion:

Genre and Interpretation

More's Utopian Embassy of 1515 and the Composition of Utopia

Prefatory Letters and Parerga

Book One, Europe, the 'Dialogue of Counsel,' and Reform

Raphael Hythloday as Narrator

The Conclusion of Utopia

II.c. Literary Studies

Dialogue, Dialectic and Drama

Rhetoric, Fiction and Poetics

Irony, Paradox, Humour and Satire

Latin Style

Names in Utopia and the Utopian Language

Utopian Chickens, Gold and Chamber Pots

II.d. Geography in Utopia

Arcadia, Enclosed Gardens, Cities, Order and Nature

Geography and Maps

II.e. Humanism, Ethics, Philosophy and Religion

Pleasure and Moral Philosophy

War and Peace in Utopia

Social and Political Philosophy

Utopian Communism, Law, Property and Prosperity

Humanism and Education

Religion and Theology

Suicide and Death

Marriage, Divorce and Feminism

II.f. Classical and Medieval Sources and Analogues

Plutarch's Life of Agis, Athens and Sparta

Aristotle, Augustine, and Cicero

Utopia and Lucian

Other Classical Sources (Excluding Plato)

Utopia and Plato

Utopia and the Middle Ages

II.g. Utopia Through the Ages

More, Bacon and Campanella

More, Castiglione and Sidney

More and Erasmus

More, Machiavelli, Seyssel and Bodin

Elyot, Milton, Shakespeare, and Webster

More, Rabelais and Montaigne

More and Swift

More and Vives

More, Bartolomé de Las Casas and Vasco de Quiroga

Utopia, Spain, New Spain and America

Utopia in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Utopia in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Utopia and Some Modern Utopian Novels

Utopia in General Studies of Utopian Literature

Summaries and General Essays on More's Utopia

Utopia in Eastern Europe

II.h. Marxism and Literary Theory

Socialist and Marxist Interpretations

Utopia and Literary Theory

Unclassified articles and Dissertations

Unpublished Dissertations

Unclassified Articles in German

Index of Names for Utopia Bibliography