A Double Spirit of Teaching: What Shakespeare's Teachers Teach Us
Patricia Winson, University of Toronto

1589-90 1 Henry VI 2 * malice
1590-91 2 Henry VI 1
1590-91 3 Henry VI - -
1592-93 Richard III 6 teach me how to curse * scorn, flatter, curse,sin
1592-93 Venus /Adonis 5 the fool to speak * decrepit age to tread the measures
1592-94 Comedy/Errors 3 teach me how to think and speak
1593-99 Sonnets 4 * teachest how to make me twain
1593-94 Rape of Lucrece 4 * to sin, curse
1593-94 Titus Andronicus 5 * to lay violent hands
1593-94 Taming of Shrew 7 * that teacheth tricks
1594 2 Gents. /Ver. 2 * thus I would teach a dog
1594-95 Love's Labor's Lost 6 teaches boys the hornbook; accent did they teach * to teach a teacher ill beseemeth me
1594-95 Sir Thomas More -
1594-96 King John 7 * sorrow, kill or hang myself,shame
1595 Richard II 6 thy tongue to teach * stern murder
1595-96 Romeo and Juliet 1
1595-96 Mid. Night's Dream 3
62 5 11
1596-97 Merchant/Venice 11 I thank thee Jew for teaching me that word * villainy
1596-97 1 Henry IV 6 teach...by telling truth * malevolent; cruelty; to command the devil
1597 Merry Wives 5 teach him to hick and hack * scurvy jack-a-napes; ill...words
1598 2 Henry IV 2 * to addict themselves to sack
1598-99 Much Ado 5 parrot-teacher * parrot-teacher
1599 Henry V 11 teach you...English * how to war
1599 Julius Cæsar 2 a teacher of rhetoric * to fight
1599 As You Like It 3 teaching all that read to know
1600-01 Hamlet 5 * to drink deep
c. 1601 Phoenix/Turtle - -
1601-02 Twelfth Night 1
1601-02 Troilus/Cressida 1
1602-03 All's Well - -
1604 Measure/Measure 2
1604 Othello 7 teach him how to tell my story * tyranny
61 8 9
1605 King Lear 6 Fool: I'll teach thee a speech * teach thy fool to lie
1606 Macbeth 2 * bloody instructions
1606-07 Antony/Cleopatra 3 * thy rage
1607-08 Coriolanus 2 * a most inherent baseness
1607-08 Timon of Athens 1
1607-08 Pericles 6 to use one language in each several clime
1609-10 Cymbeline 1 * false teachers
1610-11 Winter's Tale 1
1611 Tempest 2 teach me how to name the bigger light
1612-13 Henry VIII 4 * new opinions divers and dangerous
1612-13 Cardenio - -
1613 2 Noble Kinsmen - -
28 3 6

Appendix 2: Holofernes' First Scene

deer IV.ii.3
know IV.ii.3
sanguis IV.ii.3 Latin
blood IV.ii.4 bloud: no definition
ripe IV.ii.4
pomewater IV.ii.4
now IV.ii.4
hangeth IV.ii.4
jewel IV.ii.5
ear IV.ii.5
caelo IV.ii.5 Latin
sky IV.ii.5
welkin IV.ii.5 Florio: heaven, sky,roof
heaven IV.ii.6
anon IV.ii.6
falleth IV.ii.6
crab IV.ii.6
face IV.ii.6
terra IV.ii.7 Latin
soil IV.ii.7 filth and ground
land IV.ii.7
earth IV.ii.7
haud IV.ii.7 Latin
credo IV.ii.7 creede: the belief
most barbarous IV.ii.13 without eloquence; ignorant; barbarisme: barbarousnes
of a strange country
intimation IV.ii.13
kind IV.ii.14
insinuation IV.ii.14 insinuate: creepe in
as it were IV.ii.14
in via IV.ii.14 Latin
in way IV.ii.14
explication IV.ii.14 explicate: declare
facere IV.ii.15 Latin
as it were IV.ii.15
replication IV.ii.15
or rather IV.ii.15
ostentare IV.ii.15 Latin
show IV.ii.16
as it were IV.ii.16
inclination IV.ii.16 incline: lean unto
undressed IV.ii.16-17 no matches
unpolished IV.ii.17 no matches polish: deck
uneducated IV.ii.17 no matches education: bringing up
unpruned IV.ii.17 no matches
untrained IV.ii.17 no matches
or rather IV.ii.18
unlettered IV.ii.18 no matches
or ratherest IV.ii.18
unconfirmed IV.ii.18 no matches
fashion IV.ii.18
insert again IV.ii.19
haud IV.ii.19 Latin
credo IV.ii.19 Latin
deer IV.ii.19
twice IV.ii.22
sod IV.ii.22
simplicity IV.ii.22
bis coctus IV.ii.22 Latin
monster IV.ii.23 a marvellous sign, a token, deformed: ill shapen
a showing, 'montrer' Elyot:
also a beast like an ape...monkey;
minotaur: half beast, half man
Ignorance IV.ii.23
deformed IV.ii.23
look IV.ii.23
goodman IV.ii.36
goodman IV.ii.36
moon IV.ii.39
month IV.ii.39
old IV.ii.39
no more IV.ii.39
raught not IV.ii.40
five IV.ii.40
weeks IV.ii.40
came IV.ii.40
five-score IV.ii.40
allusion IV.ii.41 allusion: pointing to
holds IV.ii.41
exchange IV.ii.41
god IV.ii.45
comfort IV.ii.45
capacity IV.ii.45
allusion IV.ii.45
holds IV.ii.45
exchange IV.ii.45
extemporal IV.ii.50 extemporall: sodaine
epitaph IV.ii.51 epitaph:writing on a tombe
death IV.ii.51
deer IV.ii.51
humor IV.ii.51
ignorant IV.ii.52 without knowledge; rude in doing
and speaking, barbarous
deer IV.ii.52
Princess IV.ii.52
kill'd IV.ii.52
pricket IV.ii.52
affect IV.ii.55
something IV.ii.55
letter IV.ii.55
argues IV.ii.55 argue: to reason
facility IV.ii.55
preyful IV.ii.56
Princess IV.ii.56
pierc'd IV.ii.56
prick'd IV.ii.56
pretty IV.ii.56
pleasing IV.ii.56
pricket IV.ii.56
sore IV.ii.57
not sore IV.ii.57
sore IV.ii.57
shooting IV.ii.57
dogs IV.ii.58
yell IV.ii.58
sore IV.ii.58
sorel IV.ii.58
jumps IV.ii.58
thicket IV.ii.58
or IV.ii.59
pricket IV.ii.59
sore IV.ii.59
or else IV.ii.59
sorel IV.ii.59
people IV.ii.59
fall IV.ii.59
a-hooting IV.ii.59
sore IV.ii.60
sore IV.ii.60
sore IV.ii.60
fifty IV.ii.60
sores IV.ii.60
sorel IV.ii.60
sore IV.ii.61
hundred IV.ii.61
adding IV.ii.61
gift IV.ii.65
simple IV.ii.65 plain; ignorant ;medicinal herb
simple IV.ii.65
foolish IV.ii.66
extravagant IV.ii.66
spirit IV.ii.66
full IV.ii.66
forms IV.ii.66
figures IV.ii.66
shapes IV.ii.67
objects IV.ii.67
ideas IV.ii.67
apprehensions IV.ii.67 *
motions IV.ii.67
revolutions IV.ii.67-8
begot IV.ii.68
ventricle IV.ii.68
memory IV.ii.68
nourish'd IV.ii.69
womb IV.ii.69
pia mater IV.ii.69 Latin
delivered IV.ii.69
mellowing IV.ii.70
occasion IV.ii.70
gift IV.ii.70
good IV.ii.71
acute IV.ii.71 acute: wittie
thankful IV.ii.71
sons IV.ii.78
ingenious IV.ii.78
want IV.ii.79
no instruction IV.ii.79
daughters IV.ii.79
capable IV.ii.79
vir [sapit] qui pauca loquitur IV.ii.80 Latin
soul IV.ii.81
feminine IV.ii.81 feminine: the she
saluteth IV.ii.81
Master IV.ii.83
Person IV.ii.83
quasi IV.ii.83 Latin
pers-one IV.ii.83
pierc'd IV.ii.84
piercing IV.ii.87
hogshead IV.ii.87 Florio18977076 a filthy but,pipe
good IV.ii.87
lustre IV.ii.87
conceit IV.ii.88
turf IV.ii.88
earth IV.ii.88
fire IV.ii.88
enough IV.ii.88
flint IV.ii.88
pearl IV.ii.89
enough IV.ii.89
swine IV.ii.89
pretty IV.ii.89
well IV.ii.89
facile IV.ii.93 Latin
precor gelida quando IV.ii.93 Latin
[pecus omne] IV.ii.93 Latin
sub umbra IV.ii.94 Latin
ruminat IV.ii.94
good IV.ii.94
old IV.ii.94
speak IV.ii.95
traveller IV.ii.95
[Venechia, Venechia] IV.ii.97 Italian
Che non te [vede], IV.ii.98 Italian
che non te [prechia] IV.ii.98 Italian
old IV.ii.99
old IV.ii.99
understandeth...not IV.ii.99
loves...not IV.ii.100
ut, re, sol, la, mi, fa IV.ii.101 Latin
pardon IV.ii.101
contents IV.ii.101
or rather IV.ii.101
soul IV.ii.102
verses IV.ii.102
hear IV.ii.104
staff IV.ii.104
stanze IV.ii.104
verse IV.ii.104
lege, domine IV.ii.104 Latin
find not IV.ii.119
apostraphas IV.ii.119 *
miss IV.ii.119
accent IV.ii.120 accent: tune
supervise IV.ii.120
canzonet IV.ii.120 Wm.Thomas:littel songe 8950936
numbers IV.ii.121
ratified IV.ii.121 ratifie: establish
elegancy IV.ii.122 elegancie: fine speech
facility IV.ii.122
golden IV.ii.122
cadence IV.ii.122
poesy IV.ii.122
caret IV.ii.123
man IV.ii.123
smelling IV.ii.124
odoriferous IV.ii.124 odoriferous: sweet smelling
flowers IV.ii.124
fancy IV.ii.125 fantacie: imagine
jerks IV.ii.125
invention IV.ii.125
imitari IV.ii.125 Latin
nothing IV.ii.126
hound IV.ii.126
master IV.ii.126
ape IV.ii.126
keeper IV.ii.127
tired IV.ii.127
horse IV.ii.127
rider IV.ii.127
damosella IV.ii.127 French/Italian
virgin IV.ii.127
directed IV.ii.128 direct: guide
overglance IV.ii.131
superscript IV.ii.131 superscription: writing above
snow-white IV.ii.132
hand IV.ii.132
beauteous IV.ii.132
Lady IV.ii.132
look IV.ii.133
intellect IV.ii.133
letter IV.ii.134
nomination IV.ii.134
party IV.ii.134
[writing] IV.ii.134
person IV.ii.135
written IV.ii.135
ladyship's IV.ii.135
desired IV.ii.136
employment IV.ii.136
votaries IV.ii.137
King IV.ii.137
framed IV.ii.138
letter IV.ii.138
sequent IV.ii.138 Cotgrave: 1611 following.
stranger IV.ii.139
queen's IV.ii.139
accidentally IV.ii.139 accident: befall
or IV.ii.139
by the way IV.ii.139
progression IV.ii.140
miscarried IV.ii.140
trip IV.ii.140
sweet IV.ii.141
deliver IV.ii.141
paper IV.ii.141
royal IV.ii.141
hand IV.ii.141
King IV.ii.142
concern IV.ii.142
stay not IV.ii.142
compliment IV.ii.142-3
forgive IV.ii.143
duty IV.ii.143
adieu IV.ii.143 adiew: farewell
tell not IV.ii.149
father IV.ii.149
fear IV.ii.149
colorable IV.ii.149-50
colors IV.ii.150
return IV.ii.150
verses IV.ii.150
please IV.ii.150
dine IV.ii.153
to-day IV.ii.153
father's IV.ii.153
certain IV.ii.153 see Coote: uncertain certaine: no definition given
pupil IV.ii.154
repast IV.ii.154 repaste: food
please IV.ii.154
gratify IV.ii.155 gratifie: to pleasure
table IV.ii.155
grace IV.ii.155
privilege IV.ii.156
parents IV.ii.156
foresaid IV.ii.156
child IV.ii.157
or IV.ii.157
pupil IV.ii.157
undertake IV.ii.157
bien venuto IV.ii.157 Latin
prove IV.ii.158
verses IV.ii.158
unlearned IV.ii.158
neither IV.ii.158
savoring IV.ii.159
poetry IV.ii.159 poet: a verse maker
wit IV.ii.159
nor IV.ii.159
invention IV.ii.159
beseech IV.ii.159
society IV.ii.160 societie: fellowship
certes IV.ii.163
text IV.ii.163
most infallibly IV.ii.163
concludes IV.ii.163-4
invite IV.ii.164
not say IV.ii.165
nay IV.ii.165
pauca verba IV.ii.165 Latin
gentles IV.ii.166
game IV.ii.166
recreation IV.ii.166-7

Appendix 3: Prospero's First Scene

Prospero's Language in I.ii.13-24 (mantle on)

collected I.ii.13 gather collected Lat.
no more I.ii.14
amazement I.ii.14 amazement OE
tell I.ii.14
piteous I.ii.14 piteous ME and OF
heart I.ii.14 heart OE
no harm I.ii.15 harm OE
no harm I.ii.15 harm OE
nothing I.ii.16 nothing OE
care I.ii.16 care OE
dear I.ii.17
daughter I.ii.17 daughter OE
ignorant I.ii.18 ignorant ME and OF
nought I.ii.18 nought OE
knowing I.ii.18 knowing OE
whence I.ii.19
nor I.ii.19
more better I.ii.19 more better Humanist fashion
master I.ii.20 master Lat and OE
full I.ii.20
poor I.ii.20
cell I.ii.20 cell OE
no greater I.ii.21
father I.ii.21 farther OE
time I.ii.22
inform I.ii.23 give notice (to teach) inform ME and OF
farther I.ii.23 farther OE
lend I.ii.23 lend OE
hand I.ii.23
pluck I.ii.24 pluck OE
magic I.ii.24 Magician: using witchcraft magic ME and OF
garment I.ii.24 garment ME and OF

Prospero's Language in I.ii.13-24 (mantle off)

lie I.ii.25
art I.ii.25 art (n.) Lat.
wipe I.ii.25 wipe OE
eyes I.ii.25 eyes OE
comfort I.ii.25 comfort Lat. ME
direful I.ii.26 direful Lat.
spectacle I.ii.26 thing to be looked at spectacle ME/OF
wrack I.ii.26 wrack OE
touch'd I.ii.26 touch'd ME and OF
virtue I.ii.27 virtue ME and OF
compassion I.ii.27 pity;fellow feeling compassion Lat ME
provision I.ii.28 provision ME and OF
art I.ii.28 art (n.) Lat.
safely I.ii.29 safely ME and OF
ordered I.ii.29 ordered ME and OF
no soul I.ii.29 soul OE
no, not I.ii.30
perdition I.ii.30 perdition ME and OF
hair I.ii.30 hair OE
betid I.ii.31 betid ME
creature I.ii.31 creature Lat. ME
vessel I.ii.31 vessel ME and OF
heardst I.ii.32 heardst OE
cry I.ii.32 cry ME OF
saw'st I.ii.32
sink I.ii.32 sink OE
sit I.ii.32
know I.ii.33 know OE
farther I.ii.33 farther OE
hour's I.ii.36
come I.ii.36
minute I.ii.37
bids I.ii.37
ope I.ii.37
ear I.ii.37
obey I.ii.38
attentive I.ii.38
remember I.ii.38
time I.ii.39
before I.ii.39
cell I.ii.39 cell OE
do not think I.ii.40
not out I.ii.40
three I.ii.41
years I.ii.41
old I.ii.41
house I.ii.42
person I.ii.42
thing I.ii.43
image I.ii.43
tell I.ii.43
kept I.ii.44
remembrance I.ii.44
lives I.ii.49
mind I.ii.49
else I.ii.49
dark I.ii.50
backward I.ii.50
abysm I.ii.50
time I.ii.50
rememb'rest I.ii.51
aught I.ii.51
cam'st I.ii.52
twelve I.ii.53
year I.ii.53
since I.ii.53
twelve I.ii.53
year I.ii.53
since I.ii.53
father I.ii.54
Duke I.ii.54
Milan I.ii.54
prince I.ii.55
power I.ii.55
mother I.ii.56
piece I.ii.56
virtue I.ii.56
said I.ii.57
daughter I.ii.57
father I.ii.57
Duke I.ii.58
Milan I.ii.58
heir I.ii.58
princess I.ii.59
no worse I.ii.59
issued I.ii.59
both I.ii.61
both I.ii.61
girl I.ii.61
foul I.ii.62
play I.ii.62
heav'd I.ii.62
thence I.ii.62
blessedly I.ii.63
holp I.ii.63
hither I.ii.63
brother I.ii.66
uncle I.ii.66
call'd I.ii.66
Antonio I.ii.66
pray I.ii.67
mark I.ii.67
brother I.ii.67
perfidious I.ii.68 traitorous; unfaithfull
next I.ii.68
world I.ii.69
lov'd I.ii.69
manage I.ii.70
state I.ii.70
time I.ii.70
signories I.ii.71
first I.ii.71
Prospero I.ii.72
prime I.ii.72
duke I.ii.72
reputed I.ii.72 (vb) account; esteem
dignity I.ii.73 worthiness
liberal I.ii.73
arts I.ii.73
parallel I.ii.74
study I.ii.74
government I.ii.75
cast I.ii.75
brother I.ii.75
state I.ii.76
stranger I.ii.76
transported I.ii.76
rapt I.ii.77
secret I.ii.77
studies I.ii.77
false I.ii.77
uncle I.ii.77
attend I.ii.78
perfected I.ii.79
grant I.ii.79
suits I.ii.79
deny I.ii.80
advance I.ii.80
trash I.ii.81
overtopping I.ii.81
new I.ii.81
created I.ii.81
creatures I.ii.82
say I.ii.82
chang'd I.ii.82
or else I.ii.83
new I.ii.83
form'd I.ii.83
key I.ii.83
officer I.ii.84
office I.ii.84
set I.ii.84
hearts I.ii.84
state I.ii.84
tune I.ii.85
pleas'd I.ii.85
ear I.ii.85
ivy I.ii.86
hid I.ii.86
princely I.ii.86
trunk I.ii.86
suck'd I.ii.87
verdure I.ii.87
attend'st not I.ii.87
pray I.ii.88
mark I.ii.88
neglecting I.ii.89
worldly I.ii.89
ends I.ii.89
dedicated I.ii.89
closeness I.ii.90
bettering I.ii.90
mind I.ii.90
retir'd I.ii.91
o'er-prized I.ii.92
popular I.ii.92
rate I.ii.92
false I.ii.92
brother I.ii.92
awak'd I.ii.93
evil I.ii.93
nature I.ii.93
trust I.ii.93
good I.ii.94
parent I.ii.94
beget I.ii.94
falsehood I.ii.95
contrary I.ii.95
great I.ii.95
trust I.ii.96
indeed I.ii.96
no limit I.ii.96
confidence I.ii.97
sans bound I.ii.97
lorded I.ii.97
not only I.ii.98
revenue I.ii.98
yielded I.ii.98
power I.ii.99
else I.ii.99
exact I.ii.99
truth I.ii.100
telling I.ii.100
sinner I.ii.101
memory I.ii.101
credit I.ii.102
lie I.ii.102
believe I.ii.102
substitution I.ii.103
executing I.ii.104
outward I.ii.104
face I.ii.104
royalty I.ii.104
prerogative I.ii.105
ambition I.ii.105
growing I.ii.105
no screen I.ii.107
part I.ii.107
play'd I.ii.107
play'd I.ii.108
needs I.ii.108
absolute I.ii.109
Milan I.ii.109
poor I.ii.109
man I.ii.109
library I.ii.109
dukedom I.ii.110
large I.ii.110
enough I.ii.110
temporal I.ii.110
royalties I.ii.110
incapable I.ii.111
confederates I.ii.111
dry I.ii.112
sway I.ii.112
King I.ii.112
Naples I.ii.112
annual I.ii.113
tribute I.ii.113
homage I.ii.113
subject I.ii.114
coronet I.ii.114
crown I.ii.114
bend I.ii.114
dukedom I.ii.115
unbow'd I.ii.115
alas I.ii.115
poor I.ii.115
Milan I.ii.115
most I.ii.116
ignoble I.ii.116
stooping I.ii.116

Appendix 4: Alphabetical listing of Words by Speaker

Holofernes Prospero
a-hooting absolute
accent abysm
accidentally advance
acute alas
adding amazement
adieu ambition
affect annual
allusion art
allusion art
anon arts
ape attend
apostraphas attend'st not
apprehensions attentive
argues aught
as it were awak'd
as it were backward
as it were before
beauteous beget
begot believe
beseech bend
bien venuto betid
bis coctus bettering
blood bids
by the way blessedly
cadence both
caelo both
came brother
canzonet brother
capable brother
capacity brother
caret call'd
certain cam'st
certes care
che non te [prechia] cast
Che non te [vede], cell
child cell
colorable chang'd
colors closeness
comfort collected
compliment come
conceit comfort
concern compassion
concludes confederates
contents confidence
crab contrary
credo coronet
credo created
damosella creature
daughters creatures
death credit
deer crown
deer cry
deer dark
deer daughter
deformed daughter
deliver dear
delivered dedicated
desired deny
dine dignity
directed direful
dogs do not think
duty dry
ear dukedom
earth dukedom
earth ear
elegancy ear
employment else
enough else
enough ends
epitaph enough
exchange evil
exchange exact
explication executing
extemporal eyes
extravagant face
face false
facere false
facile falsehood
facility farther
facility farther
fall father
falleth father
fancy father
fashion first
father form'd
father's foul
fear full
feminine garment
fifty girl
figures good
find not government
fire grant
five great
five-score growing
flint hair
flowers hand
foolish heardst
foresaid heart
forgive hearts
forms heav'd
framed heir
full hid
game hither
gentles holp
gift homage
gift hour's
god house
golden ignoble
good ignorant
good image
good incapable
goodman indeed
goodman inform
grace issued
gratify ivy
hand kept
hand key
hangeth King
haud know
haud knowing
hear large
heaven lend
hogshead liberal
holds library
holds lie
horse lie
hound lives
humor lorded
hundred lov'd
ideas magic
Ignorance man
ignorant manage
imitari mark
in via mark
in way master
inclination memory
ingenious mind
insert again mind
insinuation minute
intellect more better
intimation most
invention mother
invention nature
invite needs
jerks neglecting
jewel new
jumps new
keeper next
kill'd no greater
kind no harm
King no harm
King no limit
know no more
Lady no screen
ladyship's no soul
land no worse
lege, domine no, not
letter nor
letter not only
letter not out
look nothing
look nought
loves...not o'er-prized
lustre obey
man office
Master officer
master old
mellowing ope
memory or else
miscarried ordered
miss outward
monster overtopping
month parallel
moon parent
most infallibly part
most barbarous perdition
motions perfected
nay perfidious
neither person
no instruction piece
no more piteous
nomination play
nor play'd
not say play'd
not sore pleas'd
nothing pluck
nourish'd poor
now poor
numbers poor
objects popular
occasion power
odoriferous power
old pray
old pray
old prerogative
old prime
or prince
or princely
or princess
or else provision
or rather rapt
or rather rate
or rather rememb'rest
or ratherest remember
ostentare remembrance
overglance reputed
paper retir'd
pardon revenue
parents royalties
party royalty
pauca verba safely
pearl sans bound
people saw'st
pers-one say
Person secret
person set
pia mater signories
pierc'd sink
pierc'd sinner
piercing sit
please spectacle
please state
pleasing state
poesy state
poetry stooping
pomewater stranger
precor gelida quando studies
pretty study
pretty subject
preyful substitution
prick'd suck'd
pricket suits
pricket sway
pricket tell
Princess tell
Princess telling
privilege temporal
progression thing
prove three
pupil time
pupil time
quasi time
queen's time
ratified touch'd
raught not transported
recreation trash
repast tribute
replication trunk
return trust
revolutions trust
rider truth
ripe tune
royal twelve
ruminat twelve
saluteth unbow'd
sanguis uncle
savoring uncle
sequent verdure
shapes vessel
shooting virtue
show virtue
simple wipe
simple world
simplicity worldly
sky wrack
smelling year
snow-white year
society years
sod yielded
stay not
sub umbra
tell not
ut, re, sol, la, mi, fa
vir [sapit] qui pauca loquitur
[pecus omne]
[Venechia, Venechia]

© 1997, R.G. Siemens (Editor, EMLS).
(April 23, 1997)