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Publishing Information, Journal Availability, EMLS Contact Addresses

EMLS (ISSN 1201-2459) is published three times a year for the on-line academic community by agreement with, and with the support of, Sheffield Hallam University's Department of English; it was founded in the Department of English, University of British Columbia, and was published from there until 1997, and thereafter at the University of Alberta until 1998.

EMLS does not appear in print form, but can be obtained free of charge in hypertext format on the World Wide Web at


The EMLS site is mirrored at the CHASS facility at the University of Toronto. EMLS is a participant in the National Library of Canada's Electronic Publications Pilot Project, where it is also archived; it is also archived by the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) Electronic Journals Collection.

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Editorial Group

The EMLS Editorial Group is representative of the on-line academic community as a whole and includes scholars with wide-ranging interests and experience, from junior to well-established senior academics.

Senior Editorial and Advisory Board:

Advisory Editors:



Senior Editor (Advisory), and Founder:

Associate Editors:

Assistant Editor:


Submission Information

EMLS invites contributions of critical essays on literary topics and of interdisciplinary studies which centre on literature and literary culture in English during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Contributions, including critical essays and studies (which must be accompanied by a 250 word abstract), bibliographies, notices, letters, and other materials, may be submitted to the Editor by electronic mail at M.Steggle@shu.ac.uk or by regular mail to Professor Lisa Hopkins, Early Modern Literary Studies, School of Cultural Studies, Sheffield Hallam University, Collegiate Crescent Campus, Sheffield, S10 2BP, U.K.

Submissions should be sent either as email attachments, preferably in Rich Text Format or Word format, or by diskette. Hard-copy submissions are acceptable, but will not be returned. All submissions must follow the current MLA Handbook. A document outlining the representation of non-ASCII characters is available on-site or by request.

Note: If images are included with materials for consideration, it is preferable that they are in high-resolution JPG format.  As well, images should be accompanied by a letter giving the author permission for duplication and publication.

Reviews and materials for review should be sent to the Associate Editor (Reviews), James Doelman, at jdoelman@uwo.ca or by regular mail to Brescia University College, 1285 Western Road, London, Ont., Canada N6G 1H2. (EMLS gratefully acknowledges the financial support of Brescia University College for this.) Please note that all unsolicited materials sent to EMLS for the purposes of review must be plainly marked with the word "Donation" on the front of the mailing cover.

Materials published in EMLS are © Matthew Steggle (Editor, EMLS); materials published in issues before 2003 remain the copyright of R.G. Siemens (Editor, 1995-98) or Lisa Hopkins (Editor, 1999-2003).

For more information regarding submission of materials, send a message to our Assistant Editor, Sean Lawrence, at seanlawrence@writeme.com.

© 2003-, Matthew Steggle (Editor, EMLS).