EBM and the Medical Librarian: Registration Open


Registration is now open for the Spring 2008 online course EBM and the Medical Librarian. The course will run from January 14 – March 9, 2008.

This course is an introduction to evidence-based medicine (EBM) for medical librarians and the role of the librarian to support its practice. Participants will learn to identify the parts of a well built clinical question, to recognize the validity criteria for research studies, and to identify roles that librarians can undertake in providing EBM training and support. The course utilizes course material, independent readings, reviews, and practice exercises. It is offered as an eight week distance education MLA CE course through the University of North Carolina's School of Information and Library Science. The distance education version of this course will be held January 14 to March 7, 2008. The course uses the Blackboard course management system. It is approved for 10 MLA CE units.

The cost of the course is $400 (USD) and payment must be received with the registration form. There are only 4 seats left in the Spring class. Those unable to secure a seat can be added to the waitlist for the next session scheduled for Fall 2008. If you want to reserve your seat while processing payment, please email Stephanie Peterson at peterssb@email.unc.edu with your intentions.

Additional course information and the registration form are available at: http://sils.unc.edu/programs/continuing_ed/ebm.html.

If you have any questions about the course, please contact one of the course instructors: Connie Schardt (mschar005@mc.duke.edu) or Angela Myatt (myattae@ucmail.uc.edu).

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