International Productivity Monitor, Number 32
International Productivity Monitor
Number 32, Spring 2017
Table of Contents
Editors' Overview
Antonin Bergeaud, Remy Lecat and Gilbert Cette
Total Factor Productivity in Advanced Countries: A Long-term Perspective
Andrew Sharpe and James Uguccioni
Decomposing the Productivity-Wage Nexus in Selected OECD Countries, 1968-2013
Cyrille Schwellnus, Andreas Kappeler and Pierre-Alain Pionnier
The Decoupling of Median Wages from Productivity in OECD Countries
Appendix Tables and Charts
Chiara Criscuolo and Jonathan Timmis
The Relationship Between Global Value Chains and Productivity
Emmanuel Dhyne and Cedric Duprez
It's a Small, Small World... A Guided Tour of the Belgian Production Network
Giuseppe Berlingieri, Patrick Blanchenay, Sara Calligaris and Chiara Criscuolo
Firm-level Productivity Differences: Insight from the OECD’s MultiProd Project
Andrea Linarello and Andrea Petrella
Productivity and Reallocation: Evidence from the Universe of Italian Firms
Appendix Tables and Charts
Ricardo Pineheiro Alves
Portugal: A Paradox in Productivity
Rudiger Ahrend, Alexander C. Lembcke and Abel Schumann
The Role of Urban Agglomeration for Economic and Productivity Growth
Edwin Lau, Zsuzsanna Lonti and Rebecca Schultz
Challenges in the Measurement of Public Sector Productivity in OECD Countries
Appendix Tables and Charts
Sean Dougherty and Andrea Renda
Pro-Productivity Institutions: Learning from National Experience
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