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Table of Contents

Table des matières

Volume 27, Number 1, Winter 2006
ISSN 1708-6892
Volume 27, numéro 1, hiver 2006

Full Issue in PDF / Numéro complet en form PDF

Departments / Départements

Editor's message
Sandra Halliday
Page 1

A word from the President
Tamsin Adams-Webber
Page 3

Le mot de la présidence
Tamsin Adams-Webber
Page 5

Features / Manchettes

Introducing Web 2.0: RSS trends for health librarians
Eugene Barsky
Pages 7-8

Whatever happened to William Osler's library?
Christopher Lyons and David S. Crawford
Pages 9-13

Report / Rapport

Learn while you live it up! CHLA / ABSC 2006 comes to Vancouver!
Wendy Hunt
Page 15

Columns / Chroniques

Consumer health information
Susan Murray
Pages 17-18

Current research
Gillian Griffith
Pages 19-20

News and notes / Nouvelles et notes

News and notes / Nouvelles et notes
Gillian Griffith
Pages 21-26