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Table of Contents

Table des matières

Volume 29, Number 1, Winter 2008
ISSN 1708-6892
Volume 29, numéro 1, hiver 2008

Full Issue in PDF / Numéro complet en form PDF

Departments / Départements

Editor's message
Teresa Lee
Pages 1-2

Features / Manchettes

The role of subject knowledge in academic health sciences libraries: an online survey of librarians working in the United States
Erin M. Watson
Pages 3-11

Web 3.0 and health librarians: an introduction
Allan Cho and Dean Giustini
Pages 13-18

Columns / Chroniques

Consumer health information
Susan Murray
Pages 19-20

Current research
Sophie Regalado
Pages 21-22

Book reviews / Critiques de livres

Knitting the Semantic Web
Matthew J. Thomas
Page 23

Library 2.0: A Guide to Participatory Library Service.
Donna MacLeod
Page 25

News and notes / Nouvelles et notes

News and notes / Nouvelles et notes
Sophie Regalado
Pages 29-38