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Volume 25, Number 4, December 2004
ISSN 1708-6892
Rein in the galloping grump
Mary McDiarmid
Page(s) 111-112  | Published by the Canadian Health Libraries Association

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Abstract: Workers in libraries everywhere have no doubt experienced a galloping grump. This is the individual who engages in interpersonally aversive, annoying, and negatively sanctioned behaviour such as complaining even when they are not really dissatisfied. They are caught up in a pattern of behaviour that may have been justified at one time, but has now become a routine response to events in their lives. They infect all whom cross their path during the day with their negativity. Researchers have identified two types of complaints: instrumental and noninstrumental. Instrumental complaints are expressed for the purpose of changing an undesirable state of affairs. However, over 75% of all complaints are noninstrumental in nature and involve the specific behaviour of another person. This article describes the noninstrumental chronic complainer, the effects of their behaviour on other library staff, and suggests strategies that can be used to control this behaviour in the workplace.

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