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Volume 30, Number 3, September 2009
ISSN 1708-6892

  • Full Issue in PDF / Numéro complet en form PDF

  • Full issue in PDF / Numéro complet en form PDF
    Pages 73-128
    Full text (PDF 1455 kb)

  • Departments / Départements

  • Editor’s message / Message de l’éditrice
    Teresa Lee
    Pages 73-74
    Full text (PDF 30 kb)

  • Features / Manchettes

  • Overcoming the linguistic divide: a barrier to consumer health information  Peer-reviewed
    Catherine Boden
    Pages 75-80
    Abstract | Full text (PDF 69 kb)
  • Health information professionals and the Semantic Web: a symbiotic relationship?  Peer-reviewed
    Allison McArthur
    Pages 81-84
    Abstract | Full text (PDF 56 kb)

  • Chapter highlights / Faits saillants des chapitres

  • Northern Lights Health Libraries Association (Ontario)
    Page 85
    Full text (PDF 27 kb)
  • Health Libraries Association of British Columbia
    Pages 87-88
    Full text (PDF 40 kb)

  • Abstract / Résumés

  • Canadian Health Libraries Association 2009 Conference: Presentation abstracts / Résumés des exposés
    Pages 91-102
    Full text (PDF 139 kb)
  • Canadian Health Libraries Association 2009 Conference: Poster abstracts / Résumés d'affiches
    Pages 105-112
    Full text (PDF 125 kb)

  • Columns / Chroniques

  • Tipping point(s): informal learning for health librarians in an economic downturn
    Dean Giustini
    Pages 113-116
    Full text (PDF 59 kb)
  • Consumer health information
    Melanie Wise
    Pages 117-118
    Full text (PDF 44 kb)
  • Current research
    Sophie Regalado
    Pages 119-120
    Full text (PDF 41 kb)

  • Book reviews / Critiques de livres

  • Renewing Professional Librarianship: A Fundamental Rethinking
    Vicky Duncan
    Pages 121-122
    Full text (PDF 40 kb)
  • Scorecards for results: A guide for developing a library balanced scorecard
    Christine Marton
    Pages 123-124
    Full text (PDF 42 kb)

  • News and notes / Nouvelles et notes

    Sophie Regalado
    Pages 125-128
    Full text (PDF 57 kb)