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Volume 25, Number 1, March 2004
ISSN 1708-6892

  • Departments / Départements

  • Editor's message
    Karen Neves
    Page 1
    Full text (PDF 28 kb)
  • A word from the President
    Laurie Scott
    Page 3
    Full text (PDF 28 kb)

  • Features / Manchettes

  • Volunteers@your library: benefits and pitfalls of volunteers in hospital libraries
    Mary McDiarmid and Ethel W. Auster
    Pages 5-10
    Abstract | Full text (PDF 116 kb)

  • Reviews / Critiques

    Pages 16-17
    Full text (PDF 68 kb)

  • Columns / Chroniques

  • Consumer Health Information
    Susan Murray
    Pages 11-12
    Full text (PDF 40 kb)
  • Current research
    Rebecca Zakoor
    Pages 13-14
    Full text (PDF 39 kb)

  • News and notes / Nouvelles et notes

    Pages 19-22
    Full text (PDF 98 kb)