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Volume 30, Number 2, June 2009
ISSN 1708-6892

  • Full Issue in PDF / Numéro complet en form PDF

  • Full issue in PDF / Numéro complet en form PDF
    Pages 45-71
    Full text (PDF 1133 kb)

  • Departments / Départements

  • Editor’s message / Message de l’éditrice
    Teresa Lee
    Page 45
    Full text (PDF 30 kb)

  • Features / Manchettes

  • Medical education distribution in British Columbia: a thriving partnership
    Trina Fyfe, Kristina McDavid, Rebecca Raworth, and David Snadden
    Pages 47-49
    Full text (PDF 55 kb)
  • Open access archiving and article citations within health services and policy research  Peer-reviewed
    Devon Greyson, Steven Morgan, Gillian Hanley, and Desy Wahyuni
    Pages 51-58
    Abstract | Full text (PDF 130 kb)

  • Columns / Chroniques

  • Leadership 101: Column 4: Becoming an effective leader
    Laurie Scott
    Pages 59-60
    Full text (PDF 44 kb)
  • Consumer health information
    Susan Murray
    Pages 61-62
    Full text (PDF 43 kb)
  • Current research
    Sophie Regalado
    Pages 63-64
    Full text (PDF 44 kb)

  • Book reviews / Critiques de livres

  • E-Journals Access and Management
    Thane Chambers
    Page 65
    Full text (PDF 39 kb)
  • Business Cases for Info Pros: Here's Why, Here's How
    Trish Chatterley
    Page 67
    Full text (PDF 38 kb)

  • News and notes / Nouvelles et notes

    Sophie Regalado
    Pages 69-71
    Full text (PDF 52 kb)