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Volume 26, Number 2, June 2005
ISSN 1708-6892

  • Full Issue in PDF / Numéro complet en form PDF

  • Full Issue in PDF / Numéro complet en form PDF
    Pages 35-76
    Full text (PDF 797 kb)

  • Departments / Départements

  • Editor's message
    Rebecca Zakoor
    Pages 35-35
    Full text (PDF 25 kb)
  • A word from the President
    Penny Logan
    Pages 37-37
    Full text (PDF 28 kb)
  • Le mot de la présidence
    Penny Logan
    Pages 39-39
    Full text (PDF 31 kb)

  • Features / Manchettes

  • Consumer health information on the Internet: an evaluation report on the Nova Scotia Health Network
    Mardi Amirault, Shelley Cobbett, Andrea Doherty, Jackie Hartigan-Rogers, Adele LeBlanc, Martha Muise-Davis, and Joanne Newell
    Pages 41-46
    Abstract | Full text (PDF 66 kb)
  • The Open Access Initiative, Google Scholar, and librarians: opportunity or threat?
    Dan D'Agostino
    Pages 47-49
    Full text (PDF 48 kb)
  • A month at the Shanghai Library, November 2004
    Helen Michael
    Pages 51-53
    Full text (PDF 48 kb)
  • Librarian office hours in a family practice unit
    Ani Orchanian-Cheff
    Pages 55-59
    Abstract | Full text (PDF 144 kb)
  • Timeline of the delivery of health knowledge in Canada, related events in the USA and the world, and additional contemporaneous events
    Patrick Ellis
    Pages 61-69
    Full text (PDF 517 kb)

  • Reviews / Critiques

  • The enduring library: technology, tradition, and the quest for balance. Michael Gorman. Chicago: American Library Association, 2003.
    Dean Giustini
    Pages 73-73
    Full text (PDF 35 kb)

  • Columns / Chroniques

  • Current research
    Sandra Halliday
    Pages 71-72
    Full text (PDF 43 kb)

  • News and notes / Nouvelles et notes

    Sandra Halliday
    Pages 74-76
    Full text (PDF 48 kb)