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Bansal, Kiron, IGNOU
Barbour, Michael K.
Barkan, Dr. Murat
Barnum, Kirk T., Regent University
Bartels, Jörn
Bartz, Janet, Open School BC
Basque, Joasianne
Basque, Josianne, Tele-universite
Bassili, John N., University of Toronto at Scarborough
Bassili, John N., University of Toronto
Bates, A. W.
Bates, A. W. (Tony), The University of British Columbia
Bates, Tony
Bazillion, Richard J.
Bégin-Langlois, Lise
Bélisle, Claire, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
Belanger, Pierre, University of Ottawa
Benham, G. F.
Bernard, Robert
Bertrand, Louise, Télé-université de l'Université du Québec
Betts, Kristen, Research Strategies International (RSI)
Bice, Lawrence R., Clarke College
Bice, Lawrence, Clarke College
Bilodeau, Hélène, Université du Québec
Bilodeau, Hélène

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