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Gabriel, Martha, University of Prince Edward Island
Gagné, Pierre
Gagné, Pierre, Télé-université Québec (Canada)
Garland, Iris, Simon Fraser University
Garland, Maureen, University of British Columbia
Garrison, D. Randy, University of Alberta
Garrison, D. Randy, University of Calgary
Garrison, Randy, University of Calgary
Gaudreault-Perron, Julia, Université Laval
Gawron, Zenon
George, Judith, Open University - Scotland
Geva-May, Iris, Simon Fraser University
Gibson, Chère Campbell
Gibson, Susan, University of Alberta
Giguère, Louis, Retired
Gillis, Angela, St. Francis Xavier University
Gilroy, Peter, Manchester Metropolitan Institute of Education
Given, Lisa, University of Alberta
Given, Lisa M., University of Alberta
Goho, James, Red River College
Goldenberg, Dolly, University of Western Ontario
Gomes, Jean, University of Calgary
Gorham, Robyn, School of Nursing, Laurentian University
Gorham, Robyn, Laurentian University
Gorsky, Paul

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