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Raîche, Gilles
Rabak, Lynne
Racette, Nicole
Racine-April, Rose Marie, Université de Laval
Rakofsky, Karine, Universite de Mons-Hainaut
Ramberg, Robert, Stockholm University
Rangecroft, Margaret, Sheffield Hallam University
Réolon, Françoise
Ricciardi-Rigault, Claude, Tele-universite
Richards, Griff
Richards, Griff (Canada)
Richardson, Ben, Deakin University
Richardson, Jennifer C., Purdue University
Riopel, Martin, UQAM
Riordan, Mark, Trinity College
Rioux, Sonia
Riverin, Suzanne
Roberston, Don, OISE/UT.
Roberts, Judy
Roberts, Judy, Roberts & Associates (Canada)
Rocheleau, Johanne, Tele-universite of Montreal
Rodet, Jacques
Rodríguez-Manzanares, María A., Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador
Rodriguez, Maria Angeles, Memorial University
Rogers, Kathleen (Kay), CADE/ACED

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