Theresa Vinson Stenersen

"winter cap", with its combination of Scandanavian
color-stranded patterns, Icelandic wool and Peruvian
style ear flaps, ought to keep out most artic blasts.
Remember: Det finnes ikke dårlig vær,
bare dårlige klær. [There's no such thing
as bad weather, only bad clothes.]
inspiration comes from a similar hat I glimpsed on
a commercial for Discovery Europe. There was a fellow
speaking Russian holding a giant teddy bear, a lady
speaking what might have been Dutch while staring
at a stuffed fish, and a tall blonde lady, speaking
what I think was Swedish, pulling on a pointy cap
with ear flaps and color patterns.
cap had a braid coming from the point at the top,
so feel free to add one!
CO 41 sts with CC on #8/5mm needles [either use straights
or circular needle knitting back and forth].
Row 1: k with CC, break off CC.
Join color MC.
Row 2: k 18, ssk, k1tbl, k2tog, k18.
Row 3: k 17, ssk, k1tbl, k2tog, k17.
Row 4: k 16, ssk, k1tbl, k2tog, k16.
Continue in this manner, working one less stitch on
either side of double decrease and knitting the center
stitch through the back loop until 3 sts remain.
BO stitches.
Make second ear flap the same.
of hat
Using #8/5mm circular needle and MC, cast on 25 sts
by "knitting on" method.
Pick up and k 15 sts over 1st earflap from the right
side, co 25 more stitches, then pick up and k 15 sts
over 2nd earflap from the right side and place marker
for beg of round.
Join, being careful that stitches are not twisted
and *k1, p1* around for 2 rounds.
[See also chart 1 below.]
Rnd 3: * k2 MC, k2 CC * around.
Rnd 4: * k1 CC, k2 MC, k1 CC * around.
Rnd 5: * k2 CC, k2 MC * around.
Rnd 6: * k1 MC, k2 CC, k1 MC * around.
Rnd 7: * k2 MC, k2 CC* around.
Rnd 8 & 9: knit around with MC.
also chart 2 below.]
Rnd 10: k2 MC, * k5 CC, k3 MC * end k1 MC.
Rnd 11: k3 MC, * k3 CC, k5 MC * end k2 MC.
Rnd 12: k4 MC, * k1 CC, k7 MC * end k3 MC.
13: [First decrease round: change to DPNs when there
are too few stitches to comfortably fit around circular
needle] k2 tog MC, * k1 MC, k3 CC, k2 MC, k2tog MC
* end k2 MC. [70 sts.]
Rnd 14: k1 MC * k5 CC, k2 MC * end k1 MC.
Rnd 15: k around with MC.
Rnd 16: [Second decrease round] With MC, k2 tog, k4,
* k2tog, k5 * end k1 MC. [60 sts.]
[See also chart 3 below.]
Rnd 17: k2 MC, * k3 CC, k3 MC * k1 MC.
Rnd 18: k1 MC, * k3 CC, k3 MC, * k2 MC.
Rnd 19: [Decrease rnd.] k2MC, * k3 CC, k2tog MC, k1
MC * k3CC, remove marker and end, k2tog MC.
Note: Replace marker after the last k2tog.
Rnd 20: * k3 CC, k2 MC *
Rnd 21: k around with MC.
Rnd 22: [Decrease rnd] With MC, * k2, k2tog * end
k2. [38 sts.]
Rnd 23 and 24: k around with MC.
Rnd 25: [Decrease rnd] With CC, * k2, k2tog * end
k2. [29 sts.]
Rnd 26 and 27: k around with CC.
Rnd 28: With MC, * k2, k2tog * end, k1.
Rnd 29: k around with MC.
Rnd 30: With MC, * k1, k2tog * end, k1.
Rnd 31: With MC, * k2 tog * end, k1.
Rnd 32: k around with MC.
Rnd 33. k around with CC.
Break yarn and draw it through remaining stitches
and pull tight.
to the bottom edge of cap.
With CC, use a large crochet hook to pick up approx.
20 sts, from earflap to earflap.
Transfer the stitches from the crochet hook to a #8/5mm
Using CC, k a garter stitch border [knit every row]
for 3 rows then BO.
Repeat on the other side of cap.
in ends.