a Marine, Always a Marine . . . Knitter

used to sit next to my girlfriend,
Elizabeth, in front of the TV and
just watch...her. Her hands
would go at a steady 90 miles per
hour and create a gentle clicking
sound that would put me in a trance.
I tried to follow
what she was doing -- her fingers
flying, yarn wrapping, needles sliding,
clicking, twisting -- but I always
found myself getting lost (or caught
staring) and would return to watching
the TV. I was so intrigued by her
passion for a past time that starts,
simply, with a ball of yarn and some
I would tease her
because, "knitting is for Grammas,
not young people." But I was
still interested. My curiosity
was obvious, despite my efforts to
avoid becoming a knitter.
Finally she offered
to teach me but I was defiant to try
the craft. I found it acceptable for
older women to knit and was warming
up to idea of young women knitting,
but guys definitely do not knit...right?
All I needed to
make the first step toward becoming
a knitter was the right project. I
asked Elizabeth if a beanie would
be a good start for a beginner --
it would be a great gift for my brother.
She tried to hide her excitement when
I finally gave in and let her teach
me the fundamentals of knitting.
I conceded on one condition: she would
not tell anyone.
Elizabeth and her
sister were thrilled to call me a
knitter, but I fought the label. I
did not want to become a failed knitter
-- to start a project and not be able
to finish. But once I got started,
I was hooked! I made beanies for both
my brothers and one for my Marine
buddy. I DID call myself a knitter
After I had completed
a project and saw what a great reaction
I got out of my brother, Luke, I felt
a little more comfortable telling
people. He introduced me
to all of his buddies in a bar and
promptly said, "Tyler knitted
this hat for me!" I then started
to tell everyone. Elizabeth and I
would go to a party, she would be
talking about knitting and I would
say, "I knit too." She looked
at me in shock at first, but was soon
happy I finally felt comfortable admitting,
"I am a knitter."
When I tell people
I know how to knit they are taken
aback. They think it is funny that
a male Marine has taken up such an
uncharacteristic hobby. Some people
think I learned in the Marines, but
I proudly correct them that my girlfriend
and her sister taught me. I knit everywhere
I go, on the plane to Australia and
now in Kuwait in my camies with my
M16 next to me. In the care packages
my girlfriend mails me, she puts in
skeins of yarn, knitting needles and
a pattern for me to start a new project.
Knitting isn't just
for Grammas. In fact, it's
very stylish. It's cool
because I made it cool. None
of my Marine buddies know how to knit
and so they are very curious. They
are quick to make jokes, but it is
followed up by a request for a beanie,
a sweater, or an M16 cozy. My curiosity
about knitting turned into a fun obsession
and a great way to spend time with
my girlfriend.