CO 25 sts.
Row 1: Sl 1, k to end.
Repeat this row 35 times more. There should
be 18 slipped sts along each side edge of
the work. After last row is worked, do not
turn work.
Bag Body
Place marker on needle at end of last row
to indicate beginning of round, pick up and
k 18 sts (1 st in each slipped st) along adjacent
side edge of bag, pick up and k 25 sts along
CO edge, pick up and k 18 sts along remaining
edge of work, k to marker. 86 sts on needle.
Work in the round in stockinette st until
work measures 13 inches from edge of base.
Next Round: BO 61 sts, k to end.
25 sts remain.
K 4 rows.
Beginning with a P row, work in stockinette
st until flap measures 7 inches.
BO all sts.