CO 68[72, 76] sts with #8 needles.
Work 1.5 inches in St st.
Work 2 rows in rev St st.
Work 1.5 inches in St st, ending with a WS
Using the smaller spare needle, pick up 68[72,
76] sts from CO edge. Allowing the hem to
fold naturally at the rev St st rows, knit
tog 1 st from each needle across work creating
a hem -- 68[72, 76] sts on needle.
Change to larger needles and work 20[22, 24]
rows, ending with a WS row.
Dec 1 st each side
of next and every fol 6th row, 10 times.
when back measures 13.5[13.5, 14] inches and
ending with a WS row, work in Rib Pat as follows:
Row 1: K11[13, 15], p1, *k2tog, p1* 7[8, 9] times,
Row 2: P11[13, 15], k1, *p1, k1* 7[8, 9] times,
p11[13, 15].
Row 3: K11[13, 15], p1, *k1, p1* 7[8, 9] times,
Repeat rows 2 and 3 11[12, 13] times more.
Row 30: K11[13, 15], p1, *k1, m1, p1* 7[8, 9] times,
k11[13, 15].
Continue the rest of the back in St st.
When the back measures
19.5[20, 20.5] inches, begin increases as
follows: inc 1 st each side in the next and
fol 10th row 1[2, 3] times, then in every
fol 8th row 4[3, 2] times, then in every fol
6th row 3[2, 2] times, then in every fol 4th
row 2[3, 3] times, and in the fol 2nd row
0[0, 1] time.
Work 2[4, 2] more rows, ending with a WS row.
Shoulders and Neck
BO 3[3, 4] sts at beg of
next 2 rows.
BO 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows.
BO 4, k8 and turn, leaving rem sts on a holder.
BO 4 on neck edge, BO rem 5 sts.
Rejoin yarn and BO middle 30[34, 38] sts,
k to end.
BO 4 sts at the beg of next 2 rows.
BO rem 5 sts.
22 sts, work hem as for back. Change to larger needles
and P a WS row.
Next row [RS]: K1
*k1, m1* 10 times, k1.
[Note: it will help with seaming if you always
K the edge st].
Continue using double
knitting technique as follows:
Row 1 [WS]: K1 *Sl 1 purlwise, p1* 20 times, Sl
1 knitwise
Row 2 [RS]:K1 *bring yarn in front, Sl 1 purlwise,
p1* 20 times, Sl 1 knitwise.
Repeat these 2 rows for 6.5 inches, ending on WS.
Place pocket sts
on holder, keeping edge sts on needle [22
Inc 1 st each side of next and fol 10th row
2 times.
Work 20[22, 24] rows.
Inc 1 st each side of next and fol 6 rows
2 times, then fol 8 rows 2 times.
until side panel measures 22.5[23, 23.5] inches,
ending with a WS row.
1: K12, turn leaving rem sts on holder.
Row 2: P1, p2tog, p to end.
Row 3: K to last 3 sts, SKPO, k1.
Repeat last 2 rows once more.
Row 6: Purl.
Continue, Dec 1 st
on seam edge on fol 6 th row once, then fol
10th row once, then fol 8 th row 0[0, 2] times,
and fol 6th row 4[4, 2] times.
Continue straight for 14 rows.
BO all sts.
Rejoin yarn and K until 12 sts remain on right
Reverse shaping for other side.
Pick up pocket sts from
holder with RS facing.
Turn, rejoin yarn and working from WS, BO
all sts knitwise.
[left side]
CO 52[56, 60] sts. Work hem as for back.
Change to larger needles and work 20[22, 24] rows,
ending with a WS row.
Dec 1 st at side
seam of next and every fol 6th row, 10 times.
When the front measures
19.5[20, 20.5] inches, begin increases as
follows: inc 1 st at side seam of next and
every fol 10th row 1[2, 3] times, then in
every fol 8th row 3[2, 1] times.
Work 1 row ending on WS.
Next row BO 20[22, 24] P to end.
Next Row [RS]: Knit.
Neck Shaping
Row 1: K to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.
Row 2: P1, p2tog, p to end.
Repeat last 2 rows
3[4, 5] times.
inc 1 st at side seam on fol 2nd[4th, 6th]
Continue neck shaping as follows:
Row 1: Knit.
Row 2: P1, p2tog, p to end.
Repeat last 2 rows
8[8, 9] times.
inc 1 st at side seam at next and fol then
in every fol 6th row 2[1,2] times, then in
every fol 4th row 2[3, 3] times, and in the
fol 2nd row 0[0, 1]. Work 2[4, 2] more rows,
ending with a WS row.
3[3, 4] sts at beg of next row.
Work 1 row.
BO 4 sts at beg of next and fol alt row.
Work 1 row. BO rem 5 sts.
[right side]
CO 54[56,60] sts. Work hem as for back.
Change to larger needles and work 20[22, 24] rows,
ending with a WS row.
Make button holes at 10.5[11.5, 12.5] inches, 15.5[16.5,
17.5] inches, and 20.5[21.5, 22.5] inches as follows:
K5, *K2tog, YO* 2 times, K to end.
SAME TIME, dec 1 st at side
seam of next and every fol 6th row, 10 times.
When the front measures
19.5[20, 20.5] inches, begin increases as
follows: inc 1 st at side seam of next and
every fol 10th row 1[2, 3] times, then in
every fol 8th row 3[2, 1] times. Work 1
row ending on WS.
Next row BO 20[22,24] K to end.
Next Row [WS]: Purl. Work neck shaping as follows:
Row 1: K1, SKPO, k to end.
Row 2: P to last 3 sts, p through back loop, p1.
Repeat last 2 rows
3[4, 5] times. AT THE SAME TIME,
inc 1 st at side seam at fol 2 nd[4th, 6th]
Continue neck shaping as follows:
Row 1: K1, SKPO, kto end.
Row 2: Purl.
Repeat last 2 rows
8[8, 9] times.
inc 1st at side seam at next and fol then
in every fol 6th row 2[1, 2] times, then in
every fol 4th row 2[3, 3] times, and in the
fol 2 nd row 0[0, 1] time.
Work 3[5, 3] more rows, ending with a WS row.
3[3, 4] sts at beg of next row.
Work 1 row.
BO 4 sts at beg of next and fol alt row.
Work 1 row. BO rem 5 sts.
Edging [make 2]
Using #8 needles, work
I-cord for 23[24, 25] inches.
Stretch slightly to reach the length of the
inside front edge and sew in place.
[make 2]
Using #8 needles, make an I-cord 13.5[13.5,
14] inches long.
Using #9 needles pick up 54[54, 56] sts along
length of I-cord.
Work in rev St st for 2 inches from picked
up sts.
Work 2 rows in St st [this creates the fold
Work another 2 inches in rev St st.
Working in St st, inc 1 sts each edge of next
and fol 10 rows to 74[74, 76] sts. Continue
until piece measures 16[17, 17] inches.
BO 7 sts at the beg of next 2 rows and 2 sts
at the beg of next 12 rows -- 36[36, 38] sts.
BO 1 st at the beg of next 8 rows.
BO rem 28[28, 30] sts.