Using MC, CO 90 sts.
Row 1 [RS]: Knit.
Row 2 [WS]: Purl.
Row 3: With CC, knit all sts.
Row 4: With CC, k20, pm, k26, pm, knit to end of row.
Begin Body and Smock Patterns:
Row 5 [RS]: With MC, knit to marker, sl m, work Row 1 of Smock Pattern to m, sl m, knit to end of row with MC.
Begin short rows:
** Sizes A, B and C Only:
Hem Short Row Section: With MC, p17, w&t, knit to end of row, turn. (Purl to 2 sts before previously wrapped st, w&t, knit to end of row, turn) 3 times. Purl to m, picking up and working all wraps with wrapped sts. Work Smock Pattern to m, purl to end of row.
Bust Short Row Section: With MC, k36, w&t, purl to end of row, turn. (Knit to 9 sts before previously wrapped st, w&t, purl to end of row, turn) 3 times. Knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Sizes D, E, and F Only:
Hem Short Row Section: With MC, p17, w&t, knit to end of row, turn. (Purl to 2 sts before previously wrapped st, w&t, knit to end of row, turn) 2 times. Purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to end of row.
Bust Short Row Section: With MC, k33, w&t, purl to end of row, turn. K22, w&t, purl to end of row, turn. K11, w&t, purl to end of row, turn. Knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Sizes G, H, and I Only:
Hem Short Row Section: With MC, p17, w&t, knit to end of row, turn. P12, w&t, knit to end of row, turn. Purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to end of row.
Bust Short Row Section: With MC, k30, w&t, purl to end of row, turn. K15, w&t, purl to end of row, turn. Knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Sizes J, K, and L Only:
Row 6: With MC, purl to m, work Smock Pattern, purl to end of row.
Row 7: With MC, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
All sizes:
Row 8 [WS]: With MC, purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to end of row.
Rows 9-10: With CC, knit to m work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.***
Sizes D through L Only:
Next row [RS]: With MC, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Next row: With MC, purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows once more.
Next 2 rows: With CC, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Rep last 6 rows -[-, -, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2] time(s) more.
All sizes resume here.
Begin neck increases:
Next row [RS]: With MC, k1, kfb, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Next row: With MC, purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to end of row.
Next row: With MC, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Next row: With MC, purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to end of row.
Next 2 rows: With CC, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Rep last 6 rows 7[8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] times more. 98[99, 100, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108] sts
Next row [RS]: With MC, k1, kfb, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Next row: With MC, purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to end of row.
Rep the last 2 rows once more.
Next 2 rows: With CC, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Rep last 6 rows 3[4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9] times more. 106[109, 112, 110, 111, 114, 117, 120, 121, 122, 125, 128] sts
Next row [RS]: With MC, k1, kfb, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Next row: With MC, purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to end of row.
Cast on for strap:
Next row: With MC and using the knitted cast on, CO 42[42, 42, 45, 47, 47, 47, 46, 48, 50, 50, 49] sts, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row. 149[152, 155, 156, 159, 162, 165, 167, 170, 173, 176, 178] sts
Next row: With MC, purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to end of row.
Next 2 rows: Using CC, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Next row [RS]: With MC, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Next row: With MC, purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows once.
Next 2 rows: Using CC, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Rep last 6 rows 1[1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3] time(s) more.
Next row [RS]: With MC, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Next row: With MC, purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to end of row.
Next row [RS]: With MC, BO 50[53, 56, 57, 60, 63, 66, 68, 71, 74, 77, 79], knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row. 99 sts rem for all sizes
Next row: With MC, purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to last 3 sts, p2tog, p1. 98 sts
Next row: With CC, k1, ssk, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row. 97 sts
Next row: With CC, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. 96 sts
Next row [RS]: With MC, k1, ssk, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row. 95 sts
Continue neck decreases and begin short rows:
Sizes A, B and C Only:
Hem Short Row Section: With MC, p17, w&t, knit to end of row, turn. (Purl to 2 sts before previously wrapped st, w&t, knit to end of row, turn) 3 times. Purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to last 3 sts, p2tog, p1. 94 sts
Bust Short Row Section: With MC, K1, ssk, k33, w&t, purl to last 3 sts, p2tog, p1, turn. K1, ssk, knit to 9 sts before previously wrapped st, w&t, purl to last 3 sts, p2tog, p1, turn. (Knit to 9 sts before previously wrapped st, w&t, purl to end of row, turn) 2 times. Knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row. 90 sts
Sizes D through L Only:
Next row [WS]: With MC, purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to last 3 sts, p2tog, p1. 94 sts
Next row [RS]: With MC, k1, ssk, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row. 93 sts
Next row [WS]: With MC, purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to last 3 sts, p2tog, p1. 92 sts
Next row: With CC, k1, ssk, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row. 91 sts
Next row: With CC, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. 90 sts
Next row: With MC, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Sizes D, E, and F Only:
Hem Short Row Section: With MC, p17, w&t, knit to end of row, turn. (Purl to 2 sts before previously wrapped st, w&t, knit to end of row, turn) 2 times. Purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to end of row.
Bust Short Row Section: With MC, k33, w&t, purl to end of row, turn. K22, w&t, purl to end of row, turn. K11, w&t, purl to end of row, turn. Knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Sizes G, H, and I Only:
Hem Short Row Section: With MC, p17, w&t, knit to end of row, turn. P12, w&t, knit to end of row, turn. Purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to end of row.
Bust Short Row Section: With MC, k30, w&t, purl to end of row, turn. K15, w&t, purl to end of row, turn. Knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
Sizes J, K, and L Only:
Next row: With MC, purl to m, work Smock Pattern to m, purl to end of row.
Next row: With MC, knit to m, work Smock Pattern to m, knit to end of row.
All sizes:
Work even in patt for 10 rows, ending after a RS (MC) row.
Rep from ** to *** once more.
Work even in Body Pattern and Smock Pattern as est for 109[121, 133, 145, 157, 169, 181, 193, 205, 217, 229, 241] rows, ending after Row 1 of Body Pattern (RS).
Rep from ** to *** once more.
Work 2 more rows even in patt.
BO all sts. |