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Literary Research/Recherche littéraire   





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O’Brien, Aine, Culture and Politics in Northern Ireland: 1960-1990, ed. by/par Eammon Hughes. 10.20 (Summer/été, 1993): 19-20 (Review/compte rendu)


Olson, Kirby, “A Clown in a Grave”: Complexities and Tensions in the Works of Gregory Corso, by/par Michael Skau.  16.32 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 1999): 329-32 (Review/compte rendu)


Olson, Kirby, To Make A New Race: Gurdjieff, Toomer and the Harlem Renaissance, by/par Jon Woodson. 16.32 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 1999-00): 340-2 (Review/compte rendu)


Olson, Kirby, “The ‘Comeback’ of Philippe Soupault.” 17.33 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 2000): 105-9 (Review Article)


Olson, Kirby, “Surr....” 17.34 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 2000): 391-3 (Review Article)


Olson, Kirby, “New News of Soupault.” 18.35 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 2001): 144-8 (Review article)


Olynyk, Kimberly, Beyond Consolation: Death, Sexuality, and the Changing Shapes of Elegy, by/par Melissa F. Zeiger. 14.28 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 1997): 42-4 (Review/compte rendu)


Orange, Thomas M., The Challenge of Periodization: Old Paradigms and New Perspectives, ed. by/par Lawrence Besserman. 14.28 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 1997): 7-9 (Review/compte rendu)


Orange, Thomas M., Imagining Language: An Anthology, ed. by/par Jed Rasula, et al. 16.31 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 1999): 67-70 (Review/compte rendu)


Orange, Thomas M., Poetry On & Off the Page: Essays for Emergent Occasions, by/par Marjorie Perloff. 16.31 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 1999): 142-5 (Review/compte rendu)


Orr, Leslie C, Many Rāmāyanas, ed. by/éd. par Paul Richman. 10.20 (Summer/été, 1993): 15-6 (Review/compte rendu)


Ostrander, Greg, From the New Criticism to Deconstruction, by/par A. Berman. 5.11 (Winter/hiver, 1988-89): 14-5 (Review/compte rendu)


Ostrander, Greg, On Walter Benjamin, ed. by/éd. par Gary Smith. 6.13 (Winter/hiver, 1989-90): 11 (Review/compte rendu)


Ostrander, Greg, After Foucault, ed. by/éd. par Jonathan Arac. 7.14-15 (Summer-Winter/été-hiver, 1990): 9-10 (Review/compte rendu)