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Literary Research/Recherche littéraire   





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Pageaux, Daniel-Henri, Boletín de Literatura Comparada, 1984-1985. 5.9 (Spring/printemps, 1987): 33 (Review/compte rendu)


Pageaux, Daniel-Henri, Les Littératures africaines de langue portugaise. 5.9 (Spring/printemps, 1987): 4-5 (Review/compte rendu)


Pageaux, Daniel-Henri, Actes du Xe Congrès de L’AILC, New York, 1982, T. III: Rapports littéraires inter-américains, ed. by/éd. par Mario Valdés. 5.10 (Summer/été, 1988): 4-5 (Review/compte rendu)


Pageaux, Daniel-Henri, Literatura comparada, by/par Tânia Franco Carvalhal. 5.10 (Summer/été, 1988): 20-1 (Review/compte rendu)


Palumbo-Liu, David, Extrême-Orient/ Extrême Occident, no. 11 (1989). 7.14-15 (Summer-Winter/été-hiver, 1990): 60-1(Review/compte rendu)


Palusci, Oriana, Feminism and Science Fiction, by/par S. Lefanu. 7.14-15 (Summer-Winter/été-hiver, 1990): 37-8 (Review/compte rendu)


Pánková, Lenka, Rétorika v evropské kulture, by/par Jirí Kraus. 17.33 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 2000): 193-4 (Review/compte rendu)


Paolini, Shirley J., French, Italian, and Spanish Criticism, 1900-1950, by/par René Wellek. 11.22 (Summer/été, 1994): 28 (Review/compte rendu)


Papadima, Liviu, A treia Europa (The Third Europe), 1, 1997. 15.29 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 1998): 93-4 (Review/compte rendu)


Papadima, Liviu, Introducere în teoria lecturii, by/par Paul Cornea. 15.30 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 1998): 80-3 (Review/compte rendu)


Parmegiani, Sandra, The View from the Tower. Origins of an Antimodernist Image, by/par Theodore Ziolkowski. 16.31 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 1999): 154-6 (Review/compte rendu)


Paterson, Janet M., Literary History, Modernism, and Postmodernism, by/par Douwe W. Fokkema. 3.6 (November/novembre, 1985): 12-3 (Review/compte rendu)


Paterson, Janet M., Story and Situation: Narrative Seduction and the Power of Fiction, by/par Ross Chambers. 3.6 (November/novembre, 1985): 21 (Review/compte rendu)


Patrick, David, The Sense of the World, by/par Jean-Luc Nancy. 16.32 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 1999): 318-21 (Review/compte rendu)


Patterson, David, L’Amour dans la haine, by/par P. Chardin. 7.14-15 (Summer-Winter/été-hiver, 1990): 21-2 (Review/compte rendu)


Patterson, David, Ernst Barlach’s Literary and Visual Art, by/par Kent W. Hooper. 9.18 (Summer/été, 1992): 25-6 (Review/compte rendu)


Patterson, David, A Ricoeur Reader, by/par Mario J. Valdés. 10.20 (Summer/été, 1993): 24-5 (Review/compte rendu)


Pechter, Edward, Institution and Interpretation, by/par S. Weber. 6.13 (Winter/hiver, 1989-90): 41-2 (Review/compte rendu)


Pedicone de Parellada, Elena Florencia, Identidad y ficción, by/par Nilda Flawiá de Fernández. 16.32 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 1999): 296-9 (Review/compte rendu)


Pedrosa, José Manuel, Auspoaren auspoa (Itzaldiak/conferencias), by/par Antonio Zavala. 15.29 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 1998): 88-90 (Review/compte rendu)


Pedrosa, José Manuel, Floresta Española, by/par Melchor de Santa Cruz. 15.29 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 1998): 82-3 (Review/compte rendu)


Pedrosa, José Manuel, Actas del VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Hispánica de Literatura Medieval, ed. by/par José Manuel Lucía Megías. 15.30 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 1998): 55-7 (Review/compte rendu)


Pedrosa, José Manuel, Orígenes y elaboración de “El burlador de Sevilla,” by/par Francisco Márquez Villanueva. 15.30 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 1998): 106-8 (Review/compte rendu)


Pedrosa, José Manuel,  El cancionero teatral de Lope de Vega, by/par José María Alín & María Begoña Barrio Alonso. 17.34 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 2000): 396-8 (Review/compte rendu)


Pedrosa, José Manuel, The Heterotextual Body of the Mora Morilla, by/par Louise O. Vasvári. 17.34 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 2000): 495-7 (Review/compte rendu)


Pedrosa, José Manuel, “Literatura, antropología y psicoanálisis: Prometeo, Freud y Lévi-Strauss.” 18.35 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 2001): 69-76 (Article)


Pedrosa, José Manuel, “La nostalgia de lo arcaico y la ansiedad de lo actual.” 18.36 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 2001): 355-66 (Article)


Pedrosa, José Manuel, Teoría del canon y literatura espaZola, by/par José María Pozuelo Yvancos & Rosa María Aradra Sánchez. 18.36 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 2001): 464-7 (Review/compte rendu)


Pedrosa, José Manuel, Artes poéticas medievales, by/par Fernando Gómez Redondo. 18.36 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 2001): 497-9 (Review/compte rendu)


Pennee, Donna, Dreadful Games: The Play of Desire in the Nineteenth-Century Novel, by/par N. Morrow. 6.13 (Winter/hiver, 1989-90): 29-30 (Review/compte rendu)


penny, laura, Reading Matters: Narrative in the New Media Ecology, ed. by/par Joseph Tabbi, et al.  14.28 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 1997): 21-2 (Review/compte rendu)


penny, laura, Andy Warhol, Poetry and Gossip in the 1960s, by/par Reva Wolf. 15.29 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 1998): 87-8 (Review/compte rendu)


penny, laura, Decadence and Catholicism, by/par Ellis Hanson. 15.30 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 1998): 99-101 (Review/compte rendu)


penny, laura, Encyclopedia of the Essay, ed. by/éd. par Tracy Chevalier. 16.31 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 1999): 29-31 (Review/compte rendu)


penny, laura, The Footnote: A Curious History, by/par Anthony Grafton. 16.32 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 1999-00): 303-6 (Review/compte rendu)


penny, laura, “Because I’m the Daddy, That’s Why. A Deleuzian Reading of Lovely Lo.” 17.33 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 2000): 88-94 (Article)


penny, laura, Radical Passivity: Levinas, Blanchot, and Agamben, by/par Thomas Carl Wall. 17.33 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 2000): 228-30 (Review/compte rendu)


penny, laura, History of Shit, by/par Dominique Laporte. 17.34 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 2000): 470-2 (Review/compte rendu)


penny, laura, The Gray Book, by/par  Aris Fioretos. 18.35 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 2001): 188-9 (Review/compte rendu)


Pérez-Gómez, Alberto, Littérature et architecture, ed. by/par Phillipe Hamon. 7.14-15 (Summer-Winter/été-hiver, 1990): 13-4 (Review/compte rendu)


Perilli, Carmen, Estudios Culturales. Reflexiones sobre el multiculturalismo, by/par Fredric Jameson. 16.31 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 1999): 112-4 (Review/compte rendu)


Plug, Jan, “The University – in Theory.” 18.35 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 2001): 27-32 (Article)


Pínar Kuran, Nedret, Antipodean Encounters: Australia and the German Literary Imagination 1754-1918, by/par Alan Corkhill. 9.18 (Summer/été, 1992): 18 (Review/compte rendu)


Pocci, Luca, Heterocosmica: Fiction and Possible Worlds, by/par Lubomír Doležel. 16.31 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 1999): 97-102 (Review/compte rendu)


Pocci, Luca, Ritorno alla critica, by/par Cesare Segre. 18.36 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 2001): 510-3 (Review/compte rendu)


Poirier, Guy, Le Surréalisme, by/par J. Chénieux-Gendron. 3.6 (November/novembre, 1985): 19 (Review/compte rendu)


Polan, Dana, Romantic Fantasy and Science Fiction, by/par K. Kroeber. 6.12 (Summer/été, 1989) (Review/compte rendu)


Polan, Dana, Social Semiotics, by/par R. Hodge and G. Kress. 6.13 (Winter/hiver, 1989-90): 20-1 (Review/compte rendu)


Polan, Dana, Literary History in the Wake of Roland Barthes, by/par R. Champagne. 7.14-15 (Summer-Winter/été-hiver, 1990): 20-1 (Review/compte rendu)


Polan, Dana, The Emergence of Social Space: Rimbaud and the Paris Commune, by/par K. Ross. 8.16-17 (Summer-Winter/été-hiver, 1991): 61-2 (Review/compte rendu)


Polan, Dana, Academic Capitalism and Literary Value, by/par Harold Fromm. 10.20 (Summer/été, 1993): 39-40 (Review/compte rendu)


Polizoes, Elias, Categorie italiane: studi di poetica, by/par Giorgio Agamben. 15.29 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 1998): 54-6 (Review/compte rendu)


Polizoes, Elias, Against Coercion: Games Poets Play, by/par Eleanor Cook. 16.31 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 1999): 84-6 (Review/compte rendu)


Polizoes, Elias, Surrealism and “Surrealisms”: Greece, Romania, and Hispanophone Countries, by/par Victor Ivanovici. 16.31 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 1999): 110-1 (Review/compte rendu)


Polizoes, Elias, In the Language of Walter Benjamin, by/par Carol Jacobs. 16.32 (Fall-Winter/automne-hiver, 1999): 306-9 (Review/compte rendu)


Ponech, Trevor, Inconvenient Fictions: Literature and the Limits of Theory, by/par Bernard Harrison. 11.22 (Summer/été, 1994): 16 (Review/compte rendu)


Por, Peter, Fins de siècle, ed. by/éd. par Gwenhaël Ponnau. 9.18 (Summer/été, 1992): 4-5 (Review/compte rendu)


Porré, Helje, Diversité, c’est ma devise: Festschrift für Jürgen Grimm zum 60. Geburtstag. 13.25 (Spring-Summer/printemps-été, 1996): 16 (Review/compte rendu)


Przychodzen, Janusz, L’indien”, instance discursive, ed. by/éd. par Antonio Gómez-Moriana, et al. 11.22 (Summer/été, 1994): 6-7 (Review/compte rendu)