

editorial committee


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review articles


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books received

Books / Livres

L'uomo dell'ombra

Hazard Adams, Home: A novel (Kirby Olson)

Beatrice Alffonzetti, Congiure. Dal poeta della botte all'eloquente giacobino (1701-1801) (Nicola Bietolini)

Richard Ambrosini, R.L. Stevenson: la poetica del romanzo (Jean-Pierre Naugrette)

Dieter Burdorf, Poetik der Form: eine Begriffs- und Problemgeschichte (Jörg Theis)

Jeremy Campbell, The Liar's Tale: A history of falsehood (Alex Dick)

Alberto Casadei, Romanzi di Finisterre. Narrazione della guerra e problemi del realismo (Sergia Adamo)

Lis Christensen, Elisabeth Bowen: The later fiction (Helje Porré)

Hélène Cixous & Jacques Derrida, Veils (Maria Ioniţă)

Marcel Cornis-Pope, Narrative Innovation and Cultural Rewriting in the Cold War and After (Maria Ioniţă)

Angela Cozea, Petit traité du beau à l'usage des mélancoliques (Agnès Conacher)

Girolamo de Michelle, Tiri mancini (Florin Berindeanu)

David D. Gilmore, Misogyny: The male malady (Regna Darnell)

Eva Hassel, Gelebte Interkulturalität. Weibliches Schreiben im italo/amerikanischen Kontext (Tatiana Bisanti)

David Howarth, Discourse (Jan Matonoha)

Jürgen Jacobs, Aporien der Aufklärung (Konrad Kirsch)

Pierre Laforgue, Romanticoco, fantaisie, chimère et mélancolie (Philippe Basabose)

Uwe Lindemann, Die Wüste (Christian Winterhalter)

Rosemary Lloyd, Baudelaire's World (Carmen-Mihaela Barbu)

Zissimos Lorenzatos, The Drama of Quality (Charles Lock)

Brian Massumi, Parables for the Virtual: Movement, affect, sensation (Jakub Zdebik)

Denis Mellier, Textes fantômes, fantastique et autoréférence (Bénédicte Letellier)

Denis Mellier, Les Écrans meurtriers. Essais sur les scènes spéculaires du thriller (Maud Pommier)

Marko Pajević, Zur Poetik Paul Celans: Gedicht und Mensch, die Arbeit am Sinn (Leena Eilittä)

José Manuel Pedrosa, Bestiario. Antropología y simbolismo animal (Fernando Darío González Grueso)

Sophia Rosenfeld, A Revolution in Language: The problem of signs in late-eighteenth century (Ryan Whyte)

Elaine Showalter, Inventing Herself: Claiming a feminist intellectual heritage (Christina Ionescu)

Kirsten Strom, Making History: Surrealism and the invention of a political culture (Kirby Olson)

Galin Tihanov, The Master and the Slave: Lukács, Bakhtin, and the ideas of their time (Charles Lock)

Galin Tihanov, The Master and the Slave: Lukács, Bakhtin, and the ideas of their time (Vladimir Sabourin)

Silvio Vietta, Äesthetik der Moderne. Literatur und Bild (Eva Werth)

Ute Winmann, Thomas Bernhard, L'Autriche et la France. Histoire d'une réception littéraire (Bilge Ertugrul)