" ...As in all propaganda, the point is to make man endure,
with the help of psychological narcotics, what he could not endure
naturally, ..."
According to the cynical formula reported by Vance Packard:
" Make them work and like it."
as quoted from : "Propaganda " by Jacques Ellul



12:36PM 2/15/99

"Media anonymous"

Yoga has taught me to bring my consciousness of my body into my
awareness. As Lillias yoga program often starts with her saying
"what did you bring with you to the class today."
Today I am conscious of my human body, where it begins
and where itends. I remember the expression "Mind mirror"
and "Man--machine" and a caricature of a person sitting in front of a
computer/TV monitor and looking at his/her reflection like narcissus
in the pool of water--and the wires that were coming out of the Back of the machine were connected to the Back of the persons head.

Today I'm aware of where my body begins and ends and
where the machine I'm interacting with begins and ends.

I no longer need to indulge the omnipotence and omniscience
of my narcissistically deprived inner child.

From the television series "The Prisoner" the words,
"I am not a number" are true for me TODAY.

I am not a machine.


3:48PM 2/16/99

There are many allegorical symbolic lessons that can be learned
from the machine or computer.

After passing the point of tiredness the workaholic Media addict
can, in obsessive, compulsive, frenetic behavior, start to multitask
to the point of "information overload", and reach a point where the
mind simply shuts down. The parallel equation may likewise happen to
the computer program or machine. This stress of course if repeated may
cause permanent damage to man/woman and machine.

There seems to be a G.ood O.rderly D.irection
-- laws necessary for the proper functioning, balance and logistics
of all things under the sun and the moon-- apparent even in the most
basic physics of any operating mechanism or instrument, whether
cosmic,human or man made. "G.O.D." : remind me to reference the
operating manual when I have forgotten what makes things work properly.
Relieve me of the kind of intellectual pride, that prevents the lost
driver from stopping by the roadside to take a look at the map in the
glove compartment. Teach me to be mindful of the operating system
instructions so that I will still be able to continue to use the
tools and resources at my disposal long after the warranties run out.


4:18PM 2/17/99

Technology and science may have replaced religion as the opiate
of the people. If so then the media is the central place of worship,
either in the form of academia, social entertainment or War.

"God is Great!" I exclaimed in Arabic, to a Muslim.
I'm asked "are you a Muslim?". My answer: "I'm a slave of God.".
(The third step). I add: "Muslim, Christian, Jew, what does it mean
if we're killing each other...a slave of man = domination of self and
others, knows War without end--( famine, addiction, "the seven sins",
loneliness, despair and misery)--perhaps all the afflictions known to
The slave of God is forever at peace, happy, joyous and free."
This is my Third Step.


There may be six sides to the table of the banquet of life,
there may be eight, or 365, one for every day of the year.
A geometric form of absolute simplicity or infinit complexity.
Each position with a different view point.

" either God is all, or God is nothing." is a question of faith.
The central pillar of the twelve step program for me, is the awareness
that I do not have to believe or not believe, know or not know -- "God"
can remain a mystery--but I must "...believe in a power greater than
myself.". A power "greater than myself"-- that does not imply,
explicitly or implicitly any requirement for me to have any labels, or
dogmas, or even a belief in a divinity, --but only that I "get off the
center of the universe" and not play God myself.

If I choose to,I can believe in a "higher self",
(a devine self), above the "lower self",(the addict,the beast).
Or, I can believe in a G.ood O.rderly D.irection.
OR whatever anyone can imagine, conceptualize or reason.
OR by internal dialectic, be able to grasp.
OR one awareness can be that God can even be both.
an "IT" that is capable of both, being and non being.
That "it", can even be both "everything and nothing" at the same
OR if "IT" be a "nothing" then, that "IT" be "THE NOTHING" above "ALL"

BUT whatever "IT" is, that "IT" be "greater than myself".


1:18PM 3/13/96

We seem to have no difficulty proving that we exist, however. Buddha seems to have had quite a difficult time, establishing for himself, through introspection, the fact that his ego had no involvement in any aspect of his being, but finally attained enlightenment. He discovered the, he was "nothing".

From the work in progress " MEDIA ANONYMOUS -
meditations for recovery from media addiction"

by George Kasey

founding member of Media Anonymous and Junk Food Anonymous

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