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Dooley, Chris, University of Winnipeg
Doucette, Laurel
Drushka, Ken
Dryden, Jean
Duffy, Dennis


Editor, OHF
Embry, Jessie L.
Evans, J.A.S.


Fairweather, Joan
Fancher, Diana
Félix, Maricela González, Universidad de Baja California
Fillmore, Catherine J.
Finch, Katherine
Fink, Howard
Finkel, Alvin, Athabasca University
Fisher, Robin
Fleming, Tamara, University of Manitoba
Frank, David
Fraser, Linda J.
Freund, Alexander, University of Winnipeg
Freund, Alexander, The University of Winnipeg
Freund, Alexander
Frotscher, Meri, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana


Gagné, Jacques
Gagnon, Denis

51 - 75 of 323 Items    << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >> 

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