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McLaughlin, Heather R.
McLeod, Julie, University of Melbourne
McLeod, Neal
McNab, Miriam
Merrill, Helen Vaughan
Milewski, Patrice
Milewski, Patrice, Laurentian University (Canada)
Millar, David
Milligan, Ian, University of Waterloo
Mimeault, Mario
Mitchell, David
Mochoruk, James D.
Modell, Dana
Moisan, Sabrina, Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre
Momryk, Myron
Montero, M. Kristiina, Wilfrid Laurier University
Moore, Kimberley, University of Winnipeg/Concordia University
Moreau, Jean-Paul
Morin-Pelletier, Mélanie, Canadian War Museum
Morrison, James
Morrison, James H.
Morrissey, Charles T.
Myers, C. R.


Naylor, James, Brandon University
Nestor, Rob

176 - 200 of 323 Items    << < 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 > >> 

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