Figure 7. Chronostratigraphic
distributions of belemnites in New Zealand, Ellsworth Land and
Madagascar. Data are from Challinor
(1979, 1996,
(1988), Mutterlose
(1986), and this paper. Correlations between the New Zealand
Chronostratigraphic Scale (NZCS) and the International Chronostratigraphic
Scale (ICS) follow Hudson
(2003) for the early Temaikan to middle Heterian, and Campbell
(2004) for the late Kimmeridgian and Puaroan. Heavy lines
representing the distributions indicate that fossils are moderately
common; light lines comparative rarity. Ticks with fossil record
numbers on Ellsworth Land distributions indicate the position
of significant occurrences, others represent occurrences of the
relevant genus or family. LZ1 – LZ4, late Temaikan chronostratigraphic
zones of Hudson
(2003). ?Q13 – age of locality uncertain; known range
middle Callovian – Kimmmeridgian. R.7517.2, R.7517.16, R.7519.5,
R.7504.3, Belemnopsis aff. stevensi; M3, Belemnopsis
aff. keari (Mutterlose
1986); B – B1, range of Belemnopsis stevensi group
in New Zealand. Small robust Belemnopsis range from early
Callovian to early Kimmeridgian in Latady Group but their distribution
is scattered. R.7505.2, R.7506.4, Hibolithes catlinensis;
R.7504.3, Hibolithes sp.C; Q2, Hibolithes aff
arkelli; R.7508.13, Hibolithes cf. H.
marwicki; M2, Hibolithes aff. arkelli, H. aff.
marwicki, H. aff. verbeeki (Mutterlose
1986); A. Hibolithes arkelli, H. marwicki New Zealand.
R.7519.17,24, Dicoelites sp. R.7507.1, Rhopaloteuthis
sp; Q13, Duvalia aff. rhopaliformis; 7507.9,
Duvalia, Pachyduvalia, M1, Produvalia aff.
neyrivensis (Mutterlose