Dawn of the Dinosaurs: Life in the Triassic
Nicholas Fraser, with
illustrations by Douglas Henderson
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006.
310 + xvi pp., $49.95
ISBN 0-253-34652-5

Proponents of the Cambrian Period can argue with good
reason that it was the cradle of metazoan evolution. Fans of the
Devonian have claimed that all the major body plans of vertebrates had
been established by that time, although the radiations of birds,
mammals, and their kin may not have been anticipated 350 million years
ago. Students of the Cenozoic acknowledge that the source of many groups
sprang from the Late Cretaceous, but that the Paleocene and Eocene
witnessed the truly great explosions of mammalian diversity.
Yeaaaahhhhhhhhh, whatever…. But mavens of the Mesozoic
will argue that the real action is in the Triassic. If you go simply by
the traditional Linnean taxonomy of orders and families, nothing on land
in the history of vertebrates can compete with the Triassic for sheer
diversity. Although it lasted a mere 50 million years or so (251-200
Ma), this period witnessed the recovery from the end-Permian extinction,
the last gasps of dicynodonts, the radiation of the two major reptilian
diapsid lineages (the lepidosauromorphs and the archosauromorphs), the
proliferation of the first synapsids that are sometimes regarded as
mammals, and the rise and fall of several dynasties of archaic reptiles
and amphibians, to say nothing of old weird fishes, freshwater sharks of
several varieties, coelacanths, lungfishes, and various forms that no
one still knows exactly where they belong. In short, all the major
terrestrial vertebrate body plans were established or exhausted by the
end of the Triassic, except the birds. Being in the Triassic is like
visiting the intergalactic bar that Luke Skywalker encounters in the
original Star Wars movie: the characters look weird but vaguely
familiar, the resemblances are usually superficial, you have some
trouble figuring out what everyone is saying, and most of them would
kill you as soon as look at you.
Now Nick Fraser has published a comprehensive book on
the Triassic, one that explains in accessible language the tremendously
complex history of this revolutionary interval in the history of life. I don’t think there is another book like it for any geological period
per se, and it will be a long time before it can be replaced. Reading it is like sitting in a comfortable armchair, experiencing a
travelogue of a strange country with a great storyteller and a great
photographer. During the Triassic, Pangaea began to split apart;
climates changed inexorably and fragmented regionally (it was not simply
a matter of becoming hotter and drier worldwide); faunas and floras
flourished and dissipated. The global record of Triassic deposits is
uneven and ambiguous, so unusual fossil deposits tell us at least as
much as the commonly preserved ones. In a sea of parti-colored
siltstones, a single boglike pond deposit or a lakebed will record
dozens of taxa unknown anywhere else. The amazing thing about the
Triassic is that we seem only to be scratching the surface. And Fraser
encompasses the knowledge and the wonder of all this in informed,
companionable, articulate tones, accompanied by dozens of Doug
Henderson’s haunting, evocative paintings.
After a brief introduction to the general types of
organisms, the geography, and the initial climatic conditions to be
encountered, Fraser organizes his book chronologically and
geographically through the Triassic. It is a catalog of strange animals
and plants, brought alive by the most recent discoveries and ideas of
ecology, functional morphology, and behavior. Wisely, Fraser rejects
global generalizations of climatic models in favor of regional and even
local reconstructions, led by what the fossils tell us and by his
analyses of geographic heterogeneity in temperature, resources, and
rainfall. This is one of the strongest features of the book. The rapid
replacements, rises and falls of tetrapod dynasties can readily be
gleaned from this well-limned catalog, and one has the impression of a
series of turnovers as rapid as anything in the Age of Mammals. Many
sorts of scientists will benefit from it. Those not familiar with
paleontology will get a first-rate, accessible introduction to the
dramatis personae; those whose interest tends to focus on the
critters will be delighted by the comprehensive introduction to the
climatic history, geology, and stratigraphy of the Triassic worldwide. Especially useful is the approach by regions and individual geologic
formations: if you want a quick introduction to the Molteno, the Chinle,
or the British fissure fill deposits, this book is one-stop shopping.
Inevitably there will be some differences with the
editorial approach. The taxonomy used in the book is decidedly
old-fashioned, meaning not cladistic; some terms have been out of use
for two decades or more, or are used so as to seem paraphyletic when
they are not (Reptilia does include birds but does not include basal
synapsids; Amphibia does not include all basal tetrapods that are not
amniotes). There are no phylogenetic trees of the myriad animals
discussed in the book, and so the evolution of groups in this treatment
is secondary to the progression of faunas (it is admittedly difficult to
tell both kinds of stories at once). The illustrations of actual
specimens and their reconstructions in line drawings are almost always
without scales, suggesting a more popular approach than an academic
one. The photographs of specimens have neither credits nor museum
numbers, and seldom are referenced to publications. On the other hand,
size can often be inferred from Doug Henderson’s wonderful paintings. And he uses light as beautifully as anyone since Charles R. Knight. One
can only hope that generations of children will be similarly influenced
and inspired by his art.
Non-specialists who read this book may be a bit
nonplussed by the terminologies of stratigraphy, chronology, geology,
anatomy, and phylogeny. Fraser provides four appendices and a glossary
to help, and he warns you in advance that you may need to recur to these
parts first. Ignore him at your peril if you aren’t already a Triassic
junkie, and then profit from his book for what it is: a great
achievement in bringing a most complex interval in the history of life
to life, vividly and accessibly. We really needed a book like this,
because the Triassic is often overshadowed by the rest of the
dinosaur-dominated Mesozoic Era. Its complex and unfamiliar faunas can
seem daunting because its menageries are less often the stock in trade
of popular books, and so Fraser’s text and Henderson’s paintings make
this an important and useful book. Hardly anyone will come away from it
unenlightened, and it should remain a vital sourcebook on the beginning
of the Age of Dinosaurs for many years to come. |