(See also: Index by
Title, Index of
Keyword Index)
Numbers refer to PE Issue,
Volume, and Article (PE2.1.6A), and the year of publication (1999).
PE1.1.1A Body
Position and the Functional Morphology of Cretaceous Heteromorph Ammonites
PE1.1.2A Evidence
of Binary Division in Mature Central Capsules of a Collosphaerid Colonial
Radiolarian: Implications for Shell Ontogenetic Patterns in Modern and Fossil
Species, (1998)
PE1.1.3A Application
of the Modern Analog Technique (MAT) of Sea Surface Temperature Estimation to
Middle Pliocene North Pacific Planktonic Foraminifer Assemblages (1998)
PE1.1.4A Identification
Key for Holocene Lacustrine Arcellacean (Thecamoebian) Taxa (1998)
PE1.2.5A Computer
Simulation of the Evolution of Foraging Strategies: Application to the
Ichnological Record (1998)
PE1.2.6A Classification
and Distribution of South Atlantic Recent Polycystine Radiolaria (1998)
PE1.2.7A Some
Remarks and Emendation of the Family Arionoceratidae Dzik (Cephalopoda,
Nautiloidea) (1998)
PE1.2.8A Likelihood
Estimation of the Time of Origin of Cetacea and the Time of Divergence of
Cetacea and Artiodactyla (1998)
PE1.2.9A QuickTime
VR: A Powerful New Illustrative Tool for Micropaleontological Research
PE1.2.10A Microvertebrate
Concentrations in Pedogenic Nodule Conglomerates: Recognizing the Rocks and
Recovering and Interpreting the Fossils (1998)
PE2.1.1A Extinction
and Naticid Predation of the Bivalve Chione Von Mühlfeld in the late Neogene of
Florida (1999)
PE2.1.2A Fusulinid
Succession from the Middle-Upper Carboniferous Boundary Beds on Spitsbergen,
Arctic Norway (1999)
PE2.1.3A Laser
Confocal Microscopy and Geographic Information Systems in the Study of Dental
Morphology (1999)
PE2.1.4A Thecamoebian
Bibliography (The) (1999)
PE2.1.5A Easy
Access to Doubtful Taxonomic Decisions (1999)
PE2.1.6A Taxonomy
and the Security of Databases (1999)
(Analysis of Diversity, Asymmetry of Phylogenetic Trees, and Survivorship): A
New Software Tool for Analysing Stratigraphic Range Data (1999)
PE2.1.8A Beyond
the Cutting Edge, Electronic Publications the 21ST Century (1999)
PE2.1.9A H.
Alleyne Nicholson -- A Great Victorian Paleontologist (1999)
PE2.2.10A Original Shell
Colouration in Late Pleistocene Terebratulid Brachiopods from New Zealand
PE2.2.11A Evolutionary Modelling
from Family Diversity (1999)
PE2.2.12A Thermophysiology and
Biology of Giganotosaurus: Comparison with Tyrannosaurus (1999)
PE2.2.13A Cenozoic Deep Sea
Microfossil Record: Explorations of the DSDP/ODP Sample Set Using the Neptune
Database (1999)
PE2.2.14A Pareto Analysis of
Paleontological Data: A New Method of Weighing Variable Importance (1999)
PE 3.1.1A Exploring
the Effects of Toothwear on Functional Morphology: A Preliminary Study Using
Dental Topographic Analysis(2000)
PE3.1.2A Epofix
and Vacuum: An Easy Method to Make Casts of Hard Substrates(2000)
PE3.1.3A Inferring
the Retinal Anatomy and VIsual Capacities of Extinct Vertebrates (2000)
PE3.1.4A Teasing
Fossils out of Shales with Cameras and Computers (2000)
PE3.2.5A Illustration and
Taxonomic Reevaluation of Neogene Foraminifera Described from Japan (2000)
PE3.2.6A Function and
Adaptation in Paleontology and Phylogenetics: Why Do We Omit Darwin? (2000)
PE3.2.7A Late Holocene
Environment of the Southern North Sea from the Stable Isotopic Composition of
Queen Scallop Shells (2000)
PE3.2.8A Sea Surface-water
Temperature and Isotopic Reconstructions from Nannoplankton Data Using
Artificial Neural Networks (2000)
PE3.2.9A Application
of a Three-Dimensional Color Laser Scanner to Paleontology (2000)
PE4.1.1A Method of
Illustrating the Morphological Evolution of Coccoliths with 3D Animations
Applied to Calcidiscus Leptoporus (2001)
PE4.1.2A Methodologies
for the Visualization and Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Fossils from the
Silurian Herefordshire Lagerstätte (2001)
PE4.1.3A Bryozoan
Generic Extinctions and Originations During the Last One Hundred Million Years
PE4.1.4A PAST: Paleontological
Statistics Software Package for Education and Data Analysis (2001)
PE4.1.5A Modelling
Middle Pliocene Warm Climates of the USA (2001)
PE4.2.6A Atlas
of Common Squamatological (Fish Scale) Material in Coastal British Columbia, and
an Assessment of the Utility of Various Scale Types in Paleofisheries
Reconstruction (2002)
PE4.2.7A Amount of the
Taphonomic/Tectonic Compaction in the Fluminimaggiore Formation (SW Sardina,
Italy) with Discussion of a New Paleontological Method for Estimating Compaction
PE4.2.8A Re-Illustration
and Revised Taxonomy for Deep-Sea Benthic Foraminifers (2002)
PE5.1.1A Computed
Tomography of an Anolis Lizard in Dominican Amber: Systematic, Taphonomic,
Biogeoraphic, and Evolutionary Implications (2002)
PE5.1.2A Environmental
Control of Diversity, Evolutionary Rates and Taxa Longevities in Antarctic
Neogne Radiolaria (2002)
PE5.1.3A Sterographic Virtual Reality
Representations of Microfossils in Light Microscopy (2002)
PE5.1.4A Imaging Fossils Using
Reflectance Transformation and Interactive Manipulation of Virtual Light Sources
PE5.2.5A Illustrated Guide to the Benthic Foraminifera of the Hebridean Shelf,
West of Scotland, With Notes on Their Mode of Life (An) (2002)
PE5.2.6A Northern
Gondwanan Siluro-Devonian Palaeogeography Assessed by Cephalopods (2002)
PE5.2.8A Digitizing
Large Fossil Skeletal
Elements for Three-dimensional Applications
PE6.1.1A Fourier Method to Describe and Compare Suture
Patterns (A) (2003)
and Ichnological Significance of Microborings in Quaternary Foraminifera (2003)
PE6.1.3A New
Cretaceous Dinosaur Tracksite in Southern New Mexico (A) (2003)
PE6.1.4A Illustration
of Modern Benthic Foraminifera from Bermuda and Remarks on Distribution
in Other Subtropical/tropical Areas (2003)
PE6.1.5A Thecamoebian
2nd Edition (The) (2003)
PE6.2.6A Biogeography
of Some Eocene Larger Foraminifera, and Their Application in Distinguishing
Geological Plates (2003)
PE6.2.7A Morphometric Studies on
Three Ostracod Species of the Genus Digmocythere Mandelstam from the Middel
Eocene of Egypt (2003)
PE6.2.8A Casting, Replication, and
Anaglyph Stereo Imaging of Microscopic Detail in Fossils, with Examples from
Conodonts and Other Jawless Vertebrates (2003)
PE7.1.1A Horn
Use in Triceratops (Dinosauria: Ceratopsidae): Testing Behavioral Hypotheses
Using Scale Models (2004)
PE7.1.2A Holocene Solar Variability and Pelagic Fish Productivity in
the NE Pacific (2004)
PE7.1.3A Ordovician-Silurian
Distribution of Orthida (Palaeozoic Brachiopoda) in the Greater Iapetus
Ocean Region (2004)
PE7.1.4A Extraction of Calcereous
Macrofossils from the Upper Cretaceous White Chalk and Other Sedimentary
Carbonates in Denmark and Sweden: The Acid-Hot Water Method and the Waterblasting Technique
PE7.2.5A Pattern Matching: Classification of Ammonitic Sutures Using GIS
PE7.2.6A Triassic
and Cenozoic Palaeobiogeography: Two Case Studies in Quantitative Modelling
Using IDL® (2004)
PE7.2.7A On
the Simulation of the Evolution
of Morphological Shape: Multivariate Shape under Selection and Drift (2004)
Will Downs' Role in the
Geological Reconnaissance of River Canyons in Western China (2005)
Mio-Pliocene Growth of the
Tibetan Plateau and Evolution of East Asian Climate (2005)
Translation of Otto Zdansky's
"The Localities of the Hipparion Fauna in Baode Country in N.W. Shanxi"
(1923) from the German (2005)
The Ossified Braincase and Cephalic Osteoderms of
Shinisaurus crocodilurus (Squamata: Shinisauridae) (2005)
New Materials of Pararhizomys from
Northern China (2005)
Hyaenodonts and Carnivorans
from the Early Oligocene to Early Miocene of Xianshuihe Formation, Lanzhou
Basin, Gansu Province, China (2005)
Gobiolagus (Lagomorpha,
Mammalia) from Ula Usu, Inner Mongolia, and Comments on Eocene Lagomorphs of
Asia (2005)
PE8.1.8A Insect Bone-Modification
and Paleoecology of Oligocene Mammal-Bearing Sites in the Doupov
Mountains, Northwestern Bohemia (2005)
PE8.1.9A Turtle Tracks in the Judith River
Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of South-Central Montana (2005)
PE8.1.10A Anaglyph Stereo Imaging of
Dinosaur Track Morphology and Microtopography (2005)
New Species of Sinocapra (Bovidae,
Caprinae) from the Lower Pliocene Panaca Formation, Nevada (USA) (2005)
The Facial Skeleton of
the Early Oligocene Colodon (Perissodactyla, Tapiroidea) (2005)
PE8.1.13A A Procolophonid (Parareptilia)
from the Owl Rock Member, Chinle Formation of Utah, USA (2005)
Microwear in Modern Squirrels
in Relation to Diet (2005)
Biostratigraphic Survey
in the Siwaliks of Pakistan: A Method for Standardized Surface Sampling
of the Vertebrate Fossil Record (2005)
Misconceptions Arising
from the Misassignment of Nonhominoid Teeth to the Miocene Hominoid Sivapithecus
PE8.1.17A An Unusual Diatomyid Rodent
from an Infrequently Sampled Late Miocene Interval in the Siwaliks of
Pakistan (2005)
Snakes of the Siwalik Group
(Miocene of Pakistan): Systematics and Relationship to Environmental
Change (2005)
PE8.1.19A Will Downs and the Zinda
Pir Dome (2005)
PE8.1.20A Relationship of Chitarwata
Formation Paleodrainage and Paleoenvironments to Himalayan Tectonics and
Indus River Paleogeography (2005)
PE8.1.21A A New Enigmatic Large Rhinocerotid from the Upper Member of the Chitarwata Formation at Zinda
Pir Dome, Western Pakistan (2005)
PE8.1.22A Oligocene and Early Miocene
Ruminants (Mammalia: Artiodactyla) from Pakistan and Uganda (2005)
PE8.1.23A Taphonomic Observations on
a Camel Skeleton in a Desert Environoment in Abu Dhabi (2005)
PE8.1.24A Small Rodents and a
Lagomorph from the Early Miocene Bukwa Locality, Southeastern Uganda
PE8.1.25A Oligocene-Age (32.7-27.5
MA) Terrestrial
Strata of Northwestern Ethiopia: A Preliminary Report on Paleoenvironments and Paleontology
A Morphological Model and CT
Assessment of the Skull of Pachyrachis problematicus (Squamata; Serpentes), a 98
Million Year-Old Snake with Legs from the Middle East (2005)
Dinosaurs from the Early Cretaceous of Malawi, Africa (2005)
Therapsids from the Permian Chiweta Beds and the Age of the Karoo
Supergroup in Malawi (2005)
Cenozoic and Cretaceous Ichthyoliths from the Tofino Basin and Western Vancouver Island, British Columbia,
Canada (2005)
Neutron Tomography of Internal Structures of Vertebrate Remains: A
Comparison with X-Ray Computed Tomography (2005)
Dynamics of the Early Devonian Conodont Wurmiella from the Great Basin
of Nevada (2005)
Role of Constraint and selection in the Morphologic evolution of
Caryocorbula (Mollusca: Corbulidae) from the Caribbean Neogene (2005)
Combining Morphometric and Paleoecological Analyses: Examining
Small-Scale Dynamics in Species-Level and Community-Level Evolution (2005)
PE9.1.1A Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy and Fusulinids of Central and Eastern Iran
Modern Foraminifera Attached to
Hexactinellid Sponge Meshwork on the West Canadian Shelf:
How They Compare with Their Jurassic Counterparts in Europe (2006)
Quantifying a Possible Miocene Phyletic Change in
Hemipristis (Chondrichthyes) Teeth (2006)
A Diverse
New Assemblage of Late Eocene Squamates (Reptilia) from the Chadron
Formation of North Dakota, U.S.A. (2006)
Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) From The Late Miocene
Fissure Filling Biancone 1 (Gargano, Prov. Foggia, Italy) (2006)
Code for Theoretical Morphologic Simulation of Helical Colony Form in
the Bryozoa (2006)
Positioning and Enhanced Sterographic Imaging of
Microfossils in Reflected Light (2006)
Loosening the CLAMP: An
Exploratory Graphical Approach to the Climate Leaf Analysis
Multivariate Program (2006)
PE10.1.1A Chemoreception, Odor
Landscapes, and Foraging in Ancient Marine Landscapes (2007)
Stalked Crinoid Locomotion, and its Ecological and
Evolutionary Implications
Lauraceae Macrofossils and Dispersed Cuticle from the Miocene of Southern New
Microfacies of Stromatoliticicrofacies of Stromatolitic Sinter from Acid-Sulphate-Chloride
Springs at Parariki Stream, Rotokawa
Geothermal Field, New Zealand (2007)
Forelimb Stance and Step Cycle in Hasmosaurs Irvinenesis (Diosauraia
Neoceratopsia) (2007)
New Middle and Upper Jurassic belemnite ASSEMBLAGEs
from West Antarctica (Latady Group, Ellsworth Land): Taxonomy and
Paleobiogeography (2007)
Copyright: Coquina Press,
March 2007