Carrie E. Schweitzer
Department of Geology
Kent State University Stark Campus
6000 Frank Ave. NW
North Canton, OH 44720
Carrie Schweitzer is an Associate Professor in the
Department of Geology at Kent State University Stark Campus in North Canton,
Ohio. She received her B.A. from Hiram College, Ohio, and her M. S. and Ph.D.
from Kent State University.
She spends most of her time teaching introductory
geology courses to students at Kent State Stark and investigating fossil decapod
crustaceans of the world. She has an active grant program including being a
Co-PI with several others on the NSF-supported Assembling the Tree of Life: Decapoda project and conducting field and museum research in Eastern Europe and
southern South America. Her research spans alpha taxonomy (description of new
species); systematics (description and arrangement of higher level groups of
animals); phylogenetics (how animals are related); paleobiogeography (how
animals dispersed and were distributed in the past and through time); and
evolution and extinction patterns (why did crabs survive the Cretaceous
extinction better than most other animals, for example?). |