Moving Fingers
(PDF) 13.3.5E
Heinrich Mallison, Mark Purnell, and P. David Polly |
A Habitat-Based Perspective of Marine Biogeography in Passive
and Convergent Tectonic Settings
(PDF) 13.3.16A
Bjørn-Gustaf J. Brooks and Cinzia Cervato |
Palaeoenvironmental Implications of
Asteriacites lumbricalis in the Coste Dell'Anglone Sinemurian
Dinosaur Ichnosite (NE Italy) (PDF) 13.3.17A
Massimo Bernardi, Fabio Massimo Petti, and Marco
World Atlas of Distribution of Recent
Polycystina (Radiolaria) (PDF) (High-Resolution
Demetrio Boltovskoy, Stanley A. Kling, Kozo Takahashi, and
Kjell Bjørklund |
The Braincase of Youngina capensis (Reptilia, Dipsida): New Insights from
High-Resolution CT Scanning of the Holotype (PDF) 13.3.19A
Nicholas M. Gardner, Casey M.
Holliday, and F. Robin O’Keefe |
Palaeodiversity of
Caribbean Echinoids Including New Material from the Venezuelan
Neogene (PDF) 13.3.20A
Morana Mihaljević, Christian Klug, Orangel
Aguilera, Thomas Lüthi, and Marcelo R.
Sánchez-Villagra |
Finite Element
Analysis of Ungulate Jaws: Can Mode of Digestive Physiology be
Determined? (PDF) 13.3.21A
Thomas M. Fletcher, Christine M. Janis, and Emily J. Rayfield
PE Erratum:
Ecology of Paleocene-Eocene Vegetation at Kakahu, South
Canterbury, New Zealand (PDF) 13.3.22A
Mike Pole
An incorrect figure was placed in the PDF
version of 13.2.14A, in Volume 13, Issue 3. The
correct version of Figure 9 can be seen here. |
High Resolution
Three-Dimensional Laser-Scanning of the Type Specimen of
Eubrontes (?) glenrosensis Shuler, 1935, from the Comanchean
(Lower Cretaceous) of Texas: Implications for Digital Archiving
and Preservation (PDF)
Thomas L. Adams, Christopher Strganac, Michael
J. Polcyn, and Louis L. Jacobs

Cleaning Fossil Tooth
Surfaces for Microwear Analysis: Use of Solvent Gels to Remove
Resistant Consolidant (PDF)
Vincent S. Williams and Adrian M. Doyle
Evolution of Tertiary Mammals of North America Volume 2: Small Mammals,
Xenarthrans, and Marine Mammals
Christine M. Janis, Gregg F. Gunnell and Mark D. Uhen (editors)
Reviewed by P. David Polly
PE Notes
Within each article are links in the contents column to material that may be of further use to specific readers. There is a plain-language summary and there are multiple versions of the abstract in English, Français, Español, Deutsch, Arabic, and Polski. PDF versions of the articles are available (click on "print" beside the title) or from the contents column within the individual articles.
ISSN: 1094-8074, web version; 1935-3952, print version.
Coquina Press
Volume 13, Issue 3
November 2010