Leandro García Massini
Department of Geological Sciences
Southern Methodist
P.O. Box 750395
Dallas, Texas 75275-0395, USA
though I am not a big daddy yet, I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a long
time ago. I study science, and some day I hope I will be a scientist. I received
my undergraduate degree in biology from the University of Buenos Aires. Later I
received a M.S. in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the
University of Kansas. Now I am doing my PhD in the Department of Geological
Sciences at Southern Methodist University with Dr. Bonnie Jacobs. I also like to
read, listen to music, and cook with wine. I study science because I have always
felt curiosity for many things books or people cannot tell you. My specific
research interests include the ecology and systematics of plants and fungi, and
how each interacted with the other in ancient communities. See me in the picture
together with my friend Teshomé in Ethiopia. |